Pfizer FOI Data Release

On August 27, 2021, four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, the group Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine...

Call To Action Archive

Join the Call To Action campaign today There is Strength in Numbers! Assert Your Rights and do NOT Give in to the Tyranny September 24, 2021 A4C Empower Hour with Dan DicksSeptember 22, 2021 Censorship, Corruption and CommunismSeptember 22, 2021 Chapters – Be...
Maxime Bernier Debate – Straight Answers to Key Questions

Maxime Bernier Debate – Straight Answers to Key Questions

PPC and CHP  Straight Answers to Key Questions The most important question you need to ask yourself as you head to the polls is, “will you be voting for COMMUNISM or for FREEDOM?” It is vital that you know who you vote for and where they stand on critical...
We Will Gather!

We Will Gather!

We Will Gather! In response to the continued targeted attacks against the church, Action4Canada has partnered with Liberty Coalition Canada to help create a National coalition of churches to unite and FULLY Open the Churches without restrictions on Good Friday and...

Election BC – We Need Your Help

BC Provincial Election – We Need Your Help Dear Friends, Premier John Horgan called a snap election in the middle of his draconian lockdown. With barely a month to prepare, parties are scrambling, and voters are unaware of their options. Horgan is spending his...