Political LGBTQ
Tanya Gaw, Founder of Action4Canada, provides evidence that the SOGI 123 learning resources are 100% incrementally indoctrinating, sexualizing and grooming children. The SOGI 123 lesson plans provide a shocking look at how the education system is being used to break down societal norms and the natural family by confusing children, exploiting their innocence and destroying their natural barriers against predatory behaviour. Tanya reviews the SOGI Toolkit: Teaching Resource and updates to the A4C SOGI/Wynne notice of liability. Please share this video!
(Review Ontario version HERE)
References from Tanya`s presentation: Review HERE
Tanya Gaw provides an in-depth report on SOGI123 (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity)/Wynne Sex Ed resources and curriculum. Tanya also provides overwhelming evidence that the LGBTQ activists’ infiltration into public (and private) schools is causing devastating harm to children, parents and society at large. All of which is being done without parents knowledge or permission.
What can you do? Tanya also provides you with effective resources, campaigns and solutions. Please watch and share this video and access the resources below.
References from Tanya’s presentation: Review HERE.
The LGBTQ have been hijacked by radical activists who are attacking the core freedoms and rights of all Canadians. The political activists are not interested in equal rights, diversity, or inclusion. Their objective is forced compliance and acceptance of their adult sexual proclivities and radical ideologies, that includes claims that there are more than two sexes and over a hundred genders. This is scientifically impossible since sex is an immutable characteristic consisting of two sexes, male and female. On January 20, 2025 female was defined by the Trump administration as “a person belonging at conception to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell,” which refers to eggs or ova. The definition does not distinguish gender and sex based on chromosomes, bypassing the issue of those who may have an irregular combination of chromosomes.
The United Nations (UN) is involved in this agenda and they are targeting children as “Agents of Change”. The UN has mandated that all member nations implement the “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” resource. This “resource” sexualizes children at the earliest age possible. This is causing great harm to minors and is an attack against the traditional family unit. Silence is not an option. The very well-being of our children is at stake. It is critical that Canada pull out of the UN.
Take Action Today!
Drag Queens
Notice of Liability: Stop Drag Queen Story Hours and Pride Events
Petition: Ban Drag Queen Events for Children. This petition is to be signed by residents in your local community and delivered to your elected officials, library boards, principals, etc.
Flyers: Print and share to
warn parents and protect children
- SOGI 123 (all other provinces and territories)
- SERC (Manitoba)
- Wynne Sex Ed (Ontario)
- Beyond the Basics (Nova Scotia)
Press release: in response to SOGI Flyers

Letter: Ban Non-Government and Special Interest Group Flags
Print the Petition: Ban Non-Government Flags. This petition is to be signed by residents in your local community and delivered to your elected officials, library boards, principals, etc.
2023 List – Voted NO to Flying the Pride Flag. Send us your success stories so we can add them to last year’s campaign!
If you are considering homeschooling visit our Homeschooling Revolution page for information on how to get started.
- View the list of SOGI 123 Inclusive Books for K-12 Schools
Quote from the SOGI website, “the following resources have been created in collaboration with educators to support integration of SOGI into the K-12 curriculum”. **They are openly condoning providing porn/explicit material, to minors.
Child Protection Facts and Resources Document: HERE
Criminal Code, Indemnification, Professional Standards, “Diverse Gender Offenders”, Pornography, Child Exploitation

SOGI 123/CSE Series: Safe and Inclusive for Whom?
Doctors perform double mastectomies on children and post the images to brag about it.
Sarah’s De-transition Story
WHO’s Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe.
The WHO has set this “standard” for ALL member nations as a framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists. The chart shows an example of one of the standards: teach children age 0-4 about masturbation.
WPATH: World Professional Association for Transgender Health
April 2024: WPATH is responsible for the mass medical mutilation of children and the leaked report proves that, “Behind closed doors, WPATH-affiliated healthcare professionals confess that their practices are based on improvisation, that children cannot comprehend them, and that the consent process is not ethical.”
“Shocking and Horrific” describes the leaked video and documents exposing the inner workings of the organization responsible for setting the so-called “standards of care” for gender transition treatments and surgeries on children. The leaked files reveal “widespread medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults,” according to a 241-page report disclosing emails, documents, and an 82-minute video.
April 2024: The renowned British pediatrician, Dr. Hilary Cass, just submitted her Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People to the NHS, which commissioned the review. The leaked minutes of one of WPATH’s meetings revealed, these doctors know very well that true informed consent from pre-pubescents and adolescents is impossible.
Overview: Comprehensive Sexuality Education
AKA: SOGI 123/Wynne Sex Ed
NEW STUDY June 11, 2024: German Study Desistance Rate is Above 50%
- A ground-breaking German study looks at longitudinal data over five years which point to desistance rates from “gender identity disorder” above 50% ranging from 72.7% in 15- to 19-year-old females to 50.3% in 20- to 24-year-old males.
Study 2018: According to this study there has been a 4515% increase in girls seeking to ‘transition’ to the opposite sex. “Some educationalists have previously warned that the promotion of transgender issues in schools has ‘sown confusion’ in children’s minds and that encouraging children to question gender has ‘become an industry.’
Individuals who have undergone sex reassignment surgery have a 20 times greater rate of committing suicide than the general population.
Twin studies demonstrate that Gender Dysphoria is not an innate trait. Moreover, barring pre-pubertal affirmation and hormone intervention for GD, 80 percent to 95 percent of children with GD will accept the reality of their biological sex by late adolescence.

Sept. 24, 2022 – The Tide is Turning!
Christian parents win change in government approach to transgenderism in schools

Statistics on the rise in children seeking gender care in the US
Transgender Research: Five Things Every Parent and Policy-Maker Should Know
Here is a compilation of research evidence on five key questions about these issues, shared in the hope of helping gender-confused young people receive the best care. Read more.
A Follow-Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder
Of the 139 male participants (age range: 3.33–12.99), 17 (12.2%) were classified as persisters and the remaining 122 (87.8%) were classified as desisters. View study.
Gender dysphoria (GD) in children is a term used to describe a psychological condition in which a child experiences marked incongruence between his or her experienced gender and the gender associated with the child’s biological sex. Twin studies demonstrate that GD is not an innate trait. Moreover, barring pre-pubertal affirmation and hormone intervention for GD, 80 percent to 95 percent of children with GD will accept the reality of their biological sex by late adolescence.
I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle
The doctors privately recognized these false self-diagnoses as a manifestation of social contagion. They even acknowledged that suicide has an element of social contagion. But when I said the clusters of girls streaming into our service looked as if their gender issues might be a manifestation of social contagion, the doctors said gender identity reflected something innate. Read more.
Mom has major regrets about transing her young son
A mother who transitioned her 4-year-old son to live as a girl, and then realized her mistake and transitioned him back to live as himself has spoken out, describing the realization that her child was not trans as being like “leaving a cult”. Read more.
The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour
Aimed at children, the phenomenon is far more subversive than its defenders claim. When parents, voters, and political leaders understand the true nature of Drag Queen Story Hour and the ideology that drives it, they will work quickly to restore the limits that have been temporarily—and recklessly—abandoned. They will draw a bright line between adult sexuality and childhood innocence, and send the perversions of “genderf*ck,” “primitivism,” and “degeneracy” back to the margins, where they belong. Read more.
Corrections Canada Report: Gender Diverse Offenders with a History of Sexual Offending
Almost two-thirds (64%) of these offenders committed a current sexual offence while 88% were convicted for prior sex offences…The majority (85%) committed offences that caused death or serious harm to their victim(s) while 70% inflicted psychological harm on their victim(s). Examination of the victimology shows that over half were children (58%) or female (55%). One-third (33%) of the offences committed had multiple victims. See the Research Stats at a Glance.
Over 80% of gender diverse offenders with sexual offence histories were trans-women. Sexual offending indicators showed that the majority of these offences were committed while living as their
biological sex, and that the highest proportion of victims were children or female. In addition, a majority of this sub-group caused death or serious harm to their victim(s). Read more.
April 14, 2023 – Planned Parenthood director commits suicide. Police raid his home in child porn case. The abortion chain also has a long history of ignoring or helping to cover up sexual abuse, especially involving underage girls.
Durham Catholic School Board: Further Action Required Against Systemic Inequality
School Board’s actions are eroding public trust and perpetuating systemic inequality. We must unite and take a stand.
Federal Election Debates 2025: Help Ensure there Will be a Leader Representing Your Core Values?
Federal Election Debates 2025: Will there be a Leader representing your core values at the Leadership Debate?
Empower Hour with Alex Newman: Unveiling the Deep State, Feb 26 2025
Empower Hour Alex Newman: Unveiling of the Deep State. All is being exposed!
Call to Action: Protect Kids: Stop Radical Ideologies Windsor, ON
It’s time to remind the elected members of the school board that they are accountable to parents, grandparents, and the tax-paying citizens and that PARENTS hold absolute authority over their children, 24/7!
Call to Action: Remove Pride Flags and Symbols from the Durham Catholic School District
Call to Action: Remove Pride Flags and Symbols from the Durham Catholic School District
Help Stop Vexatious Drag Queen Lawfare Against Action4Canada!
Action4Canada has retained lawyer Lee Turner to represent us in the case against drag queen Frieda Whales. Please help by donating to the A4C legal action fund today.
Empower Hour with Tanya Gaw: Reporting on Wins, Actions, Legal and More
Action4Canada is on the frontline fighting the critical issues in Canada. Join Tanya Gaw on the next Empower Hour as she reports on important Wins, Actions, Legal and More!
Take Action: Thank AB Premier Smith and the UCP. Credit where credit is due!
Lets thank the Alberta Premier Smith and the UCP for protecting children and biological females.
Empower Hour with Tanya Gaw: Be Encouraged, We Are Winning!
Wednesday December 11, 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST. A4C Empower Hour guest...
2024 Year in Review
You will be encouraged by Action4Canada’s 2024 Year in Review! It will provide an incredible overview of the impact Action4Canada is having and we ask that you consider financially supporting our work.
Empower Hour with Alex Newman: Saving Our Freedoms by Rescuing Our Children, Part 2
Empower Hour Alex Newman: Saving Our Freedoms by Rescuing Our Children Pt.2
Empower Hour A4C Chapter Leaders: Success Stories in the Battle4Canada Oct 9 2024
Meet Action4Canada Chapter Leaders who are on the frontline in the battle to overturn government tyranny and ward off a global takeover.
Call to Action: Rescind Senator Kristopher Wells’ Appointment
Call to Action: Rescind Senator Kristopher Well’s Appointment
Empower Hour: Audrey Werner – How to Raise Pure Kids in Today’s Culture
Wednesday September 18, 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST.A4C Empower Hour guest...
Windsor School Board: Further Action Required March 2025
We MUST remind elected members of the school board that they are accountable to parents, grandparents, and the tax-paying citizens and that PARENTS hold absolute authority over their children, 24/7!
Call to Action: Stop Government Lawfare, Support Bill Whatcott
Call to Action: Stop Government Lawfare, Support Bill Whatcott
Empower Hour with Alex Newman: Saving Our Freedoms by Rescuing Our Children
Globalists, utopians, socialists, totalitarians and the UN are using public schools to undermine freedom and Christianity. But you can resist! Register for the Empower Hour with Alex Newman to learn more!
Call to Action: New Brunswick Survey to Defend Parent’s Rights and Safeguard Children
Call to Action: New Brunswick Survey to Defend Parent’s Rights and Safeguard Children
Empower Hour: Action4Canada Chapters Working for Canadians, May 22 2024
Action4Canada Chapters are working hard for Canadians to protect our Kids, Communities, our Sovereignty, and Faith, Family and Freedom!
How to Recognize Sexual Predators and Red Flags
How to Recognize Sexual Predators and Red Flags
Petition: End Porn Distribution in Manitoba Schools
Petition: End Porn Distribution in Manitoba Schools
Happy 2nd Annual Biological Women’s Day! March 8th 2024
We wish a Happy Women’s Day to all the awesome mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, aunties, and best friends, who embrace their natural God-given womanhood!
Empower Hour Maxime Bernier: Fighting For Our Values Feb 21, 2024
Are you concerned about the next federal election and ensuring that critical issues will addressed by the next Prime Minister?
Empower Hour: Dr. Miriam Grossman, Lost in Trans Nation, Feb. 14 2024
Join us on the next Empower Hour for a Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness of Transinsanity.
Medical Mutilation of the Next Generation
The horrors of the medical mutilation of the next generation. “Gender Affirming Care” is causing more harm than good.
911 Remove Your Children From Government-Funded Education!
911 Remove Your Children From Government Funded Education!
Empower Hour Alex Newman Indoctrinating Our Children to Death January 24, 2024
Empower Hour Alex Newman Indoctrinating Our Children to Death, COP28 and Mass Immigration
Empower Hour Dr. Kelli Palfy, Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse
Empower Hour Dr. Kelli Palfy Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse
The Hidden Epidemic of Sexually Abused Males
The Hidden Epidemic of Sexually Abused Males
The Ultimate Deception: Gender-Affirming Care
The Ultimate Deception: Gender-Affirming Care
Empower Hour Dr Ann Gillies: The Ultimate Deception: Learning the Truth About Gender-Affirming Care November 22 2023
Dr. Ann Gillies: The Ultimate Deception: Learning the Truth About Gender-Affirming Care
Evidence: SOGI 123 is Indoctrinating and Grooming Children – Tanya Gaw Empower Hour Nov 1 2023
Evidence: Tanya Gaw exposes the “SOGI Toolkit” resource for teachers that is 100% Indoctrinating and Grooming Children.
A4C Message: 1MillionMarch4Children, and Unions Gone Rogue
A4C Announcement: Million March, Unions Gone Rogue and More
The History of the Deviants Behind Sexual Health Programs for Children
What is the history of those who are behind the sexual health programs taught to children? Joins us on the Empower Hour to find out. You will be shocked and disgusted.
Empower Hour: Audrey Werner September 20 2023
Who are the deviants behind the sexual revolution and how are they impacting our children and society today?
Protect Children: Homeschool and Take Control of Your Child’s Education!
Protect Children: Homeschool and Take Control of Your Child’s Education!
Flyer Campaign: Educate Parents about the Agenda to Sexualize Children in Schools
Flyer Campaign: Action4Canada is launching a nationwide Call to Action campaign to inform parents about what their children are really being taught. Print copies of the flyer and hand them to as many parents as possible at your local schools!
Protect Children: Traditional Values over Deviant Sexual Depravity
Protect Children: Biblical Traditional Values over Deviant Sexual Depravity
Empower Hour Kirk Cameron August 30 2023
Wednesday, August 30, 2023 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance.4:30pm PST – A4C...
Annual Back to School Call to Action
Action4Canada is encouraging men* (fathers/grandfathers/step-dads/uncles) to accompany their children on the first day of school, to remind teachers and principals just whose children they are!
Massive Win Against SOGI 123 in Saskatchewan and Progress in Manitoba!!
Massive Win Against SOGI 123 in Saskatchewan and progress in Manitoba!!
Empower Hour: Tanya Gaw on Tour Presentation Part 2 August 23, 2023
Presentation Part 2: The ramifications of the radical LGBTQ agenda attacking our children and societal norms.
Empower Hour: Tanya Gaw on Tour Presentation Part 1 August 16, 2023
Are you concerned about the sexualization of our children in the Education system; 15 Minute Cities; Mass Immigration; the Global Agenda working to destroy western civilization in order to create a tyrannical one world government? Then you won’t want to miss this Empower Hour.
Notice of Liability for Drag Queens and Pride Events
We MUST put a STOP to drag queen story hours for children and the vile pride parades permitting sexual deviants and predators to expose themselves to minors.
Petition: Ban SOGI 123 and Planned Parenthood Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan: Petition to Ban SOGI 123 and Planned Parenthood. Stop Sexualizing Children!
UPDATE: New Brunswick Policy 713 Call to Action
Thank you to everyone who responded to the Call to Action and sent letters of support to the NB Premier and Education Minister for passing Policy 713 to protect children and parental rights.
Call to Action: Support NB Premier Higgs Policy to Protect Children and Parents
Call to Action: Support NB Premier Higgs policy to protect children and parents from the radical trans agenda!
List: Voted No to Flying the Pride Flag
List of School Boards, Cities/Towns, Libraries and Police Depts who chose not to fly the pride flag!
The Ontario Government is Failing in Student Academic Achievement
The Ontario government is failing in student academic achievement as a result of being hyper-focused on socialist agendas and sexualizing children.
The Trans Cult Final Straw: An Incensed Father
The Trans Cult Final Straw: A Incensed Father
Exposing the Corruption of the Mission, BC School Board
Exposing the Corruption of the Mission, BC School Board.
Exposing School Board Censorship: Fascist Dictatorships
Exposing School Board Censorship as Fascist Dictatorships. Children’s safety be damned! There is an Agenda at hand!
Empower Hour Dr. Ann Gillies The Dangers of Affirming Gender Dysphoria May 24 2023
The Dangers of Affirming Gender Dysphoria
Ban Non-Government and Special Interest Group Flags
According to the law and Supreme Court rulings, public spaces should be neutral. Sign and send the letter to ban all non-government and special interest group flags!
“Educating” Global Citizens or Canadian Citizens?!
Youth Freedom Movement. Educating Global Citizens or Canadian Citizens?
Jon Uhler PowerPoint Charts
Copy of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist
Part 2: Analyzing Sexual Predatory Behavior and Systemic Grooming in the Education System
Tanya will discuss the radical difference between educating “Global Citizens” compared to “Sovereign Citizens”
Part 2: Empower Hour Jon Uhler March 22 2023 Sexual Predators
Part 2 Empower Hour Jon Uhler: Defining and Exposing Sexual Predators
Analyzing Sexual Predatory Behavior and Systemic Grooming in the Education System
Analyzing Sexual Predatory Behavior and Systemic Grooming in the Education System
Empower Hour Jon Uhler March 15 2023 Sexual Predators
Part 1: Empower Hour Jon Uhler March 15 2023 Defining and Exposing Sexual Predators
Taxpayer funded Changes to “Gender Affirming” Surgery Mutilating Children
Taxpayer funded Changes to “Gender Affirming” Surgery Mutilating Children
Happy Biological Women’s Day! March 8th
We wish a Happy Women’s Day to all the awesome mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, aunties, and best friends, who embrace their natural God-given womanhood!
Support Courageous Youth Rising Up Against the Woke Agenda
We must support the courageous youth who are rising up against the woke agenda!
Empower Hour Josh Alexander March 7 2023 Student Arrested
When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance. The zoom doors open at...
Mission BC SD 75 Defamatory and Libelous Statements Against Action4Canada
Mission SD 75 has made defamatory and libelous statements against Action4Canada
Part 2: Children at Risk – Remove School Trustee Willow Reichelt
Part 2: Children at Risk – Remove School Trustee Willow Reichelt
Part 1: Remove School Board Trustee Reichelt
Part 1: Remove School Board Trustee Reichelt. Trustees must be held accountable for their actions.
The Insidious Predators Among US
The Insidious Predators Among Us
Empower Hour Dr. Ann Gillies Pedophilia Feb 1, 2023
The Predators Among Us
Cancel Kelowna Library Drag Event for Children
