Please take part in this Call to Action!

On August 31, 2024, when Canadians were busy enjoying a lazy Saturday of a summer long weekend, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau quietly appointed a radical, progressive LGBTQ+ activist named Kristopher Wells as an “independent” senator to represent Alberta.

This questionable appointment effectively ignored senators-in-waiting who were duly elected by Albertans — elections in which Wells was never a candidate. Prime Minister Trudeau’s appointment of Wells is a flagrant affront to Premier Danielle Smith, the citizens of Alberta and our precious children.

Premier Smith’s response, posted on X, criticized the senate appointment saying “Albertans’ interests have once again been blatantly disregarded by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Despite our province’s repeated democratic election of senators-in-waiting ready to represent Albertans’ interests, he has chosen to appoint a left wing partisan who will do whatever he and the Liberals order him to. The Senate continues to lose credibility as an institution and needs to be entirely reformed.”

Who is Dr. Kristopher Wells, PhD?

Dr. Kristopher Wells has master and doctoral degrees focused on sexual and gender diversity in education. His curriculum vitae (C.V.) includes being a public school teacher, a MacEwan University professor in Sexual and Gender Diversity, co-inventor of Pride Tape for the NHL, co-founder of Camp fYrefly for “queer and trans” youth ages 14 – 24, Editor-in-Chief of the international Journal of LGBT Youth, crusader for LGBT clubs in schools, and is an advocate for gender transition for minors and biological males in women’s sports. He is a financial supporter of the Liberal Party of Canada, a very public critic of Premier Smith’s LGBT and parental rights policies and is staunchly anti-Christian. He does not appear to have the objectivity required to be a senator given his narrow ideology and his disrespect and mockery of Jews, Christians and even members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Given all this, it is a pertinent question to ask … How independent will he be as a senator?

Does he represent your values? Does he represent Alberta’s values? Can he represent the Judeo-Christian values that Canada was founded upon?

It is obvious that this is part of Trudeau’s agenda to establish a legacy of his divisive and radical “progressive” policies long after he is gone from office, since senators remain in office until they reach age 75. The impetus for these destructive policies is the UN Comprehensive Sexuality Education goals. According to Government of Canada criteria, a senator is supposed to be independent and non-partisan — a “sober second thought” — but how is that possible with partisan appointments such as this?

What can you do?

If you disagree with the appointment of Dr. Kristopher Wells as a senator, Action4Canada is asking you to take action by sending the following template letter to the following list of officials. Senator appointments involve ALL Canadians, not just Albertans, so please participate. (Note: The Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators does not provide a formal complaint mechanism for the general public. However, the Senate Ethics Officer welcomes any information or concerns from members of the public and he will examine and consider such information).

Simply copy, paste and send the letter below to the following officials: 

“Right Hon. Justin Trudeau” <[email protected]>, “Hon. Pierre Poilievre” <[email protected]>, “Governor General Mary Simon”<[email protected]>, “Senate Advisory Board” <[email protected]>, “Senator Kristopher Wells” <[email protected]>, “Senate Ethics Officer” <[email protected]>,

Remember to email your MP as well. Find their email: HERE 

Notice to the Right Hon. Justin Trudeau, the Hon. Pierre Poilievre, the Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments, the Governor General Mary Simon, the Senate Ethics Officer Pierre Legault, my Member of Parliament and Dr. Kristopher Wells:

I request that the appointment of Dr. Kristopher Wells as senator for Alberta BE RESCINDED IMMEDIATELY as it is a blatant failure to respect Albertans’ elected senators-in-waiting, as well as a refusal to adhere to the requirements for senators to be independent, non-partisan, and representative of regional interests as per the Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments.

I request that, failing a rescindment, Dr. Wells immediately step down as senator.

I further request that if Dr. Wells remains in his appointment as senator — given that I, as a member of the public, do not have trust or confidence in his ability to represent Alberta, or the rest of Canada, as outlined in the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators dated June 13, 2024 — that the Senate Ethics Officer, Pierre Legault, consider and investigate Dr. Wells’ integrity as an independent, ethical and non-partisan advisor given his disparaging conduct and his demonstrable disdain for Albertans with opposing viewpoints.


Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @