Urgent follow up Call to Action…Spruce Grove Conversion Therapy Ban

April 9, 2020


Update and further Call To Action!

In March, Action4Canada sent out a Call to Action in opposition to the Mayor and City Council, in Spruce Grove, AB, voting on a citywide “Conversion Therapy Ban”.

Two city councillors voted NO and 5 voted in favour.  Once again, due to the quarantine, residents will be unable to attend the meeting in person or rally support in opposition to the ban.  The meeting will take place on-line.  This lacks integrity and it lacks respect for the citizens they are supposed to represent.

Please sign the letter below (or write your own), copy and paste to your inbox and send to the Mayor and City Council.

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Please BCC: [email protected] 

If you are new to the Calls To Action please click on this link for instructions.  Click Here

Thank you and God Bless Canada!

Tanya Gaw

Dear Mayor Houston and Spruce Grove City Council,

First, I want to give special thanks to Councillor Jeff Acker and Wayne Rothe for voting against this draconian by-law.

Prior to the second reading in March Spruce Grove received many letters from the public expressing their deep concerns over the City’s decision to vote in favour of a so-called Conversion Therapy ban.  The vote went ahead regardless of the public’s indignation that you would do so during a pandemic lock down.  What exactly is the hurry to pass this by-law, which is a violation of Constitutional Rights and Freedoms, an attack against parental rights and will cause serious physical, mental and emotional harm to minors?

It is critical that the City understand medical malpractice suits and legal action is commencing and will indeed be pursued in the very near future should you refuse to take the appropriate action and dismiss this By-Law in its entirety. Eg. Tavistock   Case of 6 yr old Cdn. girl

In the United States nine state legislatures have tabled bills to prohibit the “sterilization and mutilation of minors” (under the age of 18).  Doctors could face jail time and fines if they provide puberty blocking drugs.  MissouriFloridaIllinoisOklahomaColoradoSouth CarolinaKentuckySouth Dakota and  Idaho

In fact Idaho just passed their bill.  Read Here

Drag Queen Story hours are also being banned throughout the US.  Stiff consequences are being imposed on public libraries due to children being psychologically abused and sexually groomed at Drag Queen Story Hours.  Missouri,   Wisconsin,  Texas,  Etc.

As stated previously this ban is a massive overreach with extreme consequences which should not be dealt with by the city.  The Mayor and city council were elected to manage the city and its infrastructure.  Not to take on political social justice matters advanced by political LGBTQ lobby groups.

This By-Law is not only an attack against individuals but specifically targets non-profit organizations such as churches.  Section 4.1 to 4.4 is a shocking, underhanded example directed against corporations, both non-profit and the like.  I would goes so far as to say that Section 4 is an unethical violation in its entirety which would undermine and stop people from having any inclination to hold a position as a principal, director, manager, employee or agent of any corporation due to the risk of being found liable and sued.  The city is strong arming citizens and forcing them to comply or else!

The city has been well informed that there is absolutely no evidence to support the lie that Conversion Therapy is transpiring in any district in Spruce Grove or for that matter anywhere in Canada.  It was banned over 40 years ago. True Conversion Therapy consisted of treatments such as electroshock, castration and institutionalization.  It is deceitful to use this term in relation to much needed reparative therapy, counselling and talk therapy.  The city’s definition is convoluted and deceptive and to use such a broad definition opens up the very real possibility that the law would be weaponized by radical sexual progressivists using a subjective interpretation of this definition.

The city’s definition is as follows:

2.4 “Conversion Therapy” means offering or provision of counselling or behaviour modification techniques, administration or prescription of medication, or any purported treatment, service, or tactic used for the objective of changing a Person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, or reducing or eliminating sexual attraction or sexual behaviour between Persons of the same sex, not including;

  1. a) services that provide acceptance, support, or understanding of a Person or that facilitate a person’s coping, social support, or identity exploration or development, or b) gender-affirming surgery and related services

To arbitrarily change the definition of Conversion Therapy to support a politically charged agenda is something that must be challenged especially when that definition is absent of reality and the consequences are so severe.  If conversion therapy were to be redefined, an accurate redefinition, based on what is actually transpiring, should read:

  • “any practice, treatment or service designed to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity from their biological sex to a reassigned sex, or sexual preference, in an effort to ‘prohibit’ sexual attraction or sexual behaviour between persons of the opposite sex.. This would ‘include’ hormonal therapy and sex reassignment surgery”.

The individuals behind this agenda are LGBTQ Political activists, such as Kristopher Wells, who are determined to strip parents of their Constitutional rights, undermine the structure of the natural family and the church and gain control of vulnerable youth in order to sterilize and mutilate them.  Science is not on their side so instead they have created this grand deception that Conversion Therapy is going on in places such as church basements throughout this nation…without “any” evidence to support this.

Defining conversion therapy accurately is imperative since the city plans on making it an offence.

The ban threatens to criminalize therapy only for those who are providing counsel to individuals who are seeking healing and wholeness which may, or may not, lead to a life outside of the homosexual or trans life.  It does not criminalize those who are giving counsel to individuals to pursue sex reassignment surgery and hormone therapy or the doctors responsible for mutilating a child’s or adult’s body and injecting them with dangerous hormones.  In this instance, the city actually provides a clause exempting any criminal culpability.

Many children questioning their gender or same sex attraction do so because they have experienced childhood trauma such as sexual abuse or other forms of abuse.  It is critical these children receive reparative therapy to talk through this in order to give them the best possible chance of living a healthy and productive life.  Who are you to prohibit them from getting the help they need?

The fact that you would consider a one-sided demand that only leads to harmful drugs and the sterilization and mutilation of children is appalling.  Those who pursue sex reassignment surgery have a 19X greater risk of committing suicide.  Are you grasping the enormity of the death sentence you are placing on minors when you vote in favour of this By-law?

Further, there is mounting evidence to support the rise in gender dysphoric children is due to their indoctrination via the Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum mandated by the UN and currently in schools across this nation.  A heavy-handed LGBTQ propaganda tool disguised as anti-bullying.  If in doubt view this educational training video wherein minors are being taught gender is fluid and that they can be a boy, girl, anything in between or neither.  Drag Queen story hours and Drag Queen performers are further twisting the minds of our children and now that our trusted leaders have completely interfered with minors natural thinking regarding their biology, they are coming up with this draconian move to ban critical therapy.  Leaving parents and minors with the only option to move toward harmful drugs and sex reassignment surgery wherein perfect healthy bodies parts are permanently removed!   Including sterilizing minors and leading eventually to penectomies (removal of penis) and hysterectomies.

The State sponsored abuse of our children is reprehensible, and Canadians will not continue to permit it nor will we allow our constitutional rights to be desecrated by a small group of activists.

Every elected official is on notice…anyone supporting this abuse of our children will not be supported in future elections.

Therefore, I request that you vote NO to this deceitful and unsubstantiated Conversion Therapy Prohibition BYLAW C-1103-19.

Yours Sincerely,