What is the CFIB doing for small businesses?

Shouldn’t the CFIB be Working for Small Businesses instead of Big Pharma?

What exactly is the CFIB doing on behalf of their members? 

May 19, 2021

Is the CFIB lobbying government in accordance with their paid membership commitment? With over 95,000 members the CFIB is the largest organization in Canada who are supposed to be exclusively working in the best interests of independent business owners. Check out their abysmal business recovery dashboard.

The president of the CFIB, Dan Kelly, spends his time tweeting and promoting the vaccines, vaccine passports, and contact tracing (see below). They falsely claim businesses will be up and running once they, and their employees, get the shot.

What have they done in the past 16 months to counter the government’s agenda to destroy small business and the middle class. Never in history have such extreme measures been taken in response to a virus with a recovery rate of 99.997%.

Why is an experimental vaccine needed when the majority of the population atre healthy?

Dan Kelly’s promotion of vaccine passports doesn’t match a recent SURVEY done by 800 Canadian business leaders. “The results make it clear that governments will face strong resistance from business leaders to introduce any attempts at vaccine passports for workplaces.”

Question: Are you as a business owner willing to take on the liability of your employees if they experience injury? The threat of job security related to vaccines is real and a persons bodily autonomy is protected under under the Nuremberg Code and the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. Medical intervention requires voluntary informed consent without coercion and pressure.

Is the Restaurant Association, Chamber of Commerce, or any other Association fighting on behalf of small businesses in Canada?

If not, is it time for small business owners to pull their memberships and get behind an organization that actually cares and is working on their behalf?

Action4Canada is commencing legal action against the BC and federal government in response to the extreme measures which are not only hurting business owners but in violation of our inalienable rights under the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Right to Life, Liberty, and Security of the person.

Take the following SURVEY.  A4C is working to better understand business owners and their needs.

Please visit our resource page for more information to assist you, donate to help us help you, and Join the Action4Canada business team today.

Thank you,

The Team@


Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be used as legal or health advise. We encourage you to also seek your own legal advise.