Testimonies of Successful NOL Campaigns, Individual and Collective

Personal Testimonies from People Successfully Serving our Notices of Liability

Action4Canada is receiving many success stories of serving the Notices of Liability both individually, and collectively through campaigns. If you have a personal success stories please email: [email protected] and specify “Testimony” in the subject line.

Every Act, Statute, Order and By-law MUST be consistent with the Constitution or it is of NO force or effect. Every citizen, no matter their position, must adhere to the highest law of the land.

As a result of serving the Notice of Liability to ALL School Board Superintendents in BC the BC School Trustee’s Association, BCSTA, responded by attempting to advise the trustees and superintendents that they are immune from liability.  However, we dug a little deeper into the School Act and found the sections wherein they most certainly can be held ‘personally’ liable. 

In British Columbia, we launched a campaign directed at the School Board trustees in response to the government directing School Boards to decide on whether to mandate vaccines for teachers. In response to being served the NOL’s two trustees have already decided to resign, as well as two School Board superintendents. Also, many districts have since voted against  mandating vaccine and other trustees and teachers are requesting to be served NOL’s because they are opposed to the government’s tyrannical measures and receiving the NOL’s gives them more power to stand up.

As a further result of serving the NOL’s the CUPE union is also misinforming their members AND the BC government has issued a new COVID-19 planning resource which informs people that both the Order and the Guidelines allow exceptions for masking for A person who cannot tolerate wearing a mask for health or behavioural reasons.” 

We do not need their permission to not wear a mask or not get vaccinated but I guess it makes them feel more powerful if they say it. 

Click on the links below to see NOL Success Stories Across Canada