The Canadian Systemic Racism Ruse: Truth and Revelation
In the video presentation above Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, provides an in-depth review of the following report and exposes the corruption and links between the so-called Truth and Reconciliation campaign, UNDRIP and the Global Agenda. This is a battle over property rights, land grabs, our water, resources, money and to control all humans. The ultimate goal is, as Klaus Schwab has proclaimed, ‘you will be happy and own nothing”.
Special note: the following report does not deny that there were native children who were removed from their homes, attended the Residential schools and experienced abuse at the hands of some morally corrupt individuals who were in charge of their care.
Every race and every culture have horrific stories of how their ancestors were treated, including the Europeans whose homes were bombed and destroyed, and so many lives lost, as a result of the second world war. This does not minimize any situation but it is important that we have a proper perspective and understanding that life is hard for many people. Yet, none have received as much attention, preferential treatment and financial reparation as the natives and it is time to move on.
The following report is in support of these statements, including the video below of Tanya Gaw, the founder of Action4Canada, providing information about the real agenda behind the Truth and Reconciliation crusade.
This report provides a ‘balance’ to the ongoing false narratives behind the Truth and Reconciliation campaign, the missing and murdered women and girls, and accusations of “mass graves and genocide of Indigenous people”. It also exposes the multi-BILLIONS of dollars that the government has, and continues to give to the natives, tax-free and at the expense of non-native, taxpaying citizens.
It will further reveal that there is a much bigger agenda at play behind so-called Truth and Reconciliation. The reality is that this is a psyop. The Truth and Reconciliation mantra is being used as a weapon to oppress, malign, shame, denigrate and attack Canadians (Christians, Catholics and people of European decent) with the end goal facilitating a massive wealth transfer, controlling our resources and robbing citizens of their sovereignty and land rights.
Trudeau has fuelled this campaign that is built on lies and misinformation, to cause division and conflict. He is using the natives as pawns and exploiting them to advance the WEF/UN’s Agenda 2030 land and resource grab. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) was developed to leverage control of land by claiming that Canadians are on stolen land or a now more familiar phrase, on unceded territory. The actions of the Government and the Chiefs involved in this charade are unlawful and the treaties being secretly negotiated are in violation of the Constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Coronation Oath and therefore must be immediately revoked.
The decades of victimhood, and lies perpetuated by Native activists about white people and Christians committing mass genocide and murdering indigenous women and girls is over. There are copious amounts of evidence to prove that there are no mass graves and that the natives are responsible for the majority of violence against native women and girls.
The truth and reconciliation subterfuge is coming to an end and so must all treaties, agreements, financial support and handouts.
2023 Budget: Indigenous Funding
“In the 2023 Budget, the federal government is continuing to build on the progress we have made together since 2015 on walking the path of truth and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples…” “Budget 2023 will help everyone share in the opportunities and prosperity that Canada provides.”
Prosperity for everyone? Canadians have paid over $103 billion to the natives since 2015. Never mind the billions Canadian taxpayers paid prior to that. We are far beyond reconciled. Canadians must contact their MP’s and demand an end to this wealth transfer. This must become an election issue municipally, provincially and federally.
Article March 2024: Chiefs of 74 Saskatchewan First Nations are being subjected to a forensic audit, investigation, by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) for the misuse of public funds.
- $23 Billion agreement to compensate First Nations children and families;
- $4.9 billion to enhance and reform services for Indigenous children, expand Indigenous-led mental wellness services, and support communities as they respond to and heal from the ongoing impact of residential schools;
- $4.3 billion over seven years to build and repair housing in Indigenous communities;
- $1.6 billion over five years, starting in 2023-24, to implement Canada’s first National Adaptation Strategy;
- $1.1 billion to conserve and protect nature in Canada and around the world, including $800 million to support up to four Indigenous-led conservation initiatives.
Since 2015 Trudeau has paid over $68.6 billion to the natives.
Total funding to natives since 2015 = over $103 BILLION! But wait, there’s more….
Add this: Another $10B settlement was reached in landmark First Nation treaty case. Negotiations are apparently ongoing as the Supreme Court of Canada is being asked to order financial redress worth as much as $126-billion to First Nations in Northern Ontario. Chief Dean Sayers says, “This is only a first step. The proposed agreement only deals with past annuities.”
And…another 9 Billion “In new cash for Indigenous communities..” “Spending on Indigenous priorities has increased significantly since 2015 (181 per cent) with spending for 2023-24 estimated to be over $30.5 billion,” the budget says.
And (July 2024)…A draft deal with Ottawa on child-welfare reforms is worth $47.8 billion
- In most cases, the person accused of the homicide was also Indigenous (86%).
- Indigenous people are given three years less prison time than white people, for the same crime.
- Since 1999, judges have been compelled to give Indigenous criminals lighter sentences because of the general hardships of growing up Indigenous.
Report: Too Many Indigenous Men Abuse Too Many Indigenous Women
“Until Indigenous men are held to the same standards as everyone else, nothing will change.”
Indigenous Female Murder Stats Clash with Liberal Narrative
Lorne Gunter provides a report on the results Statistics Canada recently released regarding the murders of Indigenous women and girls. It should have a significant impact on public policy in Canada, but almost certainly won’t because it conflicts with the “woke” narrative about who murders Indigenous women and why.
The report has several fascinating findings, but here is the key one: In most cases (86%), “the person accused of their homicide was also Indigenous.” In short, most murdered Indigenous women were killed by Indigenous men (and occasionally another Indigenous woman).
Gunter reminds us that the final report of the $54-million MMIWG inquiry came out in 2019, perpetuated the “progressive” stereotypes that white men murdered most Indigenous victims and white police did almost nothing about the crimes.
Let’s Talk About the Mass Graves Hoax that Divided Our Nation
Canada Day was attacked as well Christians and our founding fathers. Sir John A. MacDonald statues were torn down and names of buildings were changed.
Watch this additional documentary exposing this egregious hoax.
“It scandalized a nation. It outraged a pope and a prime minister. It gave birth to a new national holiday. And it was a fraud.”
Quote: Former Dene Chief Cece Hodgson-McCauley, 2018
“We all heard of horrible lies created by some individuals in order to receive as much money as they could.”
Article October 2024: Judge slams Trudeau, media for false claims about deaths, ‘secret burials’ at residential schools
The fact is there is no evidence to support the genocide or murder of Indigenous children or adults, and no “mass graves”. Thank God.
- Kamloops….graves empty
- Edmonton…graves empty
- Manitoba…graves empty
- Saskatchewan… It was an official cemetery that included the remains of many adults
- Nova Scotia…graves empty
You would think this would be something to celebrate but sadly it is instead an inconvenient truth to those who fostered these lies, as they are the foundation of their hate campaign against white people and they attack anyone who dares to expose it. Are they really interested in “truth” and reconciliation or is there another agenda at play? Read on to learn more.
The Government, spurred on by the native activists, is threatening to implement legislation against “denialism” of so-called residential school deniers but this has nothing to do with the schools; it is about the grave sites. The Government’s/activist’s tactic is driven by manipulating emotions so they use false and inflammatory language in an effort to maintain control. Such as, “Denialism is violence. Denialism is calculated. Denialism is harmful. Denialism is hate.”
Article March 2022: The False Narrative of Residential School Burials
Article February 2024: No evidence of ‘mass graves’ or ‘genocide’ in residential schools
$8 MILLION Dollars Spent on Mass Grave Hoax in Kamloops
May 9, 2024: Canadian taxpayers were forced to pay a whopping $7.9 million to excavate the so-called unmarked graves at the Indian Residential School in Kamloops, BC, in response to First Nation’s outcry in 2021 claiming there were murdered indigenous children. The whole scandal was a hoax and not one body was discovered or any evidence of foul play. Now the question remains, where did the $7.9 million go? Apparently that information isn’t being released under the Access to Information Act.
In 2021, Cabinet lowered the Peace Tower flag at half mast for 161 days, approved $3.1 million for a national Residential Schools Student Death Register and another $238.8 million for a Residential Schools Missing Children Community Support Fund.
Canadians, who had no hand in any abuse toward this community, are fed up with their tax dollars being used to payout hundreds of billions of dollars to individuals who have shown no respect or appreciation for what has been given to them. It is long overdue to revoke treaties, cease and desist all further funding and to expose the UN’s plan to use the natives as pawns, and UNDRIP, to advance their nefarious agenda to steal citizens’ land and our resources.
Historical Insights: UNDRIP, Graves
& Genocide
What does UNDRIP and so-called Genocide have to do with Canada’s abundant natural minerals and resources and the Truth and Reconciliation campaign? Michelle Stirling, author, researcher, columnist and blogger, joins Tanya Gaw to provide a thoughtful and well researched presentation laying out all the facts about what is really going on and who will benefit from it. Michelle is a former member of the Canadian Association of Journalists who has researched and written many articles, as well as two books, exposing the truth behind the lies of the unmarked graves, residential schools and the media’s irresponsible participation in spreading misinformation.
Addessing Genocide, Treason, Fraud and Denialism

URGENT Call to Action: Repeal UNDRIP, Ban Sugarcane and Commence an Investigation!
Canada is facing a coordinated and multifaceted assault that demands immediate action. A calculated campaign, initiated by the United Nations (UN) and certain native activist groups, is being actively facilitated by a government that has abandoned its duty to protect Canadian citizens. This treacherous agenda is defrauding taxpayers of hundreds of billions of dollars, violating the Canadian Constitution, and trampling on the God-given inalienable rights of Canadians. The resulting transfer of wealth and land represents one of the most significant betrayals in Canadian history—rivalled only by the events surrounding COVID-19. Click HERE to Take Action Today!
There is NO evidence of genocide so why is the government and its proxies continuing to spew lies and spread misinformation — especially when it is leading to Canada being falsely accused of genocide on the world stage and undermining our reputation as a peaceful, democratic nation that is known for providing refuge for people escaping persecution worldwide?
Answer: The Globalists are out to destroy the West and part of their agenda is to exploit the natives, using victimization and UNDRIP as a weapon of warfare in an effort to unlawfully take control of our resources and rob Canadians of their land rights by emboldening native groups to claim ‘land back’ rights. The government’s actions in facilitating this takeover are nothing less than criminal (treasonous) and in violation of our Constitution. We must therefore vehemently oppose this agenda and demand these agreements be revoked. Make this an election issue!
The Bitterroots of Sugarcane
Sugarcane was released earlier in 2024 to select audiences, including film critics, in Canada and around the world. The filmmakers purport to expose systemic abuse at residential schools. However, the film omits key facts and makes unfounded accusations, rewriting Canadian history and framing Canada as a genocidal nation.
This film is propaganda. It is another hit piece against our great nation that spreads more deception about Indian Residential School history in Canada. A federal investigation should commence against anyone involved in misleading the public and inciting hate in this way.
Watch Michelle Stirling’s mini-documentary that rebuts ‘Sugarcane’ and educate citizens about this blood libel being levied at Canada. Read Michelle’s Substack report for more facts and information.
Calling Out Kimberly Murray!

Kimberly Murray, a possible Pretendian and the special interlocutor who headed the federal probe on missing children and unmarked graves, wants to bring in Indigenous law, ‘decolonize’ empathy and imprison ‘denialists’. However, the final report lacks any evidence, incites hate and facilitates the global agenda. The National Post described it as absurd and said that it will be used by governments and lawyers (ambulance-chasers) as support for future billion-dollar payouts and arguments in court for more colonial concessions. Murray needs to be investigated. Read Michelle Stirling’s in-depth report and share it widely.
