David Lindsay Biography

David Lindsay, co-founder of Common Law Education and Rights (CLEAR), is a regular guest on the Empower Hour with Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada.
David has been involved in freedom issues for the past 30 years. The CLEAR initiative focuses on a correct understanding and application of common law, which, surprising to many people, originated in the Bible.
David has a keen knowledge of the law, the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He has written books and created a DVD series, exploring the law in relation to the hierarchy of law in Canada and what the powers and duties are of all officials involved, including the Monarch. Learn about David’s 15 part webinar series “Common Law Made Clear” at https://clearbc.org.
David also teaches about The Coronation Oath (view link to access webinars) which is key to restoring our rights and freedoms by undoing any legislation that is in violation of the Oath.
The first Coronation Oath was sworn in 973 AD and committed to uphold the Christian religion. The first protestant Coronation Oath was sworn in 1547 and is the foundation of the governance of the British Commonwealth of which Canada is a part of. The oath maintains that the commonwealth will be ruled by the laws of God, the true Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion Established by Law. After Queen Elizabeth’s death in 2022, King Charles III became the next heir to the throne and on May 6, 2023 was formally sworn in. As part of the ceremony King Charles swore the Coronation Oath which means he must also govern the commonwealth accordingly.
The Coronation Oath, is a living, breathing, powerful document that Trudeau and his cronies would prefer you didn’t know about. It is a buried treasure that must once again be given its proper place and authority in the governance of this great country! The Coronation Oath is the starting point of your Constitutional freedom and power for peaceful civil disobedience.
David has also written one of the only books in Canada on how a citizen can lay a private information (criminal charges) against another individual without involving the police.
Book: The Annotated Criminal Charging Procedure in Canada – Order HERE
Website: https://clearbc.org/
Videos of David Lindsay on the Empower Hour
Coronation Oath and Immigration
Oct. 4, 2023
Know Your Rights and Assert Them
November 30th, 2022
The Coronation Oath and the Constitution
September 7th, 2022
The Coronation Oath
April 20th, 2022
How to Hold People Liable When Your Rights are Being Violated. Part 2
October 27th, 2021
Where Do Your Rights Come From?
October 6th, 2021
Defying Tyrants
May 17, 2023
15 Minute Cities
February 22nd, 2023
Laying Criminal Charges
June 1st, 2022
David Lindsay
Jan 5th, 2022
Q&A with Tanya and David
November 24th, 2021
How to Hold People Liable When Your Rights are Being Violated. Part 1
October 13th, 2021