Please Donate to the Legal Action Fund today!
Action4Canada needs your help, but first some background information:
In January of 2023 Action4Canada created a petition and brought awareness to a matter involving Tyson Cook, aka drag queen Frieda Whales, who was set to perform/read to children at a local library. We learned that in his spare time, Mr Cook created videos depicting murders, cannibalism and Satanic-like rituals and his social media posts consisted of sexually vulgar and profane language (learn more here).
In addition we discovered that Mr Cook also works with vulnerable special needs children as a certified Education Assistant (EA) in the Kelowna School District as well as with autistic children for AutismBC.
Our petition requested that the City of Kelowna STOP using taxpayers’ money to fund Drag Queen Story Hours, and that the School District reassess Mr Cook’s suitability as an EA.
According to the BC Commissioner for Teacher Regulation, School Districts as well as the public have a “Duty to Report” if there are concerns regarding breaches of Professional Conduct, on or off duty. Although Mr Cook is only an EA he must be held to the same standard when working with children. It is important to note that in Coquitlam, BC in July 2023 an EA was fired because she was in violation of the Code of Conduct for running a social media account offering paid adult content.
Despite almost 19,000 people signing the petition, the Kelowna School Superintendent, Kevin Kardaal, did nothing and gave Mr Cook a free pass.
Now, two years later, Mr Cook has decided to file a vexatious and frivolous Notice of Civil Claim accusing Action4Canada of publishing “statements online that are harassing, disparaging, and defamatory“…and that “these publications contain obviously false content”. However, all of the content was created by Mr Cook, not A4C. We merely reported on and posted what he had already made public, as is our duty to do so.
How you can help:
Action4Canada has retained a lawyer to represent us (more info to come). Since we are fighting to protect children across Canada this claim involves everyone so we would be very grateful if you would please donate to the Legal Action Fund today.
Thank you for partnering with Action4Canada to win this ideological war and bring sanity back to humanity!
Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!
If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected]
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.
God bless you and God bless Canada!
The Team @