Addtional Article: Open Letter to the Honorable Ministers Arif Virani and Gary Anandasangaree, Senator Brian Francis, Senator Margo Greenwood
Prof. Sean Carleton is another character who is maliciously spreading misinformation. Michelle provides a response rebutting, disputing and debunking his false claims.
It is very concerning that the voice of natives who attended the residential schools and who truly benefitted from their experience, are being silenced. There are many reports of natives who were orphans and rescued from abusive homes who found safety and care in the schools. Their stories are critical to shutting down these reckless lies that are creating division and inciting hatred, that will undoubtedly lead to more violence against the Christian community.
Is an Apology to Christians Forthcoming? Nope!
In 2021, the news about the purported residential school mass graves fuelled a wave of unprecedented attacks against Catholic and Protestant churches and also ignited a rise in anti-Christian and anti-Catholic sentiment. In June 2021 it was reported by The Federalist that tribal leaders “compared the priests and nuns who ran the boarding schools to Nazis,” and said the discovery was evidence of “mass murder of indigenous people,” that it was an “attempted genocide.” These reckless statements, along with Trudeau’s support, fanned the flames and attacks which resulted in 83 churches nationwide being vandalized and burned to the ground, most of them Catholic and some of them more than a century old.
Is an apology forthcoming? It does not appear so. On October 24, 2023 at the INAN committee meeting a motion was brought forward to condemn the vandalism and burning of the churches however, it was struck down by Liberal and NDP MP’s.
83 Churches Vandalized and Burned Down

If it Walks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck, it is a Duck
Ken Watts, elected Tseshaht chief councillor
On October 12, Tanya Gaw, Founder of Action4Canada, posted on Twitter about the govt’s results on the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. As stated above, in most cases, the person accused of the homicide was also Indigenous (86%). A couple of weeks later Tanya was on a speaking tour on Vancouver Island when Ken Watts, elected Tseshaht Chief councillor in Port Alberni, released a public statement attacking Tanya and Action4Canada and attempted to shut down her speaking engagement. Watts didn’t hesitate to pull the hate and racism card but with no evidence to back up his statement. He spewed misinformation and neglected to provide the details of Tanya’s post so that people would have the opportunity to understand the situation in its proper context. In so doing he incited a hate campaign, Tanya, Action4Canada, local residents and business owners were threatened and bullied. Read Tanya’s response to Watts’ letter and Watch Tanya’s presentation to learn more.
Tanya’s post was admittedly a blunt statement but it was also factual, “It’s time to pull the plug and end the charade of the Truth and Reconciliation witch hunt. The graves are empty and indigenous violence is their own doing!”
Watts’ threats did not stop Tanya from attending the meeting in Port Alberni, it was merely moved to a new location.
When Tanya posted the comment, she was considering the ramifications of the decades old campaigns calling Canadians racist and the growing concerns about the Government and native activists using the false accusations to implement Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the education system and also to advance the UNDRIP/WEF agenda.
The media of course got on board to help the natives do damage control and next thing you know more Chiefs were on board and amplifying the victim card, the racist card, the hate card, and whatever else they could pull from up their sleeves, all the while talking about the importance of being loving and inclusive. Their actions are shameful.
- Action4canada is not Welcome in Komoks Territory Elected Chief and Council
- Tseshaht First Nation Bans Controversial Speaker for Anti-Indigenous Comments
- Are Some Comox Valley Churches Promoting Hatred
- Action4Canada Visit an Embarrassing Moment for the Comox Valley
- First Nations Speak Out Against Action4CanadaAction4Canada Does Not Speak For All Christians Cumberland, Rev Brown (The “Weird” church)
- The news reports included a story that Tanya and Action4Canada had been banned by the Mission School Board but they didn’t provide the inconvenient truth. Tanya was approved for a delegation and attended an online school board meeting in Jan 2023 and showed the pornographic/sexually explicit books that are available in school districts. She was quickly shut down and a month later the school board banned A4C for a year. The news headline read, Mission School District Bans Anti-LGBTQ Group From Presenting at Meetings After Graphic Slideshow
As Tanya began to research the Chiefs, she discovered that they all had something in common. There are negotiations going on with the BC and Federal Government, pushing for ‘Indigenous’ (AKA UN-DRIP) land rights, to gain control of our rich resources, water and to plunder more tax-dollars from hardworking Canadians. As examples, review the K’omoks Treaty Negotiations and the recently signed ‘non-binding’ nature conservation framework agreement. Theses deals that are being made basically declare non-Indigenous homeowners will be reduced to visitors on their own property and they are facilitating the WEF’s 2030 Agenda to gain control of our water and resources. The majority of Canadians are unaware of what is going on and its time to put a stop to it. It has become very evident that the Chiefs/Native activists have much to lose as a result of the inconvenient truths being exposed.
The recent attacks against Tanya and Action4Canada very much resemble a witch-hunt. If it walks like a duck and Quacks like a duck, it is a duck. Would you agree?
Abuse of Power: Cancel Culture and Censorship
Social Credit Score
Environmental Social & Governance
Diversity Equity & Inclusion
Did you know that churches are now being evaluated based on their ESG and DEI score? It’s right out of the Chinese Communist playbook.
The Chiefs and the radical lgbtq lobby groups are using these scoring systems to advance radical ideologies and the 2030 Agenda. They constantly scream foul when things aren’t going their way. The reality is that for the leftists, ESG and DEI are a one way street. There is no diversity of ideas or the willingness to respect a difference of opinion. No civil conversations to be had.
Their most recent assault is to lobby mayors and councils to prohibit churches from receiving ‘permissive tax exemptions‘ based on false allegations of bigotry, hate, spreading misinformation or “promoting a denialist political agenda“. No evidence required. Churches work hard in their communities feeding the homeless and providing care and support to individuals in need, including the indigenous community and the lgbtq.
Municipalities who decide to discriminate against churches and deny them the tax exemption could find themselves in a costly legal battle for being in breach of ‘procedural fairness’ based on a 2021 Federal Court decision, Redeemer University College v Canada.
Lawyers arguing for Redeemer said the decision interfered with fundamental freedoms—those of freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of association—provided for in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Did you know?
Sir John A. Macdonald saved more indigenous lives than any other Prime Minister!

Greg Piasetzki, a Toronto lawyer and citizen of the Metis Nation of Ontario, along with nearly two dozen other critical thinkers contributed to the Aristotle Foundation’s new book, The 1867 Project: Why Canada Should be Cherished—Not Cancelled. The authors challenge the naysayers and their caustic criticisms, but also offer a positive path forward. They show how truth-telling, informed history, and renewing a Canada where citizens reject divisions based on colour and gender, and instead unite around laudable, time-tested ideas will create a freer, flourishing Canada for all. Read an excerpt of Piasetzki’s chapter and once again celebrate one of our beloved Father’s of Confederation, John A MacDonald, a man of moral integrity.
“Macdonald’s legacy is complicated by the passage of time and changing perspectives. But through careful study of his own words and deeds, as well as the reports and actions of his officials, contemporaries, native chiefs and political opponents, what emerges is a clear and powerful picture of his enlightened view towards Indigenous people and his strong sense of moral purpose. If Macdonald’s story has changed, it is because Canadian society no longer understands its own history.”
Statement: Tomson Highway, Residential Schools
It is important to report both sides of a story. According to Tomson Highway he had a very positive experience along with many other children who, even though it was difficult to be separated from their families, were grateful to get an education that led to successful careers. Tomson Highway himself became an acclaimed author and playwright. Tomson also confirms that many children died of tuberculosis, which also affected white children.
