Alert! Burnaby, BC High School invites a deviant drag queen
to perform for youth as young as 13 years old.

On Wednesday March 4th the Moscrop Secondary School in Burnaby, BC organized a school District Diversity Dance for “ALL” students in the Burnaby and New Westminster School District!  A Vancouver Drag Queen “Kendall Gender” is invited to perform for children as young as 13 years old.  This sexual deviant is being permitted to perform and corrupt children’s minds and the School Superintendent is on board. View Here

Laura Lynn also reports that a teacher from another district, in the Greater Vancouver area, took a 13-year-old child to get an abortion “without” parental consent.

We are in a war for our children’s hearts and minds!  We must unite and speak up.

Please email the Burnaby School Superintendent, Gina Niccoli and organizer, Dan Adrian, and demand this event be cancelled.  Also email Education Minister Rob Flemming (an LGBTQ activist) and request an investigation and removal of these staff members.

The rising exploitation of children is at the hands of sex activists who claim they are seeking equal rights for the marginalized LGBTQ community, but it is a lie, they want acceptance so that they can groom children and take advantage of them.   Please take action.

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…these are God-given inalienable rights and ours for the taking..

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God bless you and God bless Canada!

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