Donate to Action4Canada

Action4Canada is volunteer run and 100% supported by the generous donations of members who share our concerns and value our work. We are committed to educating, equipping and empowering Canadians to take action and give the silent majority a much needed voice. We work to protect Canadians rights and freedoms through providing effective resources, legal actions, training and more. 

Action4Canada filed a legal action against the Federal and BC governments in 2021 in response to their extreme emergency measures, for updates Click HereWe reached 100% of the initial funds needed for the Constitutional Challenge, however there are further costs associated with this ongoing action. We are also undertaking additional legal actions against the government’s reckless mass immigration policies. In addition we require funds to defend ourselves against radical, leftist activists. Please support A4C by donating to either the General Fund or Legal Fund and consider becoming a monthly donor.

Payment Methods

You can also support us by ordering our merchandise – click on the image below for more details.

Thank you for your generosity!


If you wish to donate via etransfer, copy one of the email addresses below (for the fund you wish to donate to) then sign into your online banking and select “send an etransfer”. Then paste the copied email address into the “send to” box and enter your donation amount.

If adding a security question please make it simple. Eg. What Year is it?

A4C General Fund:
[email protected]

Legal Action Fund:
[email protected]

Credit Card

Select one of the buttons below:

A4C General Fund:

A4C Legal Fund:

PLEASE NOTE: when you click on a button, a pop-up window will appear. If you do not see the pop-up window then your internet browser is preventing it from opening. In that case, you need to first change your settings to allow pop-ups to open, then refresh the page and try again).


Please make your cheque out to: “Action4Canada Inc.”

Note: It must include “Inc” otherwise the cheque cannot be cashed

and send to:
102 – 15910 Fraser Hwy,
Box #453 Surrey, BC V4N 0X9

Note: this address is not an office


If you wish to donate in cash you can do so with your local Chapter Leader or at an Action4Canada booth at an event.

PLEASE NOTE: Do not use the Donate Buttons above if you wish to order merchandise
– you first MUST go to the merchandise page and donate from there.

E-mail us for support:  [email protected]

Action4Canada is a registered non-profit organization.  We do not have charitable status.
Non-Profit Certificate of Incorporation