Report: Why Canada didn’t close the schools…and it’s not what you might think, by Greg Piasetzki

Indigenous children at a residential school, 1950s. Writer Greg Piasetzki opines that the schools lasted as long as they did because in later years, children were there for other reasons than education. Western Standard files
Excerpt…. In 1948, a report of another federal committee went even further and recommended that “wherever and whenever possible Indian children should be educated in association with other children.” That is, they should attend provincially-run public schools alongside the rest of Canada’s school-age population. Ottawa then essentially froze enrollment at its residentials schools in anticipation of shutting them down shortly.
And yet Canada’s last residential school didn’t close its doors until 1996, nearly half a century later. Why did these schools — now widely accused of perpetrating a genocide on Canada’s indigenous population — stay open so long after Ottawa wanted to shut them down?
Answer: Because Ottawa wasn’t prepared to abandon vulnerable native children.
Indigenous People Being Used for Agenda 2030 and WEF Goals
UNDRIP stipulates that Canada must implement “foreign” standards based on “lasting reconciliation, healing and cooperative relations.”
UNDRIP is masked as a Human Rights initiative but it is part of a chess game being unfolded by the globalists to strategically take control of our incredible resources which are the envy of the world. Taking away our land is an incremental step toward their ultimate goal. Read the government’s sales pitch on Implementing the UNDRIP Act. It is a real piece of work and you don’t even have to read between the lines to see what the ultimate plan is. Up front it looks like a great deal for the Indigenous people but if we consider Trudeau’s treatment of the natives since 2015 the evidence is overwhelming that he does not genuinely have their interests at heart. The UN’s agenda is clearly identified throughout UNDRIP.
The bible warns us not to sign treaties when you enter a land and for good reason and it is imperative that all treaties be revoked and that Canada pull out of the UN. “Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you.” Exodus 34:1
UNDRIP. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It’s being sold to the world as a human rights movement, a means to free indigenous people from poverty, discrimination and a lifetime of physical and substance abuse – the sad reality for a large majority of them. In truth, it’s a weapon being used to undermine the sovereignty of UN member countries, to control their resources, and to put political power into the hands of the globalists.
UNDRIP Act, Article 26, specifically states that indigenous people have the right to lands, territories and resources.” Indigenous Natural Resources Partnership (INRP) Program
The Liberal Government is aggressively moving forward with UNDRIP regardless of the fact that six provinces opposed the legislation, citing concerns that it would impact provincial laws and jurisdiction.
Contact your MPs/MLAs/MPPs and oppose UNDRIP!
Did You Know the Citizen Act Was Amended in 2021?
On June 21, 2021, an Act to amend the Citizenship Act received Royal Assent. This act inserts new language into the Oath of Citizenship that refers to the Aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples. The amendment is #94 of the “Government of Canada’s progress in responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) 94 Calls to Action.”
Text of the new Oath of Citizenship” “I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada, including the Constitution, which recognizes and affirms the Aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples, and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.
Land Acknowledgements: Stop Feeding the Beast
The natives never formed a commonwealth or established a prosperous nation. In fact, they have lived off the backs of hard-working Canadians.
It is important to understand that the natives immigrated to Canada as well, and when the Europeans arrived there were over 600 hundred tribes that were all infighting and as Chief Kenny Blacksmith said a few years ago, “and they still are today” (eg. Exhibit A / Exhibit B )
By continuing to entertain the myth that Europeans ‘stole’ land from the Natives it is perpetuating a much larger problem and in the meantime these unlawful and non-binding agreements are emboldening the Natives and giving them the impression that they have more authority then they actually do. (eg. Truckers Convoy/Notice of Trespass)
Lorne Gunter wrote a report, A Misunderstanding over Indigenous Sovereignty, and accurately said, “But the current gross misunderstanding of just what Indigenous “sovereignty” means comes mostly from myths and fallacies First Nations have told themselves over the last three or four decades; myths and fallacies that have been encouraged and reinforced by politically correct politicians, academics, activists and judges.”
