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Next Homeschool Webinar: Work Dynamics, Homeschooling and Parenting for Busy Moms

DATE: Tuesday October 22, 2024
TIME: 10 am PST/1 pm EST

With the realities of today’s economy, many homeschool moms find themselves having to wrestle with the dynamics of nurturing and educating their children, in conflict with other responsibilities that seem to compete for their attention. Whether you work on a home based business, volunteer for an organization or are employed outside the home, our next webinar is for you. Join our panel of guests as we explore work dynamics, homeschooling, and parenting for busy moms.

Register today for Action4Canada’s next Homeschooling webinar:

**After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Homeschooling Information and Contact

Contact A4C’s Homeschool Parent Support Lead: [email protected]

Action4Canada has created a Homeschooling Page to help connect you to homeschooling organizations in your province and other helpful resources.

Action4Canada Homeschooling Webinars

October 2, 2024

Author, speaker, podcaster, and newspaper writer, Jason Weening, joins Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, to discuss how husbands and dads can be intentional about leading & loving their families, how they can support homeschooling moms, and to help fathers understand their role of dad in the home school.

Jason and his wife Alli have been married for 20 years and homeschool their 10 kids, (although Jason will say that Alli is doing most of the homeschooling). He speaks to dads and moms encouraging them to be intentional in their most important organization – their family!

He just released a wholesome adventure book for kids, Danger in the Jungle. He co-hosts the Helping Men Thrive podcast and supervises the care of pigs, hens, ducks and cows on their small hobby farm in Saskatchewan. After spending 15 years in the business world, he moved into a ministry role at his local church. Their adventure-loving family recently returned from living in the Dominican Republic for 6 months.

You can find Jason Weening and his podcast at www.Heydads.ca
To purchase Jason Weening’s new book Danger in the Jungle, click here.

September 24, 2024

Patty Marler joins Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, to discuss various learning styles, and how parents discover their teaching styles. Patty is the Government and Media Relations Representative for HSLDA Canada (Home School Legal Defense Association), promoting and protecting homeschooling. Her advocacy work has resulted in many post-secondary institutions creating specialized home education admissions policies, and has helped lay the foundation for the notification only option in Alberta. In addition to her advocacy work, Patty provides direct support to home educating families across Canada and her passion and home education experience have made her a well-received conference speaker across the country. Patty is passionate about helping homeschool parents build a quality education and seeing home educated children flourish.

Patty holds a Bachelor of Science: Major in Psychology and has worked as both a social worker and as a career counselor. She is also the co-author of nine career planning books. Previously, Patty was the President and Government Liaison of the Alberta Home Education Association (AHEA), and a founding board member of Parents for Choice in Education (AB).

Patty and her husband homeschooled their four children from K-12. Knowing each child and teaching to their way of learning required a variety of teaching methods and educational resources.

www.homeschool.today – under Resources, take a Learning Style quiz

www.hslda.ca – sign up to become a member

September 10, 2024

Would you like some valuable tips on organizing your days…and weeks? Maybe you’re wondering how you will get your chores done, or feeling the pressure of providing dinner on the table while running your children to and from their afterschool activities.
In this webinar, Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, speaks with Grace Peters, of Rhythms of Grace Homeschool Life. Grace has put together a home management resource called The Simplified Homeschool Life Bundle – an organizational toolkit that will help you along the way so you can enjoy the homeschooling weeks and years ahead!

Topics covered are: school routines, daily & weekly meal plans, daily habits, cleaning lists, morning & evening routines, morning baskets, printable mom-planners, and printable student planners
Grace will share her experience from 14 years (and counting) of homeschooling her own four children. You will be able to relate with her as she shares her own need to become more organized which lead to her creating this helpful resource.

*To order Grace’s resources, go to her Instagram page at rhythmsofgracehomeschoollife
*Or join her Facebook community at rhythmsofgracehomeschoollife
*At Etsy.com: Plum Cheeky Solutions (printables can also be found here)

August 27, 2024

*A recommended book – “Loving Your Kids on Purpose” by Danny Silk. A great resource for developing relationships with your kids where they will listen & obey.

