Notices of Liability
Business, Mask, Jab, Testing etc

Protect yourself, your job and your children
Personal liability is a critical weapon in this war against individual rights and freedoms. Canadians have inalienable rights. We have a Constitution and a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, plus the Rule of Law. If you do not want to lose your rights then you need to take action to protect them by holding those who are violating your rights, personally liable.
No Order or government mandates supersede YOUR guaranteed right to work; assemble; worship; or see your family or loved ones; nor to force you to have anything stuck into any part of your body without your 100% consent. If you do not want to lose your rights then you must not concede, comply or give in to this tyranny.
To assist you, Action4Canada has created the following Notices of Liability and non-consent form to protect you and your family from a government that is out of control.
Click on these links to jump directly to each Notice of Liability section:
- Remove Pornographic Books and Radical LGBTQ Learning Resources
- NEW: SMART/15 Minute Cities
- Wins: Personal Testimonies From Serving the NOLs
- Masks
- COVID Testing
- Healthcare
- Children/Students
- Employees
- Businesses
- Media
- Elected/Appointed Officials, Church Leaders and Administrators
- Premiers and Health Officials
- NEW: Mobility Rights/Travel
- NOL Further Response Letter Templates
- NOL Flyers
- I Care Card
- Videos of NOLs being served
NOTE: You do not need a lawyer to serve a Notice of Liability.
Fill in the top of the NOL with the name of the person you are serving, sign and date the bottom, keep a copy, and either deliver personally or send by registered mail.
Watch the video below for help with finding and using the Action4Canada Resources:
NOL to Remove Pornographic Books and Radical LGBTQ Learning Resources
SMART /15 Minute Cities
Mask NOL – Adults, Youth and Children
Did you know that there is no law in Canada that legislates you must wear a mask. There is no law because the government cannot interfere with your RIGHT to breathe freely. Therefore, use the following NOL to serve your employer, a store owner, your child’s school, etc. today!
- NEW Nov 2022: Unlawful Masking of Children – use this cover letter to serve along with the Notice of Liability – Student Mask/Covid Notice to Educators to prevent further mask mandates being implemented.
- Notice of Liability against Masks – Adults, Children, & Youth
COVID Testing
- Notice of Liability Against Forced Covid Testing
- NEW: Notice of Liability Against Rapid Antigen Tests
Right to REFUSE Covid Testing. It is unlawful to force anyone to undergo a medical procedure. Testing is a medical procedure.
- Warning Letter: English version | French version
Print off and attach to your medical card to advise medical professionals of your wishes should you need hospital care.
We have a duty to protect the public and minors from this harmful, deadly, injection. This NOL should also be used if you have to go to the hospital for surgery or any other treatment. Make sure you give it to a Nurse/Doctor to attach to your file.
Serve a pharmacist – Save a Life:
Letter for healthcare professionals to send to their professional college’s registrar.
This page has a list of A4C documents that you can use in Medical Situations
BC Medical Section 9 Representation Agreement: Hospitals and Care Homes across Canada have been prohibiting access to loved ones after being admitted. Fill in and present the Section 9 Representation Agreement to ensure you can be physically present to help make decisions and oversee the care of your loved one. Applies in BC only.
PROTECT MINORS – **Do not give the NOL to your child to serve. Follow the instructions provided.
- Revised Nov 2022: Parent/Child Notice of Liability (for parents & citizens concerned about minors)
- Revised Nov 2022: Post Secondary Student Notice of Liability
- Revised Nov 2022: Minors: Sports/Performing Arts
Student Mask/Covid Notice Non-Consent NOL to Educators
- NEW Nov 2022: Unlawful Masking of Children – use this cover letter to serve along with the Notice of Liability – Student Mask/Covid Notice to Educators if you are a parent/caregiver OR a concerned citizen, to prevent further mask mandates being implemented.
If anyone is disregarding the Notice of Liability and interfering with education, extra-curricular activities or essential or non-essential services then use the following letter to inform them they will be held ‘personally’ liable for any loss of income, damages and/or injury you suffer as a result of their actions. You are not addressing them in their capacity as an educator, business owner or coach but as a citizen who is committing indictable offenses. Any post-secondary student being prohibited from attending school is missing out on future income and should be included in your claim.
NEW: Drop the Mic Letter – Include with the Notices of Liability
Additional Vax Mandate Letter of Response
NEW: Notice of Liability to Remove Pornographic Books and Radical LGBTQ Learning Resources
Visit the Workers Unite page for step by step instructions on how to serve your employer/union and educate yourself on your rights and how to maintain your employment.
If all else fails…it is time to file criminal charges. Remember, you are not going after anyone in their capacity as an employer or union rep but as a citizen who is in violation of the criminal code and your guaranteed protected Constitutional rights.
David Lindsay’s E-book on how to file criminal charges against other citizens, “The Annotated Criminal Code Procedure in Canada,” is available by emailing David at [email protected]
Go to the Empower Hour page and listen to Oct. 13 and Oct. 27, 2021 for further instructions.
The media need to be held personally liable for the deception and distortion of facts, that they have perpetrated on the public regarding the withholding of information and/or promotion of hate speech including but not limited to, the harms of masking, lockdowns, social distancing, PCR testing, the experimental injections (“vaccines”) as well as the targeted attacks against any dissenting voice, including medical professionals.
Elected/Appointed Officials,
Church Leaders and Administrators
AGAINST Elected/Appointed Officials,
Church Leaders and Administrators (EG. Care Homes, Etc)
Premiers & Health Officials
If you are a church leader, business owner, educator, medical professional, law enforcement or firefighter…. Sign and send one of the following notices to your Premier and Provincial Health Officer advising them that you will no longer comply with Orders that are unlawful, irrational, causing harm, and in violation of the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Mobility Rights
Every citizen has the Guaranteed right to travel in Canada. The right to enter, remain and leave Canada.
Further Response Letter Templates
Have you served a Notice of Liability and are now engaging in follow up conversation with Elected Officials, government officials, unions, educators or employers and wondering how to write a letter?
Then this page is for you. Action4Canada has also been engaging in letter writing and we have creative templates as examples for you to use to craft your own letter.
Notice of Liability Flyers
I Care Card
NEW: Occupational Health & Safety Legislation: In relation to Workplace Violence and Harassment Canada.
Fill out this I Care Card to report potential hazards or events of objectionable or unwelcome conduct, comments, threats, bullying, physical and psychological harm.
Action4Canada accepts no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that occur as result of delivering this notice. If you do not agree to these terms then please do not use this notice. We do not make any representations or warranties about the potential consequences of delivering this Notice of Exemption/Non-Consent (eg. removal of child from a private school). A parent/legal guardian must decide what is in the best interest of their child.
Legal Action Updates
Review the details of A4C’s ongoing legal action against the BC and federal government in response to their unlawful, egregious, and overreaching response to so-called Covid-19.
NOL Wins: Testimonials

Review some of the personal testimonies from people who successfully served the NOL’s. From getting masks off their children to removing ‘vax’ stations at schools to 45,000 teachers and school staff in BC keeping their jobs and never being put on unpaid leave.
BREAKING NEWS: Most CENSORED paper on EARTH – The Lancet-Censored “SUDDEN DEATH” COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Paper” has been peer reviewed and published!!
NOLs in Action