Send the NOL to: School Board Trustees, District Superintendents, Ministers of Education, Principals, teachers, mayors etc.
There are four PDF’s to choose from. One for Parents or Concerned Citizens with no child in the system; one for Post Secondary Students; one for Children participating in Sports or Performing Arts; and one for Elected Officials mandating minors get vaccinated.
See Instructions below for Service of NOL –
Parent/Concerned Citizen: English version | French version
Post Secondary Student Notice of Liability: English version | French version
Children participating in Sports or Performing Arts: PDF Notice of Liability
NO! to ALL COVID-19 Testing It is a criminal Act to force testing on “anyone”
Other NOL’s More Notices Here
Instructions for Sending the Notice of Liability
A Notice of Liability only needs to be served once to a recipient (not three times):
- **Do not give the NOL to your child to serve. Follow the instructions provided.
- Print two copies of the Notice of Liability
- Fill in both copies with the name of the person you are sending it to (one notice per person) and sign each copy
- Keep one copy of the Notice for your records
- Record the event when serving the notice of liability in person
- If sending by mail, you must send using registered mail
Note: It is important to keep a record of all information (eg. documents, videos, dates, times, etc.)
Please take further action by sending the NOL to the Teacher’s Unions and Ministers of Education.
Contact Info:
Teacher Union Presidents
Prov/Territorial Ministers of Education
School officials, staff and volunteers, are not medical professionals and, therefore, they are unlawfully practicing medicine by prescribing, recommending, and using coercion to insist that students take this experimental medical treatment.
Students are at nearly zero % risk of contracting or transmitting this respiratory illness and are instead buffers which help others build their immune system. The overall survival rate is 99.997%.
There are a rising number of reports wherein healthy youth in the USA were given the COVID shot, and died: Doctor’s testimony
Researchers stopped the covid-19 “vaccine” testing on animals because they were dying, then proceeded to release it onto the global populace for continued trials. The only reason these shots are available is under the cover of the Emergency Measures, otherwise they would have never been authorized. The entire population, including children, have, unknowingly, become test subjects. This has resulted in extremely harmful reactions, including death. Read HERE
UPDATE June 13, 2021: In response to the Notice of Liability being delivered to teachers, principals, and school superintendents across the nation…Unions and other officials are advising their teachers NOT to give any vaccine advice to their students. This is the right response.
However, Interior Health and a school superintendent in BC are attempting to minimize the legitimacy of the NOL and stating that the NOL is coming from an anti-vaccine organization, and that they are following provincial guidelines. This is not an acceptable excuse and will not exonerate them from liability should they continue to promote this experimental treatment. The fact is that they are simply parroting the “advice” of the PHO and WHO without any scrutiny, or recognizing the advice of Canadian and International experts who strongly disagree with the government’s narrative.
To be clear…what is being administered is NOT a vaccine but a harmful and deadly experimental gene therapy so please continue to take action!
The Canadian government is coming after your child and they say that parental permission is not required.

Action4Canada accepts no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that occur as result of delivering this notice to anyone. If you do not agree to these terms then please do not use this notice. We do not make any representations or warranties about the potential consequences of delivering this Notice of Liability (eg. removal of child from a private school).
Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be used as legal or health advise. We encourage you to do your own research.