*Curriculum Providers:

Join Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, as she interviews this experienced panel of passionate homeschool moms, as they answer many of your questions on homeschooling.

Emily Ross – served on the PEI Home Education Board and is entering her 14th year home educating. Two of her three children have recently graduated.

Jilene Hay – Jilene Hay, from BC. Mother of 4 and entering her 11th year of homeschooling. She & her husband run a home-based natural health & wellness business.

Lori Dunbar – a recently retired homeschool mom after graduating two of her daughters. Lori also served on the Saskatchewan homeschool board for 4.5 years, including a term as the interim president.

The panel will unpack questions like:

  • Am I good enough and qualified to do the job?
  • How will I get my kids to listen to me?
  • Will my kids meet the learning outcomes?
  • Do I have the right curriculum?
  • What if we have a bad day?
  • Are the kids being socialized?
  • What’s the advantage of support groups?
  • How much time does it take to do the formal instruction?
  • What do I do with my kids after their formal school work is done?
  • What does education and discipleship look like?
    How do we steward these years?
  • When discouragement sets in, how do I keep going?

June 25, 2024

Ever wonder how to take advantage of teachable moments with your kids in everyday life? Are you trying to figure out how to make another income so you can homeschool?

Join Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, and Dan Vachon, A4C‘s Pastor, and Maritimes’ Chapter Team Leader, also known as Prepper Dan, as they explore many creative ways to learn beyond paper and pen, and how to use your resources and skills to build a business.

Dan, a father of nine children (and grandfather to 11 grandchildren), homeschooled himself as an adult by learning new skills when he moved to rural Nova Scotia after growing up in a major Canadian city. He went on to own three farms. His children learned the art of farming, carpentry, electrical and plumbing trades, food security, foraging and many other life skills.

Dan shares interesting and exciting stories of his own family’s homeschooling experiences which will inspire you to make your own experiences count in your child’s learning plan. He also shares his own business ideas that may inspire you to try a new venture in your own life.

Prepper Dan’s YouTube channel

Food security link which includes ALL Prepper Dan Videos and A4C Empower Hours.

June 11, 2024

Ever wonder how to make summer activities for your kids that are enjoyable, meaningful and educational? How can homeschool parents use the summer to prepare for the fall?

In this panel of experienced homeschool moms, Grace Peters, owner of Rhythms of Grace Homeschool Life, and Lori Dunbar, former president of the Saskatchewan Homeschool Association, join Doris to share ideas (see handout here) on how to make the most of summer – from activities, clubs, sports, camps, jobs and chores, to day-to-day routines. The discussion also covers the value of down-time for kids and how they can use that time for self-development and recharging.

Other topics include what to do when your child tells you they are bored, or what to do on a rainy day. Teachable moments and delight-directed studies are also discussed.

Creative tips for parents to prepare for the fall school year will help families start the season with confidence.

Find Grace Peters’ Instagram link here: https://www.instagram.com/rhythmsofgracehomeschoollife/

Books of interest include:
The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas, by Linda Dobson
Loving Your Kids on Purpose, by Danny Silk

May 28, 2024

David Hunt from the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy Canada, joins Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, to discuss the latest comprehensive research and statistics from the Cardus Education Survey, comparing outcomes of homeschoolers and private schoolers (whether religious or non-religious) and public schoolers. The age group for the survey is from 24-39. You will be encouraged to see solid evidence that homeschool graduates are thriving both academically and socially and may help put you at ease knowing you’re on the right path with/to homeschooling.

David Hunt, BBA & MPP is the Research Director for the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy in Canada. David has deep and wide experience including as an entrepreneur, business consultant, and as a director of education programs. David has published over one dozen peer-reviewed research studies, written dozens of columns, hosted multiple forums on education, given dozens of speeches on education-related topics including on the benefits of school choice, and has been widely interviewed by the media over the past decade.

May 14, 2024

Our special guest Peter Stock, president of HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) joins us once again to discuss the latest homeschooling updates in Canada.

Topics discussed include:

    • The status of home education right across Canada.
    • Some trends they’re seeing that are in opposition to home education freedom.
    • An exciting new trend in Canada – the explosive growth in homeschooling through the high school years.
    • Success in post-secondary admissions – a brief overview of how homeschool grads are faring.
    • The latest academic research findings – a very interesting study was recently published
    • A Global Home Education Update – what is happening around the world.
    • Conferences near you.


April 23, 2024

Are you a mom of a son and struggling to understand how to raise your son in a world that seems to be increasingly hostile toward men?

In this homeschooling webinar, author, speaker, podcaster, and homeschooling mom, Durenda Wilson, returns to speak with Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, about her latest book Raising Boys to Men – Raising and Homeschooling Boys.

Raising boys in the current cultural climate is challenging.  Boys are often misunderstood and misdiagnosed when they are simply doing what God, our Creator, wired them to do.  As moms of boys, we can struggle to understand them, and want to respond in a way that will encourage our boys toward the kind of manhood to which God calls them.


April 9, 2024

In this homeschool webinar, former Alberta Homeschool Consultant, Colleen Lowther, joins Doris, A4C‘s Homeschooling Lead, to discuss Success With Homeschooling.

Because this is the time of year when parents (mostly moms) get weary and question their choices, Colleen will help them see the big picture and excite and encourage them to meet the challenge of finishing the school year and join the growing homeschooling phenomenon as it moves into the second and even third generation of homeschoolers.

Colleen shares her joys and cautions from her own experiences as a homeschool mom and gives personal stories as a homeschool consultant with hundreds of homeschooling families. She will touch upon “teachable moments, delight-directed studies and positive socialization” with the goal to help prepare children to do well in life. Her wisdom, experience and perspective will encourage all moms, whether married, single, widowed, or moms with special-needs kids – even dads as the primary educator.


Nov 28, 2023

Encouragement for the Home Schooling Parent – How to Adapt Curriculum to Meet Your Family’s Needs

Hester VanBraeden, owner of Classical Education Books, joins Doris A4C‘s Homeschool Parent Support Lead.  Through her experience, knowledge and creativity, Hester offers inspiration and ideas to keep kids thriving and parents feeling at ease.

Classical Education Books

YouTube: Classical Education Books

Hester VanBraeden is a second generation homeschooling parent. While pursuing ideas for her own children’s education she began to learn more about Classical Education. Her passion for pursuing what she found in Classical Education spilled out of her home. She has started homeschooling co-ops and reading groups, she is a guest speaker on various podcasts, and presents monthly support talks at meetings hosted at her bookstore. Over the years the bookstore has expanded to include working with brick and mortar schools, and parents who send their kids to school but need to find good literature for them.

Nov 14, 2023

Canadian Christian Education Movement (CCEM)

Greg Needham, from CCEM joins Doris, Action4Canada’s Homeschool Parent Support Lead, to discuss how this grassroots movement began and how it is working to transform education in Canada.

Canadian Christian Education Movement

More about CCEM:
In 2022, leaders of several Christian organizations came together to positively impact the educational context in Canada for children ages 3 to 18. Their goal is to see a resurgence of the Canadian church embracing, supporting, or housing a wide range of educational initiatives and resources that would serve their local families and communities with Christ-centered, quality education.

CCEM’s desire is to work with churches to support various forms of education which include daycares, Christian schools, home schooling, co-op Learning Centers, Distance Education and Language Learning. They also offer networking services, town halls, referral services, survey services, an initial consultation, and school legal support (by province).

Sept. 12, 2023

Homeschooling Panel

Doris Livingstone, Action4Canada‘s Homeschool and Parent Support Lead, hosts a panel of representatives from several provincial homeschool associations across Canada, answering questions pertaining to their province – from laws and registration to advice for new homeschoolers and finding your support group. The discussion covers: top priorities to stay focused on after making the decision to homeschool; the opportunities and lifestyle of the homeschooling family; how to measure success when doubt sets in.

