New Year’s Resolution

We Will Not Back Down or Let Up Until the Corruption is Exposed and Eradicated!

January 1, 2020

Happy New Year! It is good to be back!

We have been unable to communicate via email due to technical difficulties with our e-mail system, but we are up and running again and ready to take on the New Year.

Even though we were out of touch via email we have not been idle. We have been working around the clock on several campaigns in defence of Canadian’s rights, including the legal action.

We are pleased to announce that we reached 50% of our goal as of Christmas day. What a gift. Thank you to everyone who contributed and made this happen. We will be filing the Statement of Claim in the near future.

Please continue to assist us in getting the word out and help raise the additional funds. Please Donate

Tanya Gaw has also been busy doing interviews and speaking at rallies to bring awareness to the legal action and the harms being caused by the government’s draconian and unlawful response to so called COVID. Cliff KincaidDan DicksRebel News and others.

In October, Action4Canada launched a campaign in support of small businesses in BC, advising them of their rights and their duties. Due to the success of this campaign, we will be launching it nationally, at the request of other provinces.

Please review the business campaign materials and consider overseeing a campaign in your province. We require many more volunteers to make this a success. Contact us at [email protected] and state “Volunteer Lead” in the subject line and include your location and contact info.

Business owners have the right to thrive and provide for their families…to “life, liberty, and security of the person.” Let us unite and work together to help our small businesses. They are “essential.”

Last, but certainly not least, we have been working with Church leaders, since the October Call to Action, to fully and permanently open churches without restrictions. This is in accordance with our guaranteed rights under the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In response to the blatant discrimination against churches congregating, and the concerted effort on behalf of law enforcement, who are harassing, bullying, and targeting churches, we have developed the Freedom and Rights Declaration for pastors and church leaders to sign and send to their Provincial/Territorial Health Officers and Premiers. The Declaration proclaims that the church will no longer comply with Orders that are inconsistent, irrational, unlawful, and in violation of the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Law enforcement are in violation of Section 176(1) of the Criminal Code which protects clergymen and states that it is an “indictable offence and liable to imprisonment if anyone threatens or uses force, unlawfully obstructs or prevents or endeavors to obstruct or prevent an officiant from celebrating a religious service,”

If you, or someone you know, is suffering at the hands of law enforcement you have the right to file a complaint against either the RCMP or municipal police. (Contact info to file a Complaint by province.)

In defence of our Constitution and everything our forefathers fought for; we are asking that all Canadians sign the Declaration. Any single violation of our constitution threatens the whole. We must unite! One for all and all for one!

Thank you, and God bless Canada!

The Team@