Sexually Explicit and Pornographic Books
Currently Available in Schools and Libraries across Canada

This document contains samples from sexually explicit and pornographic books that are being made available to children via schools and public libraries. We have also included screenshots that show some of the books in library catalogues as further evidence.
The following list of books has been created in collaboration with educators to support integration of SOGI/CSE into the K-12 curriculum. All of these books, and any other titles by the same authors, plus any books of the same genre must be immediately removed from all branches of the education system as well as from public libraries across Canada:
CSE/SOGI 123 (Comprehensive Sexual Education/Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) are Trojan horses that were brought into schools under the guise of anti-bullying and to teach children to be “inclusive” and support LGBTQ2+ students. However, introducing children to this program is a portal for exposing minors to sexually explicit/pornographic materials (books, magazines, comic strips), sexually deviancy (such as teaching children to masturbate and introducing youth to organizations that are involved in exploiting minors). These are criminal offences according to s.163.1, s.152 and s.171 of the Criminal Code, and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection defines them as sexual abuse.
How does viewing pornography affect tweens and teens?
- Pornography is not reality. It creates confusing expectations, attitudes and beliefs about
what to expect in a healthy sexual interaction. - Pornography makes sexual violence seem okay, that being aggressive will get you what
you want and that “no” means “yes.” - Pornography reinforces gender stereotypes such as guys call all the shots and girls are
meant to be used for a sexual purpose. - It portrays people as objects; a thing to be used and not as a person.