Homeschools Associations Directory Canada

National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)

August 22, 2023

Homeschooling: The Four Hour School Day

Durenda Wilson, a trusted homeschool expert with 25 years of experience homeschooling her own eight children, joins Doris, A4C’s Homeschooling and Parent Lead. In this webinar, Durenda discusses her book ‘The Four Hour School Day’, covering topics on parenting including: being unhurried in parenting and in homeschooling; thinking outside the box; cultivating independent learning; creating enjoyable educational experiences based on the child’s interests; and finding a supportive community.

Durenda’s books and podcasts

Flanders Family Homeschool Resources

The Canadian Homeschooler
Charlotte Mason Homeschool Curriculum

June 27, 2023

History of Education & Homeschooling

Israel Wayne joins Doris, A4C’s Homeschooling and Parent Lead, to discuss education vs. schooling, the history and philosophy of government public schools, and the heart of homeschooling and what really matters, including positive socialization vs. negative socialization.

Israel Wayne is an author, speaker, radio host and Director of Family Renewal Ministries. He is the author of 6 books, including Raising Them Up – Parenting for Christians, Answers for Homeschooling – Top 25 Questions Critics Ask, and Education – Does God Have an Opinion? Israel is also a regular author for several magazines and publications, including the book Indoctrination – Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.

Family Renewal https://familyrenewal.org
Israel Wayne  https://israelwayne.com
Christian Books www.christianbook.com
Master Books www.masterbooks.com

June 13, 2023

Indepth Report on SOGI123/Wynne Sex Ed

Tanya Gaw, Founder of Action4Canada, provides an in-depth report on SOGI123 (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity)/Wynne Sex Ed resources and curriculum. Tanya also provides overwhelming evidence that the LGBTQ activists’ infiltration into public (and private) schools is causing devastating harm to children, parents and society at large. All of which is being done without parents knowledge or permission. What can you do? Tanya also provides you with effective resources, campaigns and solutions. Please watch and share this video. 

List of references from Tanya’s presentation

Please watch this video on how Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is sexualizing our children and share it with other parents.
More information on the LGBTQ Political Agenda found HERE

May 23rd, 2023

Part 2 of “Homeschooling Multiple Ages”.

Wendy and Doris discuss “Daily Learning Routines” and mastering/tackling curriculum, while teaching multiple kids at once and always keeping their learning styles in mind. Wendy talks about the importance of schedules, flexible to change, and how to put your best thoughts down on paper to help you avoid wrestling with your children on “What’s next, Mom?” questions. There is also discussion on entrance into University, Trade Schools and College. Wendy has 27 years of homeschooling experience after raising 7 children and many years experience teaching 1-hour classes at her homeschool co-op, The Learning Centre.  Contact Wendy Livingstone at info@parentsunitedcanada.ca

COMPASS Community Learning Centres

May 9th, 2023

Part 1 of “Homeschooling Multiple Ages”.

Wendy Livingstone joins Doris, Action4Canada‘s homeschool parent support lead, to talk about home-schooling multiple ages. Wendy has 27 years of homeschooling experience after raising 7 children.

COMPASS Community Learning Centres

Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada (HSLDA)

Canada: Homeschool Conferences 2023

April 25th, 2023

Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada (HSLDA)

In this episode, Peter Stock, President of HSLDA, joins Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada and Doris, Action4Canada‘s Homeschool Parent Support Lead, to talk about HSLDA’s services to support families who are homeschooling. HSLDA is a non-profit organization devoted to protecting, empowering, and advancing home education in Canada. They provide legal services and professional homeschool support to help their member families flourish.

Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada (HSLDA)

Canada: Homeschool Conferences 2023

April 11th, 2023

Parent Resources and Homeschooling

In this episode, Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, provides a brief update on parent resources available on the A4C website and Doris Livingstone, Action4Canada Homeschool and Parent Support Lead, will be focusing on homeschooling and how to take the first steps.

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team @ [email protected]

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…these are God-given inalienable rights and ours for the taking.

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @