Citizen Resources

Notices of Liability

Serve this NOL to businesses enforcing the vaxx passports – including hospitals, long term care facilities, airlines, concert halls, sporting events, etc.
Serve to business owners, managers, staff, and security guards if you are being denied service or access.

Serve this NOL to those administering the “vaccine” to the public, including minors
– use to prevent being forced to get the vaxx or if being refused care
– serve to those administering the vaxx including: medical professionals, public health, nurses/physicians/pharmacist/firefighters

This is an official and personal Notice of Liability to medical personnel who are unlawfully practicing medicine by prescribing, recommending, facilitating, advertising, mandating, incentivising, and using coercion to insist citizens, including minors, submit to ANY COVID-19 vaccine including the experimental gene therapy injections for COVID-19, commonly referred to as a “vaccine”.

Serve this NOL to elected officials, appointed officials, administrators
– including church leaders and care home administrators

Elected officials contacts
Contact details for Premiers, MPs, MLAs, Senators, Health Officers, Ministers of Education, Teacher Union Presidents

Serve this NOL to the Media

Freedom and Rights Notice 

DROP THE MIC LETTER: Serve this NOL in addition to the above NOLs, when threatened with an experimental COVID-19 injection, mask or testing as a condition of education, extra-curricular activities, or essential or non-essential services

Freedom of Information Requests

All you need to know about filing a Freedom Of Information Request


Business Video Interactions – How to respond when confronted for not wearing a mask

Lawyer Rocco Galati – Explains How the Trespass Act Does NOT Apply When Exercising a Masking Exemption

Your Rights to Decline Mandatory Covid Measures

Employee Rights and the Covid-19 Vaccine

Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Know Your Rights –  this resource helps Canadians know and assert their rights. Dealing with law enforcement, civic meetings, protests, handing out flyers, etc

Mobility RightsHow to respond to Police if stopped when travelling 

Charter Rights, Privacy Act, Etc.  

Are you fighting a fine? The Canadian Judicial Council provides the following resource. Criminal Law Handbook for Self-Represented Accused

David Lindsay has also written one of the only books in Canada on how a citizen can lay a private information (criminal charges) against another individual without involving the police.
Book: The Annotated Criminal Charging Procedure in Canada – Order HERE

Filing a Complaint


Scientific Info


No Trespass Notice: Print and display at your entrance to your property and entry to building.
