Legal Action Updates

December 12 2024

Action4Canada is very pleased to announce that we have filed the newly amended Notice of Civil Claim (NOCC) against the BC and Federal Government!  The NOCC includes Bill 36, 2022 Health Professions And Occupations Act, which is an egregious and totalitarian assault against the constitutionally protected Charter rights of medical professionals. 

February 23 2024

Action4Canada is very pleased to advise you that we were successful on February 14, 2024 in having the Court of Appeal clarify Judge Ross’ statements and prohibitions against pursuing declaratory relief on matters that are essential to our case and challenging the heart of the offensive COVID-19 measures. Read the full update HERE.

February 14 2024

It was a good day in court on Feb. 14, 2024. An update will be posted in the near future once we receive the court documents verifying the decision. 

February 14 2024

At 10am PST on February 14, 2024 Action4Canada’s appeal will finally be heard at the Vancouver Court of Appeal, 800 Hornby Street. Please join us and invite others, we look forward to seeing you there.

Please Note: If you are not local you will be able to attend via Zoom: click on this link and choose courtroom 60.

October 19 2023

Action4Canada finally received a date for our appeal which has been set by the Court of Appeals for February 14, 2024 @ 10am PST.

Further details: Action4Canada filed an appeal on Sept. 28, 2022 and the Respondents filed their response by January 2023. The appeal could have been before the Appeal Court within 6 months however, given the number of lawyers for the Respondents, it became difficult finding a date where all parties were available, as required by the Court. Rocco’s office consistently made every effort to work with all parties involved. If a court date is not set within a year the file is automatically put on an ‘inactive’ list. This transpired on Sept. 28, 2023 and was due to ongoing delays in setting a date.

As soon as the case was deemed inactive Rocco immediately sought consent to have the case put back on the active list, as well as insisting on available dates from counsel for the hearing of the Appeal. On October 18, 2023 all lawyers signed the consent to take the case off the inactive list as well as, all counsel provided available dates, in which a mutual date was found between all parties. A Notice of Hearing of Appeal was immediately filed and on October 19th the Appeals Court confirmed the date for February 14, 2024 @ 10am PST.

At no time was the case ever abandoned. Action4Canada and Rocco Galati are actively pursuing the advancement of this legal action.

May 12, 2023

The Notice of Appeal in Action4Canada’s case was filed on Sept. 28, 2022 (see below). All subsequent documents were filed with the Court on time, by January, 2023, by all parties. Normally it takes 2-3 months for a trial date to take place in the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal does not sit in July/August. We should have had our hearing by May 2023, yet the Court is not setting a hearing date until the fall of 2023. This is an action by the Court that is not justified nor part of their normal procedures.

We determined that because the trial judge made comments in relation to matters unrelated to the length of the original 391 page Petition we filed, and that the decisions could affect our case, we needed to file an appeal to deal with these matters first (before filing the new NOCC), to ensure that they do not prejudice our trial. It is unfortunate that the Court of Appeal, for reasons unknown to us, has set a hearing date 8-9 months after the last court documents were filed, which is far outside the normal waiting time.

March 23, 2023

Rocco is working diligently at preparing the new Notice of Civil Claim. The NOCC will include challenging Bill 36. This means it will be part of our constitutional challenge against the BC government. This is a very important and critical action against the BC government’s unlawful passing of Bill 36 that violates guaranteed protected constitutional rights of citizens.

November 13, 2022

The new Statement of Claim will be filed in the near future and we are also appealing several of Judge Ross’ rulings, as they are incorrect and unfounded. We must file an appeal so that his ruling does not remain on record. An appeal is always a separate cost from the original claim. We therefore request, and would appreciate, your donation and ongoing support to help keep Action4Canada’s legal war chest replete and equipped for the ongoing battle. Action4Canada’s case is the only major case proceeding in British Columbia and that is thanks to Rocco’s expertise. Important to Note: As a result of Rocco’s federal actions Trudeau cancelled the travel mandates and APP, in addition to instigating other positive outcomes

September 28, 2022

On September 28, 2022 a Notice of Appeal was filed. The appeal stipulates what the Appellants are seeking and the grounds of the appeal.


