Please take 5 minutes to respond to this Call to Action!
Christian activist Bill Whatcott and unnamed friends participated in the 2016 Toronto Gay Pride Parade in order to hand out flyers with Bible verses and health risk information. Naked homosexuals filled the streets, in full view in the presence of minors. However, it was not the disgusting naked men who were arrested and charged but Bill, for a so-called “Hate Crime”.
LGBT activists tried to sue him for $104 million and the Ottawa government put him on trial to jail him but they lost and Bill was acquitted in late 2021. But an appellate court reversed the acquittal in 2023 because the trial judge did not allow an LGBT activist masquerading as a scholar to give testimony in the trial. Shockingly, Bill Whatcott is being charged again for the same “crime”! (double-jeopardy is legal in Canada.) Learn more HERE.
Arthur Schaper from MassResistance is a friend of Action4Canada’s and reached out requesting our help to call on our members to support Bill by contacting Doug Downey, Ontario Attorney General, and urging him to drop this case. It is an absolute abuse of power and outrageous government lawfare at the expense of taxpayers. It’s time for Doug Downey to do the responsible thing, stop persecuting Christians and focus on real criminals instead. Below is Doug Downey’s contact information:
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: 416-326-2220
Sample Letter:
Dear AG Downey:
RE: Rex v. Whatcott (2016, 2024)
I am contacting your office to urge you to drop the criminal prosecution of William Whatcott of Alberta. Mr. Whatcott has already been acquitted of any crime and therefore, this further legal action is an obvious abuse of power, at the expense of taxpayers. The Ontario government must stop persecuting Christians and focus on real criminals instead.
When Mr. Whatcott attended the Toronto Pride Parade in 2016 he was simply exercising his charter rights of freedom of speech, religion, expression and assembly. He handed out Gospel tracts which contained medically accurate information and did not intend any harm nor incite hatred toward anyone. He committed no crime.
Therefore I, as a Canadian citizen and taxpayer, request your immediate attention to this matter, with the anticipation that you will dismiss this case.
Yours truly,
Thank you for taking ACTION! It is critical that we hold the government to account in upholding citizens’ guaranteed rights.
Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!
If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected]
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.
God bless you and God bless Canada!
The Team @