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There are rising concerns that what we are experiencing is not merely mass immigration for the purposes of increasing Canada’s population but rather a cynical attempt by the government to destroy Canada’s sovereignty, founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and to buy future votes and pander to a politically correct agenda that does not serve any existing Canadian regardless of their ethnic or cultural background. This reckless, self-interested political ploy also erodes our democratic system and the Canadian Constitution itself.

In addition, mass immigration not only poses a serious threat to the well-being and livelihood of Canadian citizens but is creating a financial and housing crisis. Further, mass immigration, especially without integration or assimilation, is destroying our Canadian culture, economy, national security, and is eroding the Canadian fabric from within.

Therefore, demand the government cease and desist their reckless immigration policy and implement a moratorium on immigration until such time as the government can assure Canadians that the policy will be based on selecting immigrants that serve the economic needs of Canada and that they be screened to ensure they accept and embrace our Canadian Constitution, democratic system, and other values that are at the crux of Canadian society. Values, which have up until now, enabled this country to flourish for 156 years.

Please sign and share this petition

Special Notice: It is important to emphasize that the issue of immigration is not a race war. It is not about the colour of anyone’s skin. This is a culture war that is based on extremely different core values and beliefs.

Read petition letter and see videos below to help educate you on why immigration from third world nations poses a serious threat and why Canadians must take action now!


Petition to: Justin Trudeau – PM; Marc Miller – Minister of Immigration; Mary Simon – GG; Hon Arif Virani – Minister of Justice and AG

Moratorium on Immigration

I, the undersigned, seek to preserve Canada’s national sovereignty that underpins our democracy and freedoms and guarantees a high quality of life for all Canadians.

Canada has a distinct national identity and defined culture as set out in the architecture of our Constitution:

  1. Structurally in the Constitution Act 1867, the only religious rights that are guaranteed, and entrenched, as ruled by the Supreme Court of Canada in Adler v. Ontario, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 609[1], are the rights of denominational schools of the Protestant and Catholic faiths.
  2. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms[2] declares to be founded upon principles that recognize the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law.
  3. The Coronation Oath[3] which recognizes the duty of the monarch to “maintain the laws of God, the true Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion Established by Law.”

This petition addresses multiple concerns regarding mass immigration and the lack of proper implementation to integrate immigrants into Canadian society, its legal structure, its political structure, and its basic value structure. The current immigration system is allowing many people, who have no regard for Canadian society, to enter Canada and in turn perpetuate ideologies that are corruptive and at times advocate violence. This in turn presents a dangerous and disruptive force in Canadian society at all levels, including government. The following are examples that require answers:

  • What is Canada doing about foreign powers interfering in Canadian affairs, such as the Chinese who Trudeau seems to favour and express much admiration for[4]?
  • What is Canada doing about the accurate and reasonable accusation by India that Canada is a harbour for terrorists[5]? If Canada is right in its accusation that Indian agents murdered a Khalistani terrorist on Canadian soil, is India solely to blame, when Canada is harbouring Indian terrorists?
  • The presence of extreme Islamic views and politics in Canada[6]. For example:
  • What is the government doing about the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan, based on their Explanatory Memorandum[7], which is to infiltrate every western nation and take over from within, including Canada?
  • What course of action is the Canadian government undertaking to address Imams in Canada who openly oppose Canada’s system of government[8] based on religious grounds?
  • Why has Justin Trudeau welcomed ISIS fighters back to Canada and say that they will be an “extraordinary powerful voice for Canada”[9]?
  •  Why did Justin Trudeau repeal Bill C-24[10] allowing foreign-born convicted terrorists to maintain Canadian citizenship to keep all the rights and privileges of being a Canadian?
  • The Canadian government, all its MPs, including the Prime Minister, welcomed and applauded with a standing ovation, a Nazi war criminal in the House of Commons. How many other Nazis and war criminals from around the world has the Canadian government welcomed and allowed to immigrate to Canada and call it home?

Until these concerns are addressed and measures implemented, Canada should considerably reduce the speed on blind and deaf immigration. We are not against immigration. We are against reckless immigration policies that undermine and do not bolster our economic, constitutional, and value systems.

In addition, mass immigration not only poses a serious threat to the well-being and livelihood of Canadian citizens but is creating a financial and housing crisis which is not fair to Canadians or the immigrants who find themselves homeless and living in tent cities and on the streets.[11] According to the Canadian Citizenship Act, Rights and Responsibilities of Canadian Citizenship[12]: “Citizens are responsible to look after themselves, including working hard and taking care of their families”. The government, with its reckless immigration policies is breaching this Act by setting up many new immigrants to ultimately fail, which Canadian citizens end up paying for, which is neither sustainable nor equitable.

Mass immigration, especially without integration or assimilation, is destroying our Canadian culture, economy, national security, and is eroding the Canadian fabric from within.

There are rising concerns that what we are experiencing is not merely mass immigration for the purposes of increasing Canada’s population but rather a cynical attempt by the government to buy future votes and pander to a politically correct agenda that does not serve any existing Canadian regardless of their ethnic or cultural background. This reckless, self-interested political ploy also erodes our democratic system and the Canadian Constitution itself.

Therefore, I demand the government cease and desist their reckless immigration policy and implement a moratorium on immigration (with the exception of providing refuge/asylum for persecuted Christians and Jews) until such time as the government can assure Canadians that the policy will be based on selecting immigrants that serve the economic needs of Canada and only  permit those who accept and embrace our Canadian Constitution, democratic system, and other values that are at the crux of Canadian society. Values, which have up until now, enabled this country to flourish for 156 years.



[1] Adler v. Ontario, 1996 CanLII 148 (SCC), [1996] 3 SCR 609, <>












Canadians Have a Right and a Responsibility to Protect Canada’s Sovereignty

Action4Canada is doing a 3 Part series on Immigration, Multiculturalism and Extremism in Canada. It is critical to address the rising threats, in the absence of integration and assimilation. David Lindsay, Co-founder of Common Law Education and Rights (CLEAR), joined Tanya Gaw to discuss Canada’s founding legislation and advise viewers that our government has a duty to uphold it and to limit immigration to those who will embrace Canadian values. Part 1: For further information coinciding with this Empower Hour view HERE

Why We Must Shut Down Immigration from Extremist Nations

Palestinians are rising up across Canada in support of Hamas and the brutal attack against defenseless and innocent civilians in Israel. The government must take immediate action to shut down any group who celebrates and supports terrorism.

Israel is Canada’s closest ally in the Middle East and there is zero tolerance for Palestinians, or anyone for that matter, celebrating the slaughter, rape and murder of innocent people. Freedom to assemble and the freedom of speech do NOT apply in the face of such atrocities.

It’s time to Shut Down Immigration from Extremist Cultures with the exception of providing refuge/asylum for persecuted Christians and Jews.

Please sign and share the petition.

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor.  Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @