Jonathan Montpetit, CBC Journalist, requested a comment from Action4Canada on the municipal/school board elections that took place in BC and Ontario, and wanted to know our position on “gender and sexuality.” Montpetit stated, “some people we’ve spoken to for our story have suggested your organization’s stance on these issues is “homophobic and transphobic.”
Action4Canada had no interest in commenting in time for the article having anticipated it would be a biased report. We were right. “Scores of anti-trans candidates running in Ontario school board elections.” CBC’s article attacked candidates who have the moral integrity to expose the sexualization of our children in the education system. As for the name calling this is merely a failed attempt used to shut down opposition by those who lack the intellectual fortitude and honesty to admit the obvious, that this sexual agenda is causing great harm to minors and is an attack against the traditional family unit.
Action4Canada’s PRESS RELEASE is intended to help educate the public in the absence of honest reporting.
Date: October 20, 2022
Attn: Mr. Montpetit, CBC News
Re: “School Board Politics Regarding Gender and Sexuality”
The Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE/aka SOGI 123) program, which is mandated by the UN to be implemented in every member nation, is being contested in countries around the world due to its highly sexualized non-age appropriate content. It is a agenda to radically sexualizes minors at the earliest age possible and exposes them to non-age appropriate material and unscientific ideologies. This is causing a social contagion resulting in rapid-onset gender dysphoria with an over 4000% increase in girls who now say they identify as a boy. This statistic was from 2018 and it has continued to increase since then as a direct result of the CSE resource.
In your request for comment you mentioned that there are those who are suggesting the redundant statement that Action4Canada is homophobic or transphobic. This is a tactic to subvert attention from the real issue. Name calling is used to shut down opposition by those who lack the intellectual fortitude and honesty to admit the obvious, that this agenda is causing great harm to minors and is an attack against the traditional family unit. Action4Canada supports the constitutional rights of every individual within the limits of the rule of law.
As a result of the social justice campaigns that have now become the primary focus of education our children are failing and falling behind on the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. There are many reports showing grade-inflating, which awards higher grades than students deserve, just in order for them to pass. We would like to know why the Ministers of Education and every school board aren’t addressing these issues as a top priority instead of the fixation on “gender and sexuality?” Rather than focusing on academia they are facilitating the exploitation of children for profit and political gain.
The LGBTQ activists are attempting to use the amendment to the human rights code, which provides special privilege to the LGBTQ community based on sexual orientation and gender identity, as a legal means to implement the CSE program. However, it has become evident that the CSE learning resources, implemented into the provincial educational curriculum across Canada in the past several years, have become an avenue to expose minors to sexually explicit, pornographic and inappropriate learning resources, activities and/or events. This is in violation of the criminal code and the standards of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. The amendment to the HR code does not protect the LGBTQ activists from criminal liability. The HR code is being used out of context and for nefarious reasons.
The LGBTQ community’s platform has been hijacked by radical activists who are attacking the core freedoms and rights of all Canadians and targeting minors. The political sex activists are not interested in equal rights, diversity, or inclusion. Their objective is forced compliance and acceptance of their adult sexual proclivities and ideologies.
Action4Canada is focused on addressing this reprehensible agenda and advocating for ALL children, especially the most vulnerable who are falling prey to this system of indoctrination which is sexualizing children and causing psychological and physical harm.
Tanya Gaw
Please review our website to learn more. https://action4canada.com/political-lgbtq-activism/
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