December 19, 2024
MASSIVE WIN: PLAN20-50 Has Been Defeated!
Thank you to everyone who participated in Action4Canada’s multiple campaigns that resulted in our goal to STOP the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region’s (WMR) controversial PLAN20-50 (aka 15 Minute City on steroids). The WMR was attempting a takeover of the 18 municipalities within the Winnipeg region in order to implement the globalist’s agenda. The WMR is not working on behalf of Canadian citizens but instead are representing the interests of unelected foreign operatives who are unlawfully conspiring to undermine our freedoms and democracy.
In response to Action4Canada mobilizing citizens and exposing the WMR’s plans they received so much public backlash that they were forced to concede defeat. On December 19, 2024 the WMR voted to stop PLAN20-50!
Special thanks to Pierre Attallah, Action4Canada’s Winnipeg and Provincial Leader, for his incredible work in leading this campaign. Read more about the history of this campaign below and visit A4C’s 15 Minute City page to learn how you can get involved and successfully take action in your community.
Please share this win using the following link: PLAN20-50 Defeated!
We must remain vigilant as they want to silence citizens and shut down public debate and opposition.
**Scroll down page for further Information on upcoming meetings, events and Calls to Action
in cities across Manitoba!**
We are very pleased to report that the campaign in Manitoba against Plan20-50 was HUGELY SUCCESSFUL. Praise the LORD!
The WMR Public Hearing #2 in Niverville was scheduled to take place on August 8, 2024 and was intended to give the public an opportunity to express support or opposition for the proposed Plan20-50 (aka15 Minute City on steroids). Read the original Call to Action HERE – includes access to the Plan20-50 document, A4C NOL’s and more. Read the local news reports HERE and HERE that “surprised the Metro Board and delays hearing“.
As a result of Action4Canada’s campaign to equip, educate, empower and ‘mobilize’ citizens throughout the province, approximately 1000 people showed up to oppose this EVIL United Nations plan to control our land and resources. This resulted in the meeting being postponed and eventually the WMR’s agenda was completely shut down. So this is a good first win but there is still more work to do! READ MORE more about the elected officials who are involved in this scam and the reasons Sio Silica is campaigning to shut down wells due to them polluting above and underground waterways during the process of extracting minerals.
Action4Canada was the first to notify its members about Plan20-50 and provide the resources and strategy to effectively oppose it. We need all hands on deck to ensure the WMR does not find other ways to implement their agenda as well as take action in other Municipal Regions outside of the WMR who are also now reaching out. So please spread the word and encourage as many Manitobans as possible to get involved, and to also join Action4Canada in order to receive our emails so we can keep everyone informed of the date, time and location of the final meeting and any other pressing information.
ACTION ALERT: November 28, 2024
As we had expected the WMR is trying to pull a fast one. The Agenda for a WMR board meeting on Nov. 28/24 exposes that they are attempting to change by-laws in an effort to gain greater control and prohibit the public from expressing their concerns. Read the Action to learn more.
The reality is that the WMR is just another costly and useless provincial bureaucracy that needs to be permanently cut.
*Keep scrolling down page to view times and locations of further events and meetings*

In RM’s across Manitoba the 15 Minute City plan is being unfolded nefariously and under the radar…UNTIL NOW!
Action4Canada is on the frontline working to advise Manitobans and get them actively involved.
It is vital that citizens attend “all” the RM meetings in person to hear what is happening. We ask that you document everything, through video recording and in writing, and then please share the information with the Winnipeg Chapter by emailing [email protected]
Upcoming Events and Meetings
From the RM of Wallace-Woodworth:
Exposing and Opposing the “Community Strategic Plan“
3 community focus group discussion sessions. Different time slots to choose from. Share your Strategic Plan input in person. Everyone welcome! See you there!
Friday October 4, 2024
Virden Wellview Golf Club
6:30 p.m.
Saturday October 5, 2024
Kenton Community Hall
10:00 a.m.
Saturday October 5, 2024
Elkhorn Legion
2:30 p.m.
Manitoba Action4Canada Chapter Meeting
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Townhall Meeting Relocated to:
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
618 Muriel Street
A limited amount of light snacks/refreshments will be freely available.
This meeting is for anyone who wants to learn more about the current plans for 15 Minute Cities in Manitoba.
Specific interest to residents of the Rural Municipality (RM) of North Norfolk, the town of MacGregor, and surrounding RMs.
Volunteers willing to help out from any RM are encouraged to attend as we unravel our action plan.
Volunteers are needed at all levels including:
Flyer Delivery
Proof Reading/Editing
Information Sharing
Sign Holding
North Norfolk & MacGregor a puzzle pieces for a greater WMR 15 Minute City plan.
How to inform residents of North Norfolk & MacGregor what is being planned for them.
Who are the people involved in the planning?
NOLs and how they work.
Questions & Answers.
Invite other(s) to attend.
For questions please contact Manitoba Chapter team
[email protected]
Winnipeg Metropolitan Region (WMR)
There is still work to do in municipalities throughout the WMR as Rural Municipal (RM) town councils are continuing to hold their regular Public Meetings. It is important to attend every council meeting whether or not the WMR Plan20-50 is listed on the AGENDA because other discussions are being held in preparation for Plan20-50, such as re-zoning land as ‘industrial only’. Some RM’s are giving people the option to leave the meeting at the beginning stating that they will not be discussing Plan20-50 but do not be deceived.
Schedule of RM Town Council Meetings (if your RM is not listed below, call your Town Council to find out when the next meeting is set):
**Reload the page to ensure the dates listed are current**
The following RM’s have their upcoming meetings available on their website. Be sure to check it frequently and arrange teams to attend every meeting.
RM of Stonewall:
RM of St. Andrews:
RM of St. Clements:
RM of East St. Paul:
RM of MacDonald:
RM of Tache:
RM of Niverville:
RM of Rockwood:
RM of Selkirk:
RM of Headingley:
RM of Cartier:
We have been blown away by the response so far and we are deeply grateful to all of you who have mobilized towards our common goal of dismantling this plan and keeping Manitobans FREE from the control of unelected foreign bad actors who are intent on interfering with our freedoms and democracy!
We give the glory and honour to God and we ask that you continue to pray for truth and justice to prevail.
Past Meetings and Calls to Action!
URGENT NOTICE: Emergency Council Meeting
Please Attend: RM of Springfield is having a meeting on Tuesday September 17, 2024, 6:00PM (100 Springfield Centre Dr. Oakbank)
Springfield Council is attempting to amend the Procedures Bylaw 24-10 and eliminate Invocation/Prayer and Question Period from the public domain.
They are removing Invocation/Prayer in a very underhanded way by simply dropping it. They have not added it as an Agenda Item and have neglected to bring it to the attention of the public.
As for the Question Period Section 13.2 declares, “The Chair of the public hearing may decline to hear further presentations, questions or objections if satisfied that the matter has been addressed at the public hearing”.
The Chair should not be given this over-riding power to silence the public until the ‘public’ is satisfied that the questions have been ‘clearly’ answered.
The intentional lack of transparency and attempt to fast-track these amendments through 2nd and 3rd reading at the upcoming council meeting is an egregious violation of public trust.
Is Mayor Patrick Therrien carrying out a silencing campaign by attempting to control question period, to shut down the public’s concerns and opposition to any agendas or projects the RM is determined to push through, such as Plan 20-50? Further, as a Christian nation, the removal of prayer is an incremental attack against our democracy and the very foundation of our nation.
Based on historical voting patterns, the mayor and following council members will likely be supporting this deceitful amendment: Mayor Patrick Therrien, Melinda Warren (Ward 4), Glen Fuhl (Ward 1). Please email the mayor and councilors in advance of the meeting and express your opposition to those who are in favour of this amendment and demand they uphold the current council procedures.
Public Engagement Meeting: September 12, 2024
Hosted by RM of SPRINGFIELD Councilors, Andy and Mark
Thursday, September 12 @ 6:30 P.M.
Dugald Community Club
544 Holland Street
Dugald, MB
Topics Include:
WMR Plan20to50
Is Sio Silica back?
– There will be a Q & A –
All Welcome to Attend. Invite your locally elected officials (MLA, councilor, MP).
They can no longer claim ignorance on these important topics that affect us all.
Pierre, A4C Provincial Leader, will be in attendance and ready to answer questions and provide strategy and resources.
For more info contact Winnipeg Chapter:
[email protected]
Event: August 28th
WMR Plan20-50 Awareness Meeting!
St. Eustache Community Club
10 Allarie St. S
St. Eustache, MB
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
We strongly encourage members from St.François Xavier, MB to attend for important information specific to their RM.
Public Event. Invite your friends or anyone who hasn’t heard of this yet.
Come hear the latest developments in our opposition and reports from RM council meetings.
For details, background, and the video of August 8, 2024 in Niverville review the video at the top of the page.
We are also seeking teams of volunteers to hold up our Action4Canada HOMESCHOOL signs and a separate team to hold up the 15 Minute City banner (seen above). This takes place from 3:30 to 5:15 P.M. each weekday in August and early September.
Email us the days that you are available and the team you want to join and we will connect you with a team in your area.
RM of Cartier posted a notice claiming that the upcoming meeting in St. Eustache is not based on facts and claim that the organizers of the above event have not reached out to them. This is not accurate as Reeve Christa Vann Mitchell (Mayor) of Cartier is a board member of the WMR and Pierre Attallah, A4C Provincial Lead, as well as others involved were very vocal in their opposition and expressing their concerns at the Public Hearing #1 as well as Public Hearing #2, which was shut down and postponed because of the public backlash. There is no way that anyone on the WMR board can claim ignorance at this point and they most certainly have not provided any clear answers to the public.
**The administration and elected officials of ANY RM in the WMR are more than welcome to attend**
Event: August 21st – Oppose the WMR’s Plan20-50!
Wednesday, August 21 at 1:00 P.M.
Location: The Legislative Building
450 Broadway, Winnipeg MB R3C 0V8
Demand Ian Bushie, Minister of Municipalities, STOP MWR Plan20-50
Available at the event: Pre-filled 15 Minute City NOL,
T-shirts, Hats, Support, Updates, Q&A
Further Call to Action
Event: August 19th – Brandon, MB
The Municipality of BRANDON, Manitoba is also pushing for a 15 Minute City covertly under the name 30-Year Vision. There will be a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday August 19, 2024. We need as many people as possible to show up in opposition so bring a friend, or twelve. We look forward to seeing your there.
Time: 7:00 P.M.
410 – 9th Street – Brandon MB – R7A 6A2
Phone: 204 729-2186
Register to speak [email protected] by Monday, Aug. 19 at 12:00 Noon.
On site registration will also be available.
NOTE: If you need a ride to Brandon or can offer a ride, please contact Pierre(below).
Connect with Pierre Attallah, Action4Canada’s Manitoba Provincial Leader, who is doing an incredible job leading the charge, and let’s work together to protect our communities…one municipality at a time!! [email protected]
Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!
If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected]
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.
God bless you and God bless Canada!
The Team @