A little more history. In the 1990s, land acknowledgments were part of internal protocol amongst First Nations to acknowledge whose territory they were on. It became more widely recited by non-Indigenous people after the release of the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission report and has been used ad nauseam ever since. Political correctness and social justice is fuelling this beast but at the core of it is a Marxist/global agenda seeking global control.
Heretical Treason!
Bonnie Henry describes herself as a “White Settler” and Dr. Kate Jongbloed refers to herself as a “White Occupier”.
Quite appalling that the PHO has decided to politicize her office to support a radical social justice campaign while thousands of nurses and doctors are out of work. I think we can agree that she needs to re-check her priorities.

Check out the BC Health Officer, Bonnie Henry’s statement and “Rights Acknowledgement”. Do you see how the UN, with the support of our provincial and federal governments are unlawfully interfering with our democracy and making proclamations that are in violation of the Canadian Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Coronation Oath?
The title alone is despicable and manipulative. If Henry is admitting she is a racist then she should be removed as PHO, but if she is speaking for the rest of us, then she owes Canadians an apology and needs to delete this page. It is heretical treason. This nation is founded on Christian principles upheld by our rule of law.
Proclamation, “We acknowledge with respect the inherent rights of the First Nations whose ancestral territories cover every inch of the province now known as British Columbia, including their unextinguished land rights and rights to self-determination, health, and wellness within these territories. Laws and governance systems rooted in the land have upheld the sovereignty of these diverse Nations for thousands of years. The rights and responsibilities of First Nations to their ancestral territories have never been ceded or surrendered, and are upheld in provincial, national, and international law.
We also recognize that many Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) from elsewhere in what is now known as Canada and beyond also call these lands and waters home, and they too have inherent Indigenous rights to self-determination, health, and wellness.”
Sadly, the PHO’s office isn’t the extent of it. This propaganda has crept into society and land acknowledgements and vitriol regarding colonialism and white privilege is being spouted at municipal meetings, in the media, the classroom and more. Citizens are even being forced to agree with land acknowledgements by woke school boards who are overstepping their authority, in order to attend meetings. This is in violation of Canadians’ Charter of Rights and Freedoms, such as the freedom of thought and belief.
In addition, a School Principal in Ontario accidently sent a letter which was meant for teachers to parents. The letter included a link to a “Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool” that the teachers were to fill out. Teachers are being told to agree that they must, “explicitly decentre whiteness” because “racism and white supremacy” persist today as historical legacies of colonialism and slavery.
Where would Canada be if it weren’t for the Europeans and our Fathers of Confederation, who formed this nation? How blessed we have been because of them and we cannot sit back and allow this truth to be erased from our history.
If you are silent and do not oppose these treaties and agreements then you are in a tacit agreement with them. Therefore, it is critical that you rise up in opposition and demand the government revoke them! Canadians’ land rights are also protected under the the Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Coronation Oath.
Tacit refers to something done or made in silence, as in a tacit agreement. A tacit understanding is manifested by the fact that no contradiction or objection is made and is thus inferred from the situation and the circumstances.
In closing, some food for thought: Is anyone asking why it is that the UN is fixated on Canada and Christian western nations? Why it is that they are not pressuring the 56 Islamic majority countries to give back the land they brutally subjugated from the Christians? Is anyone comparing how the Europeans entered Canada compared to how the Islamists took over other countries? Islamists invaded nations by violently murdering, raping, and beheading compared to the Europeans who came in trading and signing treaties with the Natives.
Do you believe it is time for the government and the Native communities to apologize to Canadian citizens and to cease and desist all gratuitous funding? Every able bodied Canadian should be expected to work for their own livelihood.
As Action4Canada continues to courageously expose evil and defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!
If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team @ [email protected]
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.
God bless you and God bless Canada!
The Team @