Climate Change Realism

Climate Change Alarmism is a Farce!

“Carbon dioxide is 0.04% of the atmosphere. Human beings create only 3% of that 0.04%. Is anyone seriously suggesting that we should stand the economy on its head, force up energy prices, damage business, jeopardise employment, because 0.04% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide?”

Empower Hour Interviews with Top Experts

We Will NOT Comply

We Will NOT Comply

A4C We Will Not Comply Merchandise and Resources. Say NO to all forms of government overreach!

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Climate Pseudo-Science Exposed

Climate Pseudo-Science Exposed

The Climate Change fraud is falling part as quickly as Global Warming. When put to the test pseudo science, scare-mongering and distorted charts and facts can’t hold a candle to the truth.

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Toward Net Zero World – How Will Ottawa’s Climate Plan Affect You?
Feb. 24, 2023 with Tom Harris and Robert Lyman

Where to begin? This is a massive octopus of a topic with so many tentacles that it would be a challenge to cover every part, so we will highlight several areas of the most critical concern. (8 minute read)