Contact the Mayor, Council and RCMP and demand Freida Whales’ Library Drag Event be cancelled!
Urgent Action: Stop Drag Queen Sexualization of Children
Urgent Action: Stop Drag Queen Sexualization of Children
Drag Queen Freida Whales
Stop Drag Queen Story Times
Sexually Explicit Books in Schools
Sexually Explicit and Pornographic BooksCurrently Available in Schools and Libraries across...
Letter to Mayors and Council re Drag Queens
Dear Kelowna Mayor Dyas and City Council,
Questions… These are not rhetorical. I await your responses to each question:
“I am a Woman”
"I Am A Woman""I am a Woman" PDF Don't disgrace me, erase me or try to replace me. You see, I was...
Urgent: Drag Queen Protest Friday Nov. 25 2022
According to Section 163.1 of the Criminal Code, it is an indictable offense liable to...
Exposing SOGI-123/CSE Safe and Inclusive
Exposing SOGI-123/CSE: Safe and Inclusive, For Who!?
Empower Hour Garret Carr: Father Standing Behind his Wrongfully Accused Son, November 2 2022
SOGI 123: Students Silenced and Wrongfully AccusedWhen: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 4:30pm...
SOGI 123 Safe and Inclusive for Whom? Sexually Assaulted Students Silenced, Defender Wrongfully Accused
SOGI 123 Safe and Inclusive for whom? Students silenced, sexually assaulted and wrongfully accused.
SOGI Flyer Distribution Campaign this Halloween
Flyer Distribution this HalloweenPrint PDF HERE We request that you hand this flyer directly to...
Empower Hour October 26 2022 Sarah’s Detransition Story
The real life story of a courageous young woman who is detransitioning after being deceived by the radical LGBTQ sex activists in the public school system
SOGI 123: Safe and Inclusive For Who? Families Torn Apart and Child Abuse
SOGI-123: Child Abuse and Families Torn ApartThe LGBTQ sexual predators are actively involved in...
CBC LGBTQ Response
Re: “School Board Politics Regarding Gender and Sexuality”
Central Okanagan School District 23 – School Library Concerns
Children ages from 5 years old up to 17 years old have been, or are at risk of being exposed to books containing sexual references, sexual activity…
Empower Hour Barry Neufeld Paul Jaffe Oct 19 2022
Barry Neufeld along with his lawyer, Paul Jaffe, join us to provide an update on the proceedings that occurred at the Supreme Court of Canada on October 12, 2022 (Rally video below).
In Pursuit of Justice: Freedom of Speech and Protecting Minors
The radical LGBTQ sex activists our after our children. They are trying to disguise their devious, wicked, agenda as one built on love and diversity and working to protect ‘the most vulnerable” in Canada…no…in the world!
ARC Foundation
The ARC Foundation ( archived web pages: home page | about us | programs | working together ) is...
The Mutilation and Sterilization of a Generation
The LGBTQ radical sex activists who are lobbying government and pushing the trans agenda in...
Empower Hour Chris Elston AKA Billboard Chris
Disputing Gender Ideology Myths and What YOU Can do About it.
BCTF Letter Woke Trustees
Woke Political Social Justice programs have no place in public education!
National Organized Sexual Grooming of Minors Network
The question that needs to be answered: Is this an International network of sexual groomers and pedophiles preying on children and using our education system as a conduit?
Call To Action: Oppose Educators Sexually Exploiting Children
Sexually grooming children and pedophilia are criminal code offences and we must unite and oppose this agenda.
Empower Hour Barry Neufeld Exposing SOGI 123
Mr. Neufeld is up against an army of lawyers representing a dozen 2SLGBTQ+ collaborators who are involved in the largest network in Canada illegally exploiting and sexualizing children
Back to School Alert: Homeschooling Options
The “Sexualization Agenda” is robbing children of their innocence and opening the door to rampant sexual abuse and pedophilia…
Urgent Call to Action Stop the Sexualization of Our Children
Domestic terrorists (aka the Canadian Government), are radicalizing Canadian children and youth...

‘Historic’ census data sheds light on number of trans and non-binary people for first time
Of the more than 30.5 million Canadians aged 15 and over who were counted on the census, 100,815 of them identify as transgender or non-binary. That’s 0.33 per cent of the total population. Recent Stats Can census report (April 27th 2022) confirms that only 0.33% of the population are trans or non-binary.

Notice of Liability to Remove Pornographic Books and Radical LGBTQ School Learning Resource
June 11, 2022

They Are Coming After Your Kids!
May 15, 2022

BC father Warns of the Danger of Indoctrination in Public Schools.
September 5, 2020

Draconian Conversion Therapy Ban & Abuse of Power
Calgary, AB May 21,2020

The BC Father’s Battle Against the State Sponsored Abuse of His Daughter Continues Further Court Update March 11, 2020

Attack against parental rights and abuse and mutilation of children. Why is this being permitted? BC Father muzzled by the State
February 11, 2020

Attack against parental rights and abuse and mutilation of children. Why is this being permitted?
BC father muzzled by the State. February 11, 2020