Wednesday August 28, 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST.
A4C Empower Hour guest segment 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST followed by Tanya’s Weekly News Update. Be sure to invite others and Register in Advance.

What does UNDRIP and Canada’s abundant natural minerals and resources have to do with the Truth and Reconciliation campaign? Find out on this week’s Empower Hour when Michelle Stirling, author, researcher, columnist and blogger, joins Tanya Gaw to provide a thoughtful and well researched presentation laying out all the facts about what is really going on and who will benefit from it. Michelle is a former member of the Canadian Association of Journalists and researched, wrote, and co-produced historical shows about Southern Alberta under the supervision of Dr. Hugh Dempsey, former curator of the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta. Michelle has also written many articles, as well as two books, exposing the truth behind the lies of the unmarked graves, residential schools and the media’s irresponsible participation in spreading misinformation.

The Canadian government has spent over $68 billion in compensation and reconciliatory programs on a population of less than 1.8 million Indians – not all of whom went to the Residential Schools. Over $126 billion is currently on the table to payout more bogus settlements. Despite this huge compensation, the majority of natives still live in poverty, with no fresh water and a lack of housing while the media continues their focus on witch-hunts.

At least 85 Catholic churches have been set ablaze or vandalized since the unproven discovery of 215 suspected unmarked graves near the former Kamloops Indian Residential School on May 27, 2021. This fake report was intentionally planned to ignite a firestorm of backlash against white European citizens (you know…the ones who built this nation and created a thriving democracy) on the world stage so that the ultimate victim card of ‘genocide’ could set off a series off financial reparations and a ‘land back’ initiative. This unlawful and unconstitutional attack against Canadian’s inalienable, God-given rights should have every Canadian up in arms and meeting with their elected officials to demand justice and an end to the tyranny! Be sure to register in advance for this critical Empower Hour.

Oct 27, 2022 the House of Commons (HOC) recognized “Canada’s Indian Residential Schools as an act of genocide”, without any evidence to support these accusations. In 2023, the HOC held a moment of silence for a phantom genocide. Currently Canadian lawyers are claiming that Canada is guilty of genocide and appealing to the UN to take action. This is a complete shakedown to facilitate a hostile global takeover. Justin Trudeau is committing high-treason in facilitating this.

“Genocide has implications…reparations…”land back””. What a clever global plan to first victimize so-called ‘indigenous’ people, fake a genocide and stolen land claims, in order to then come in and rob law-abiding Canadian homeowners of their land so that the globalists can take over not only our critical minerals and natural resources but key masses of land (eg the Haida Gwaii Islands) which, from a global military strategic position, opens Canada up to a national security threat.

A Few Facts:

  • Sir John A. Macdonald saved more Indian’s lives than any other Prime Minister!
  • Unlike the United States, Canada treated the natives well and had hundreds of years of friendly, peaceful, trade relations.
  • Chiefs requested residential schools and granted reserve land for them.
  • Parents willingly enrolled their children in the schools
  • Many families had already adopted Christianity long before the residential schools were created
  • Residential schools took in many orphaned, handicapped and sick children, as well as adults who asked for refuge.

We are not deniers, we are citizens who are interested in the truth and we are intolerant of liars, thieves and opportunists.

The Canadian Systemic Racism Ruse: Truth and Revelation

In 2023, Tanya Gaw wrote an in-depth report, “The Canadian Systemic Racism Ruse: Truth and Revelation”, to expose the Canadian government’s treasonous actions in collaborating with the United Nations to take control of our land and precious natural resources. To accomplish this the government is using the Natives as pawns and falsely demonizing white Europeans through crimes that were never committed.

The United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) is a document that is in violation of the Canadian Constitution and must be revoked in BC, and sent to the shredder at the Federal level. The Truth and Reconciliation mantra is being used as a weapon to oppress, malign, shame, denigrate and attack Canadians (Christians, Catholics and people of European decent) with the end goal to facilitate a massive wealth transfer, control our resources, and rob citizens of their sovereignty and land rights.

The video presentation provides a ‘balance’ to the ongoing false narratives behind the Truth and Reconciliation campaign, the missing and murdered women and girls, and accusations of “mass graves and genocide of Indigenous people”. 

Part 3: Jasper Fire, A Forensic Investigation 

Are you suspicious of the July 22, 2024 Jasper National Park fire? Then watch this Empower Hour which features special guest Robert Brame, a Forensic Arborist who brings into question the origins of the fire that ignited quickly and raged out of control, destroying one-third of the buildings (homes and businesses) in the townsite–which is a national treasure and popular tourist attraction. There are legitimate concerns that Directed Energy Technology is being used and when combined with 5G and geoengineering technology, is causing extreme ignitions and creating a perfect storm. The mainstream media promulgates news reports that are crafted to make out that Climate Change is the culprit, but Robert provides very compelling evidence that something else, very sinister, is afoot.

Please share these presentations widely with elected officials, those working in the forest industry, mainstream local media and environmental groups, and request they investigate and provide a written response. Share it as well as on social media, and with friends, family and co-workers. Include the additional information found on A4C’s pages: Global Fires = Global Control and Canadian Fires = Global Control.

Watch A4C’s Weekly News Update

This week Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, provides a lengthy Weekly News Update that is jam packed with ‘many’ good news reports. As Tanya reports on the challenging issues she provides effective A4C resources and strategies to oppose the government’s tyrannical policies and ideologies. The left’s agenda is falling apart in the West and it is as a result of citizens actively rising up in non-compliance and voicing their concerns.

Action4Canada, is on the frontline of this battle and we request that you assist us by sharing our information and encouraging more Canadians to Sign Up and JOIN our mission to preserve and protect Canadian’s inalienable, God-given rights and freedoms. There is strength in numbers!

Also, remember to Subscribe to our Rumble Channel Today! so that you don’t miss out on the A4C Empower Hour productions or Weekly News Updates

Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @