Are you concerned about what the education system is teaching your child about sexual health?
If the answer is yes, then you will want to register your child for this 8 week program. It will counter the worldview that is based on sexual promiscuity and deviancy and instead, present a traditional biblical view that includes teaching abstinence, having good boundaries and understanding self-worth.
Phil Lees, from Peace Education Services, joins Tanya Gaw to discuss the upcoming Youth Sexual Risk Avoidance program and the Family Foundations program for parents. Watch here.
Suggested donation: $50 per child
If you are unable to make a donation please do not let that stop you from registering your child. Action4Canada wants all youth to be able to attend this event.
Businesses and others, please consider sponsoring via donation, this critical program for youth.
**Pastors and parents this is also a good opportunity to host a group of youth from your community, at your church or home**
Registration is open throughout this program.

- Half of all high school teens engage in sex
- 67% of teen girls who become pregnant end up on government assistance (live in poverty)
- 15 to 24 year olds (only 3% of the population) account for 51% of all Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)
- Studies indicate little difference between sexual behaviour of Christian youth and that of non-Christian youth
- 80% of sexually active teens say they wish they had waited
- 40% of teens say sex ed classes made them feel pressured to have sex
Why is This Important?
Research demonstrates the most powerful agents-of-influence affecting the child’s decision on sexual activity are parents, the church, and school. Parents and the church tell us they feel ill-equipped to guide their children on human sexuality, and the school is not equipped to help the child to make spiritual connections. For the child to receive a healthy, biblically aligned instruction the church and parents must engage with the child on this most important issue.

Program Outline – The 5 modules are delivered in order over the 8 program dates – Oct. 6 to Nov. 24.
Module 1.1 Sexual abstinence: The New Revolution, Identifying your values and goals
1.2 My Values & Life Goals
1.3 Rolling the Dice – risks of youth sex
Module 2.1 Family formation & reproductive systems
2.2 A Birth Video
2.3 Sex is Like Fire!
2.4 Marriage – Compelling Reasons to Confine Sex to Marriage
2.5 Marriage Union – building blocks of marriage
Module 3.1 STD Facts
3.2 How to Abstain from Sexual Activity
Module 4.1 Love, Lust … or just plain Lust
4.2 Perfect Person to Date vs Perfect Spouse
4.3 Building Relationships Without Sex
4.4 The Making of a Man
4.5 The Making of a Woman
Module 5.1 SAFE strategy for avoiding sex
5.2 Imagine Your Future
5.3 Your Commitment
Presented by:
Phil Lees, PEACE Education Services, Ontario, Canada
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God bless you and God bless Canada!
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