UPDATES: New Brunswick Policy 713 Call to Action

Action4Canada launched a Call to Action to support New Brunswick Premier Higgs and Education Minister, Bill Hogan for implementing Policy 713! The policy protects parental rights and vulnerable children from the radical LGBTQ2S+ agenda that is indoctrinating students through the education system. The new Policy 713, among other changes, now forbids teachers and staff from using the chosen name or pronoun — officially or unofficially — of a child under 16 without parental consent!
Public Safety Minister, and Father, Also Speaks Out
It is critical that citizens continue to call and write to the Premier and cabinet members to protect parental rights and also to protect children from a radical mob with radical ideologies that do not align with the majority of Canadians. The Prime Minister, the unions and the LGBTQ activists are losing grip and are rallying the troops in an effort to reverse the recent decision.
On June 2th, 2023 the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, funded by Soros Open Society Foundation and the Ford Foundation, threatened NB with legal action if they do not rescind their changes. They use inflammatory language referring to parents as dangerous and violent if they do not accept that their child has been lured into a cult that poses a serious risk to their child’s mental, emotional and physical well-being.
,Thank you to everyone who responded to the Call to Action. The Premier, cabinets members and the CBC reporter received hundreds of emails. In addition, there have been several developments since the Call to Action and another meeting in the legislature on Thursday June 15th:
- CBC reporter Jacques Poitras, reached out for an interview with Tanya Gaw and wrote this story. Although it does not compare to the National Post’s report, it is a step in the right direction and CBC readers have an opportunity to see that there is another side to this issue.
- PC Social Development Minster Shephard quit over changes to the LGBTQ policy! *This is an opportunity to get someone elected who will protect children and parental rights.
- Minister of Public Safety, Kris Austin, boldly spoke out in the legislature in support of Policy 713 and confirmed that the cabinet had received many emails! Send Mr. Austin a message of thanks and encourage him to continue to stand strong: [email protected]
- The cabinet voted to conduct a further study of policy 713 but Premier Higgs would not commit to following what they recommend.
- June 23, 2023: Another Cabinet Minister quits over
- June 27, 2023: Higgs Drops Two Rebellious Ministers in Cabinet Shuffle!
June 21, 2023: CBC’s Rosemary Barton cannot hide her bias in support of LGBTQ tran’s rights over parental rights, when questioning Premier Higgs.
Barton speaks with a condescending tone and makes it out like parental rights are a controversial issue. Quite appalling that she takes the position that parents are unsafe if they don’t go along with their child deciding to change their name and proceed with harmful puberty blockers and surgery that will permanently mutilate their body.
News flash Ms. Barton. Children do NOT belong to the state.
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