Stop the Vaxinsanity Calamity!

Stop the Vaxinsanity Calamity!

Children are the most vulnerable victims of the Covid-Vaxicide. They are completely reliant on the adults in their life to protect them, but the great deception has rendered many citizens deaf, dumb and blind. The results are devastating, with the number of vax...
Medical Assistance in Dying MAiD

Medical Assistance in Dying MAiD

Up until 2016, euthanasia was rightly considered an act of murder under Canadian Law. However, with the support of a radical Supreme Court ruling, the Trudeau government decreed doctors and nurses could murder their terminally ill patients, if their patients...

Questions by Sarah: To Consider BEFORE Transitioning

Questions To Consider BEFORE Transitioning by Sarah: Now De-transitioned I have deep transition regret and as I think back I wish someone had asked me any, or all, of the following questions. In my situation, these are the thoughts I was struggling with at the age of...
Medical Assistance in Dying MAiD

Euthanasia: A Murderous Scheme

Up until 2016, euthanasia was rightly considered an act of murder under Canadian Law. However, with the support of a radical Supreme Court ruling, the Trudeau government decreed doctors and nurses could murder their terminally ill patients, if their patients...