Rocco Galati: Biography

Statement of Claim

View the Statement of Claim
August 17, 2021


August 2021 submitted to the BC RCMP Deputy Commissioner McDonald and RCMP Superintendent Blackadar.

BC PHO Bonnie Henry: FOI

Email Correspondence Jan. – June 2021 
Evidence Henry was aware of Adverse Events, including death.

RCMP Correspondence

June 2020 – June 2022: Calling for an Investigation
View Here

August 29, 2022 – Good News, Action4Canada’s Case is Moving Forward!

On August 29th, 2022 the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled on the Defendants’ motion to strike the action brought by Action4Canada and the other Plaintiffs. The Defendants had requested that the claim be DISMISSED without leave (permission) to amend it because they felt it was frivolous, an abuse of process, and demonstrated no cause of action. The Court REJECTED the Defendants’ request to dismiss. Read more Here

Watch the following interviews with Tanya Gaw as she provides further details on the case and the significance of Judge Ross’ decision.

May 31, 2022 – Court Update

It was an amazing day in court. Rocco was brilliant as he argued the merits of the case in opposition to the Motion to Strike. He pointed out that this is not a case about a truck hitting a bicycle but one of great importance and public interest. Rocco meticulously provided case law, Canadian and International, to defend our position as well as facts, supported by evidence, countering the defense’s accusation that the case was founded on “conspiracy theories.” Mr. Galati advised Justice Ross that he can provide the evidence proving Bill Gates funds GAVI and the WHO; Bonnie Henry has ties to Bill Gates and the WHO; Teresa Tam is tied to the WHO; Justin Trudeau paid a billion dollars to Bill Gates; and made many more important points. Read More HERE

Odessa, Liberty Talk Canada

Special Notice

The motion to strike was heard on  Tuesday May 31, 2022 in the BC Supreme Court. See link above for full report. 

Legal documents presented…

Tab 9 Response to Motion to Strike – Application Record

Book of Authorities

Application Record Index

Part 1 of 2 Affidavit

Part 2 of 2 Affidavit

Application Record – Volume 1 (Tabs 1-18)

Application Record – Volume 2 (Tabs 20-54)

Application-Record-Volume-3 (Tabs-55-93)

April 2022

Dear Friends, as many of you may be aware Rocco became critically ill and was hospitalized in December 2021. As we reported in January 2022 the remaining defendants filed a motion to strike and this is a typical response in a case where the defendants are committing such egregious crimes and are in powerful positions of authority. 

The Motion to Strike was to be addressed on Feb. 3, 2022 but due to Rocco’s condition he was unable to attend court so the Motion to Strike has been set for May 31, 2022. 

There are reports from individuals trying to discredit this case and make accusations that Rocco is intentionally sabotaging it but we assure you, nothing could be further from the truth. It is regrettable that we have experienced these very unfortunate delays but they are outside of anyone’s power to change. 

Action4Canada retained Rocco Galati because we believe he is the best man for the job and we have confidence in his ability and his strategies.

Further, the donations generously given by our members and those supporting this action are sitting in trust and will be used in taking legal action. 

January 2022

Some of the defendants in the Action4Canada Notice of Civil Claim have responded with a Motion to Strike. This is a common response to a claim of this magnitude and in no way means the legal action has been dismissed. Action4Canada continues to work with Rocco’s office and will be proceeding with the case as planned.

Update November 1, 2021

A Response to Civil Claim was filed by two defendants in the court action of Action4Canada et al v Her Majesty the Queen in Right of British Columbia. Island Health Authority and Providence Health Care are the first of twenty-four defendants to file their response.

The Response was a standard response filed as required pursuant to Rule 3.3(1)(2) of the B.C. Civil Rules of Court. As required, the two Defendants, specifically the Vancouver Island Health Authority and the Providence Health Care, filed their joint Response, setting out the facts that they admitted (Rule 3.3(2)(a)(i)(A)), the facts that they denied (Rule 3.3(2)(a)(i)(B)), and their version of the facts and the material facts that they were relying upon (Rule 3.3(2)(a)(ii)(iii)).

