UPDATE: Biblical Sexuality Sunday

UPDATE: Biblical Sexuality Sunday

With Bill C-4 becoming law, our Federal Government has declared that the Biblical foundations for marriage and sexuality are “myths and stereotypes.”

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Unlawful Masking of Children

Unlawful Masking of Children

With the recent talk by the government of reintroducing mask mandates in schools, it is vital that we push back even harder than before.

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Remove Chief Justice Germain

Remove Chief Justice Germain

File a complaint with the Canadian Judicial Council. Corrupt Justice’s who are in breach of their oath should not remain on the bench! It’s time for Judge Germaine to step down and be held accountable.

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June 11th 2022

Notice of Liability to Remove Pornographic Books and Radical LGBTQ School Learning Resource.

June 5th 2022

Sign the Parliamentary E-Petition E-4010 calling for the government to immediately repeal the Order in Council to introduce further restrictions on licensed firearms owners in Canada. Learn more.


July 24, 2022 – UPDATE.

Win! The government reversed the Deportation Order. Thank you to everyone who wrote letters and donated to the Ogunkoya’s legal costs. 

June 5, 2022

Please Donate to One Free World directly and help this Christian family, who are facing certain harm, including death, should they be forced to return to Nigeria. Learn More and Share.

May 26th 2022

Do NOT give up your guns or give in to the government’s continued efforts to remove guns from responsible gun owners by applying further restrictions. Read More and Share.

May 26th 2022

It is critical that elected officials understand the harm that is being done to our children and youth as a result of their reckless actions. Read More and Share.

May 22nd 2022

Investigation Into Criminal Allegations Concerning Pandemic Response

Provide a copy to your local police and request they investigate. Also, deliver a copy to every elected official in your district or riding. Read More and Share.

May 13th 2022

A Christian Family is Being Deported…from “Canada” and are facing persecution and even death if they are forced to return to Nigeria. Please Contact the Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, today, be polite, but demand justice[email protected]
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May 9th 2022

Send the following letter to your MP and implore them to bring public awareness to the WHO’s scheme to implement a so-called “Pandemic Treaty” by 2024 (but it could come sooner). Read More and Share.

April 26th 2022

As more Canadians become aware of the World Economic Forum’s influence in Canadian politics, yet another globalist project, the WEF’s “Known Traveler Digital Identity,” lists both the government of Canada and the government of the Netherlands, along with various airports, and Air Canada as the testing grounds for an international digital ID system with “advancements in biometrics.” Read More and Sign the Petition

April 19th 2022

We need your help! In order to defend Canadian pastors and citizens we need to take this to the courts as well as confront government leaders head on. It is critical to raise funds for this campaign. Please Donate Here for the “Legal Fund To End the Persecution of Canadian Christians”.

March 14th 2022

Bill C-230 defends conscientious, pro-life health care professionals. “The bill proposes an amendment to the Criminal Code that would protect medical professionals from intimidation or coercion to participate in medically assisted suicide.” Read More and Sign the Petition


March 14th 2022

Bill 67 is an Ontario Bill that embraces Critical Race Theory. Read More and SHARE this ACTION!

March 6th 2022

Contact the Senate now and request they vote NO to the Socialist agenda behind Bill S-233. 

February 27th 2022

Please continue to call on the Liberal MPs and demand they remove Trudeau and then resign.

February 20th 2022

We MUST call on law enforcement to stand WITH the people they swore an oath to serve and protect.