Children Exposed to Vile Ideologies

Children Exposed to Vile Ideologies

Parents, we cannot ignore this message. Our children and youth are being subjected to twisted ideologies using social justice as a means to indoctrinate and groom them. Children Canada-wide are being exposed to a vile UN backed agenda which is intended to sexualize...
March for Life May 12th 2022 Parliament Hill

March for Life May 12th 2022 Parliament Hill

March for Life On Thursday May 12, 2022, 6am -6pm Canadians will gather peacefully on Parliament Hill in defence of life at all stages. The 2022 theme ” I AM” is a shout into the abyss that “I exist,” because existence is always enough! No human being...
What the WEF is Going On?

What the WEF is Going On?

The World Economic Forum (WEF): “Shaping Governments, Shaping Minds, Shaping Industry” Translation: Controlling Governments, Controlling Minds, Controlling Industry. Unelected self-appointed tyrants have strategically placed themselves into positions of...
empower hour david lindsay april 20_2022

empower hour david lindsay april 20_2022

The Coronation Oath: Key to Canada’s Freedom The Coronation Oath and the ConstitutionSeptember 7th, 2022 The Coronation OathApril 20th, 2022 Are you concerned about your property rights? Canadian Judges? Personal Rights? Then join us on the next Empower Hour...
Useful Action4Canada and Guest Links

Useful Action4Canada and Guest Links

General Links Website Directory A4C Resources Political LGBTQ Youth Movement Weekly Emails Urgent Actions One World Order Health Related Notices of Liability Legal Resources Connect with Action4Canada Misc Website Directory Website Directory...