Despite what some bad actors are saying, this is not a counterclaim (suit) nor does it mean that Action4Canada’s case has been dismissed. Anyone saying that simply does not understand the basics of our judicial system. Read More

Thank you!

August 2021 – We reached 100% of our current

Legal Fund financial goal!

  • Financial Goal 100% 100%

We cannot express adequately enough the depth of our gratitude to the thousands of grassroots Canadians who donated to this historical legal action to defend Canada’s sovereignty and democracy and to protect individual rights and freedoms. 

Special thanks to our dear friends at Vaccine Choice Canada who made a very generous donation of $25,000 on July 21, 2021. 

July 21, 2021
Legal Action Updates with Tanya Gaw, A4C, and Ted Kuntz, VCC

WINS as a Result of Filing Our Case:

Since filing the Statement of Claim BC Ferries is honouring passengers mask exemptions and they have also been exempt from the new domestic travel vaccine requirements. They will NOT be asking passengers for their personal protected private information. 

The Transport Minister, Omar Alghabra, and Attorney General, David Lametti, are named as defendants in the Notice of Civil Claim. As a result they are not supporting Trudeau’s outrageous proclamations that everyone has to get vaccinated.
The federal Justice department has cautioned the Trudeau government that zero-tolerance vax mandates are unconstitutional…and...The federal Transportation department quietly announced that the vaccine mandate for air and rail travelers would have to be put off until December…” Read More

As a result of filing the SOC the BC Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside, is attempting to avoid further liability as she abdicates mandating vaccinating teachers by putting the onus on the School Boards. Action4Canada launched a campaign serving every School Board Trustee in BC with a Notice of Liability and a separate letter outlining the Sections of the School Act wherein they will be held personally liable. As a result, School Board Trustees across BC are voting against mandating vaccination for teachers. 

In Canada and around the world more and more rulings are being made in support of citizen’s constitutional rights and against the tyrannical Covid mandates. Read more


The media and the government have conditioned Canadians to hyper-focus on the .03% of the population who are at higher risk every year during the influenza season. In the meantime the devastation being caused to the 99.97% is going unnoticed and considered mere collateral damage.

Millions of Canadians are out of work and can’t provide for their families, hundreds of thousands of businesses are being forced to close permanently, the elderly are being cruelly isolated and dying alone (not of covid but from pure loneliness), our children and youth are being psychologically traumatized, thousands of Canadians have died due to surgeries and treatments being considered “non-essential”, the suicide rate has increased exponentially, and our economy is being systematically destroyed.

September 2020 – Therefore, Action4Canada is raising funds to commence legal action against the Federal and BC governments in response to their extreme emergency measures. These measures are not supported by science or facts and are causing a great deal of harm to the majority of Canadians.

On December 25, 2020 we achieved raising 50% of the funds needed in order for our lawyer, Rocco Galati, to begin the Statement of Claim, which we will anticipate filing in April 2021.Thank you to everyone who has given so generously to rise up in defense of what should be…. our “guaranteed” rights and freedoms.

A little history …On Saturday, September 13, 2020, Action4Canada attended an event in Vancouver, BC to announce the decision to commence  legal action. We shared the need to raise funds and in an unexpected outpouring of generosity from the crowd we raised nearly $14,000 cash. This was an amazing start to the fundraising campaign.

A constitutional challenge is costly but we believe this is the best way forward. Therefore, we continue to seek your help. Please reach out to friends, family, co-workers, business owners and anyone else you know, and encourage them to give generously. The following Call to Action is a great resource to help share the message… Click Here

Whether you live in BC or not, this affects all Canadians.  The draconian BC Bill 19 must be challenged as it sets a precedence for other provinces to follow.   Please watch the videos and speeches below to learn more.

Interview with Tanya Gaw from Action4Canada

Interview with Ted Kuntz from Vaccine Choice Canada

Vancouver Event – Full version. Please check out Ted Kuntz speech from VCC (1:04:00)