Merry Christmas from Action4Canada 2021

Merry Christmas from Action4Canada 2021

Dear Friends, 

The Team at Action4Canada is grateful for the opportunity to wish you and your family a blessed and peaceful Christmas season. 

It has been a challenging year for many. But as we come to its close we are filled with hope as we reflect on the successes of A4C’s Notice of Liability strategic campaigns. We believe Action4Canada is God-breathed and God-inspired so we give Him the glory and trust that there will be many more victories in the New Year. His plans are always perfect. Even through suffering we can find hope in Him and trust that He will “answer the effective, fervent prayers of the righteous”. We pray that you will find peace in the midst of the storm and turn your hearts toward the only One who can save us. We place our hope and salvation in Christ the Lord.

The Action4Canada Empower Hour Christmas Celebration Special was wonderful as we gathered together with A4C friends and family across the nation. You won’t want to miss the caroling, concert pianist solos, heartwarming Christmas stories and more.

In the New Year Action4Canada will be equally devoted to working to protect the guaranteed rights of every Canadian citizen, with as much unrelenting and uncompromising zeal and vigor as we have done in 2021. We are committed to protecting Faith, Family and Freedom.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Health, Happiness and unfailing Freedom in the New Year!

The Team @