Pastoral Support Letter

March 28, 2021

Dear Pastors and Church Leaders,

Praise the Lord – many pastors are standing with uncompromising faith and fully opening their churches. Check out this encouraging video challenging others to do the same. 

HEBREWS 10:25 – Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

There is a growing movement and church coalitions are forming across our land and our Lord is honoring those who are faithfully opening up His house without restriction. Praise the Lord!!

We rejoice over our dear brother pastor James Coats as he was recently released from prison!! Oh what a day of celebration as pastor James was reunited with his family after being incarcerated on February 16. Please view the video to relive this moment and rejoice with our courageous brother.

Breaking News: Scotland Church Lockdown was RULED Unconstitutional and Unlawful!

A judge has ruled that a Scottish government ban on church worship during lockdown was unconstitutional, disproportionate and an interference with human rights.

Praise God for this ruling and we pray it will set a precedence for churches around the world!

Our dear pastors we offer you this informative & educational video. Constable Vincent Gircys, 35 year Ontario Provincial Police veteran, provides you instruction on how to interact with law enforcement if they interfere with opening your church. Clergy are protected under section 176 of the criminal code. Please share this with your church leadership team. You will be blessed by Constable Vincent’s message. You will find additional resources on our webpage to support you in fully opening.

Please take a moment to listen to this inspiring message to Pastors across Canada, from the founder of Action4Canada,Tanya Gaw.  

God bless you as you take your stand to open the house of the Lord. Action4Canada stands with you.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] and one of our pastoral support team will be more than happy to assist you.

Please consider a donation as we are a not-for-profit and rely solely on the contributions of our donors to support the work we are doing.

God Bless,

The Pastoral Team

Ron Rehwald – Pastoral Support Lead