Wednesday June 19, 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST.
A4C Empower Hour guest segment 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST followed by Tanya’s Weekly News Update. Be sure to invite others and Register in Advance.

In this next webinar, David Hunt from the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy Canada, joins Tanya Gaw to discuss the latest comprehensive research and statistics comparing homeschooling, private schools and public schools. You will be encouraged to hear how homeschoolers are thriving both academically and socially and this may assist you in your decision to homeschool, knowing it is the best choice for your child’s education.

The Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy is a new think tank that aims to renew a civil, common-sense approach to public discourse and public policy in CanadaTopics they research include: Cancel Culture, Gender Transitioning, Racism, DEI, the Voting System, Wokeism, Education in Canada, historical figures such as John A MacDonald and much more.  Watch their videos, interviews, and podcasts HERE.

David Hunt, BBA & MPP is well qualified to advise us on the subject of education. He is the Research Director for the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy in Canada. David has deep and wide experience including as an entrepreneur, business consultant, and as a director of education programs. David has published over one dozen peer-reviewed research studies, written dozens of columns, hosted multiple forums on education, given dozens of speeches on education-related topics including on the benefits of school choice, and has been widely interviewed by the media over the past decade. Three of David’s research papers have been submitted as evidence and/or referenced by experts in court (or court submissions), including to the Supreme Court of Canada. David shepherds all Aristotle Foundation research from the idea stage to publication. Be sure to register in advance and invite others to join us for this informative Empower Hour!

Are you aware that you can teach your child more in two hours than they will learn in a full day at public school? And the greatest benefit of course being that your child will not be indoctrinated, sexualized, exploited, groomed or exposed to dangerous, Marxist ideologies.

Action4Canada has been warning parents and caregivers nationwide for many years that government-funded public schools (and now many private schools) pose significant risks to children’s well-being and we recommend homeschooling as a solution. To assist you in getting started, A4C has created a page consisting of helpful resources and a list of vetted homeschool associations in every province to help you get connected with ease. We also offer fantastic Homeschooling Webinars to help educate you and answer your questions. Visit the Homeschool Revolution page today!

To reach our Homeschooling Lead email: [email protected]

If you are not in a position to remove your child from public education then arm yourselves with the tools needed to protect your kids. You can access Notices of Liability, critical presentations, Parent Webinars, studies, articles and research information…HERE!

Protecting Each Other From Murderous MAiD

Angelina Ireland, Executive Director of the Delta Hospice Society, joined Tanya Gaw to expose the ongoing threat of the liberal government’s ever expanding euthanasia program, which should really be referred to as a killing protocol for the diseased, disabled, and depressed. Concealed under a deceptively crafted marketing scheme euthanasia is framed as “compassionate”, “dying with dignity” or a “right to die”. In reality, the government has created a “right to kill”, putting everyone at risk and corrupting our healthcare system in the process. Watch the interview and review the Weekly Action Page to learn more. 

Watch A4C’s Weekly News Update

In response to the mainstream media’s campaign to cover up the truth and the real news, Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, provides a Weekly News Update on current issues that are important to Canadians, as well as providing effective resources and actions to equip and empower citizens in protecting their rights and freedoms and defend this great nation! Tanya also gives updates on great WINS that are happening in Canada and around the world!  Subscribe to our Rumble Channel Today!

Watch A4C’s Weekly News Special Report

In this week’s special report Tanya provides information to counter the rising anti-semitism that is being fuelled by carefully crafted messaging coming from the United Nations and NGO’s who are funding a strategic misinformation war against Israel. The media is the propaganda arm relaying their anti-Israel rhetoric to the world and it is critical to counter that information with facts. 

Peace in the middle east is an oxymoron. Islam = a violent political system. Yet people are choosing to ignore what is going on in the 56 Islamic countries surrounding Israel. Christians and non-muslims are being brutally persecuted since the creation of Islam and yet those lives and cries for help are completely ignored. This begs the question: Why is Trudeau hyper-focused on the Palestinians? Why has he ignored the desperate cries of the persecuted Christians throughout Islam. What is he getting in return?

Supporting Israel does not mean supporting Netanyahu whose actions, or lack thereof regarding the border breach, have come under rightful scrutiny. Consider if the events of October 7th took place in Canada and it was Canadian citizens who were barbarically slaughtered and taken hostage, in the hundreds. We would expect that our allies would not only support Canada but also assist us in defending our borders, eliminating the threat and doing whatever was necessary to get our loved ones back. Support for Canada would not however mean that they support a treasonous dictator like Trudeau.

Israel as a nation has a right to exist and the people of Israel have a right to expect protection and the return of their family members who are being held hostage. If Israel goes down the West is next. We are already experiencing mass Islamic infiltration and the increasing support given to the Palestinians only emboldens them. They are bullying and threatening government officials, universities, school boards, businesses and citizens. They are making anti-Canadian demands and bringing hate and violence to our streets. We must unite in order to shut down this threat. Please watch and share this video and learn more about this growing threat HERE.

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadian’s rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor.  Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @