Wednesday October 23, 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST. A4C Empower Hour guest segment 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST followed by Tanya’s Weekly News Update. Be sure to Register in Advance and invite others.

Are you concerned about the increasing threat of foreign interference and Canada being a hotbed for extremism? If so, then you will not want to miss the upcoming Empower Hour with special guest Tom Quiggin who is a court-qualified expert on terrorism. Tom joins Tanya Gaw to talk about his new book, “The Assassin’s Mace, How Canada Became China’s Weapon to Conquer America”. This is not just a book; it is a wake-up call. To quote from the cover:

In an era where the clash of civilizations is seen through a military lens, an insidious Chinese strategy has emerged. The book explores China’s grand strategy to infiltrate and dominate the West using Canada as an entry point. The Chinese government is smarter while the West, especially Canada, is extremely vulnerable to outside pressures…

Mr. Quiggin has 30 years plus in the Intelligence Service and is an Intelligence Analyst, Security & Operational Risk Manager, and a Research Analyst Expert. He has testified before the Senate and House of Commons committees as well as the Air India Inquiry (Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182). Mr. Quiggin has written a number of books, including on National Security Intelligence Requirements as well as on The Danger of Political Islam to Canada.  Learn more about Mr. Quiggin HERE and stay informed on the rising threat of Islam in Canada HERE.

The Consequences of the Politicization of the RCMP

If you are not familiar with Tom Quiggin then this previous interview (start 19:32) with Tanya is a good opportunity to hear the level of his expertise as they delve into a conversation about the politicization of the RCMP, who are supposed to be non-partisan, but have been captured, often silenced, and used as the enforcement arm of the Prime Minister’s office. This in turn has affected their ability to enforce the law, and uphold the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms and their oath to serve and protect Canadian citizens.

Tom quotes the preamble to the Charter of Rights which states that Canada is under the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law. He points out that in Canada and other western nations there is a war on Christianity and on morality and that when a country loses its spirituality it has nothing left to guide it. Tom declares that indeed, “Canada has lost its moral compass“.

Therefore, it is critical that Canadians pick a side. Will their allegiance be to the Red-Green Axis (Marxist-Red united with Islam-Green) or will they embrace the foundation of our nation which is based on Biblical Christian principles and values? Many years ago Tanya wrote a Mission Statement for Action4Canada and it is worth a read and consideration.

Our mission is to protect Canada’s rich heritage which is founded on Judeo-Christian biblical principles. Inherited through our British Commonwealth and embedded in the Magna Carta, these principles form our laws and values and are the basis of a system of governance that sets us apart from totalitarian, extremist and communist regimes. Giving Canadians the freedom to believe, or not to believe, without fear of persecution, oppression or even death.

As Joshua 24:15 says, “Now if you are unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

Fighting the Good Fight Despite the Odds

Maxime Bernier, Leader of the People’s Party of Canada, joined Tanya Gaw, to talk about the dire consequences of mass immigration as a result of Trudeau’s reckless immigration policies. Canada has become a hotbed for terrorism and is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference. China and India are not the only countries interfering in our elections and infiltrating all levels of government. Khalistani Sikhs and Muslim extremists now sit at all levels of government and are using their trusted positions to exploit the openness of our society and penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives.

It’s time to clean house and remove all elected officials with dual-citizenship who come from violent non-democratic countries. It’s just good common sense. Please be sure to share this interview, give us a thumbs up, comment, and subscribe to our Rumble channel. Thank you!

Watch A4C’s Weekly News Update

In response to the mainstream media’s campaign to cover up the truth and the real news, Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, provides Weekly News Updates on current issues that are important to Canadians, as well as effective resources and actions to equip and empower citizens in protecting their rights and freedoms and defending this great nation! This week, Tanya highlights the Human Rights case against Barry Neufeld which poses a serious threat to every Canadian’s freedom of speech, as it could set a precedent in censoring those who speak contrary to the “politically correct” narrative. Tanya also addresses many other hot topics, including: how to respond to the newly approved mRNA gene therapy; protecting your assets; responding to municipalities who have gone rogue; and the growing exposure and implosion of extremism in Canada. Subscribe to our Rumble Channel Today!

Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @