Action4Canada: Homeschool Association Directory

For Assistance Contact Doris
A4C Homeschooling Lead: [email protected]

Public schools, at all levels of education, currently pose a serious threat to our children due to the globalist’s agenda to use them as Agents of Change. As a result there is a growing national movement wherein parents are pulling their children out of public and private schools and opting to homeschool.  

More and more Canadians are seeing the value in good old fashioned, traditional learning built on a biblical Christian worldview and passing these values on to our children. Children are the future and what goes in is what comes out!

Join the Homeschool Revolution

If you are considering homeschooling and haven’t yet committed because you just don’t know where to start, then you will want watch this Empower Hour below. A panel of homeschooling experts provide presentations and answer questions.

Sign up to our Homeschooling Email List to get newsletters and notifications of upcoming homeschooling webinars:

If you are considering homeschooling and haven’t yet committed because you just don’t know where to start, then you will want watch this Empower Hour below. A panel of homeschooling experts provide presentations and answer questions.


Action4Canada’s goal is to assist parents, grandparents and guardians via webinars, providing resources, support, and solutions to counter the growing assault against our children that is being implemented via the education system. View the webinars by clicking on the images below.

Homeschooling Webinars

Parent Webinars

2024 Provincial Homeschool Conventions (in date order):

To find encouragement, connection, and inspiration, consider attending these home school conferences.

2025 Provincial Homeschool Conventions (in date order):

  • Saskatchewan – Regina – website to be updated (February 28-March 1st, 2025)
  • Manitoba – Winnipeg – website to be updated (March 28-29th, 2025)
  • Alberta – Edmonton – website to be updated (April 4-5th, 2025)
  • Ontario – Ancaster (May 2-3rd, 2025)

Homeschooling Directory, Curriculum Providers and Tips

There are so many amazing homeschool networks, curriculum providers and support groups to choose from. To help get you started Action4Canada has created a Canada-wide Homeschool Association Directory that includes curriculum providers and other important information.

For Homeschooling Tips, visit this page.

Legal Resources

Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada

The Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada (HSLDA Canada) is a national, membership-based organization that empowers, protects, and encourages homeschooling families by providing support. They are Canada’s leading legal team defending the freedom to homeschool in Canada. Expert legal support, insurance coverage, and advice from experienced staff are just some of the many benefits of becoming a member. Learn more HERE.

London Office – 1-519-913-0318 – Email – [email protected]
Quebec Office – 1-819-376-9739 – Email – [email protected]

In this episode, Peter Stock, President of HSLDA, joins Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada and Doris, Action4Canada‘s Homeschool Parent Support Lead, to talk about HSLDA’s services to support families who are homeschooling. HSLDA is a non-profit organization devoted to protecting, empowering, and advancing home education in Canada. They provide legal services and professional homeschool support to help their member families flourish.

CCEM – Canadian Christian Education Movement

In 2022, leaders of several Christian organizations came together to positively impact the educational context in Canada for children ages 3 to 18. Their goal is to see a resurgence of the Canadian church embracing, supporting, or housing a wide range of educational initiatives and resources that would serve their local families and communities with Christ-centered, quality education.

CCEM’s desire is to work with churches to support various forms of education which include daycares, Christian schools, home schooling, co-op Learning Centers, Distance Education and Language Learning. They also offer networking services, town halls, referral services, survey services, an initial consultation, and school legal support (by province).

Freedom Teachers – Alberta

Freedom Teachers is an alternative education freedom network founded by Christian Peterson and his wife Maggie, who were previously teachers with the Calgary Board of Education (CBE). They support Alberta families by organizing pods and connecting parents with tutors, and other like-minded families. Their model is built on the following core principles: Building Community, Student Development, Fostering Resilience, Learning Environment and Safety, and empowering and educating parents and educators. They recognize that the educational landscape is changing dramatically, and that information is power, so their vision is to build their network to transfer power back into the hands of parents so as to support future generations. Contact Christian and Maggie Peterson at [email protected] or [email protected]
Learn more HERE.

Action4Canada: Giving Youth a Voice

Genevieve gives us a thoughtful perspective of the pros and cons of homeschooling. “The good, the bad, and the blessing of learning at home.”

Homeschooling is a serious commitment, but is much less complicated than some may think. When we consider the alternative of public education it is definitely worth any sacrifices that need to be made.

The mental health, and well-being of children are at stake. 

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