Canadian Senators Debate Universal Basic Income
URGENT: The Canadian Senate is currently in the second reading session of Bill S-233 that seeks to develop “a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income.” The bill, if passed, would require the Minister of Finance to develop a national system to provide “guaranteed livable basic income” to everyone in Canada over the age of 17.
The Minister, however, is Chrystia Freeland who earlier this month took the unprecedented step of demanding that banks freeze the accounts of anyone involved in the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, without a court order. Freeland is also a member of the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum (WEF), the group behind the now-infamous “Great Reset,” an agenda that critics say seeks to install a global system similar to that of China’s Social Credit System.
Senator Pate and MP Leah Gazan are urging parliamentarians to pave a path forward via Bill S-233 in the Senate (Bill C-223 in the House of Commons) to address “health, social and economic inequities” and eliminate poverty and inequality. Whilst on the face of it, many would think this a good thing, this bill will open the door to even more control over Canadian citizen’s lives and hurt our struggling economy even further.
The Trudeau government, with the help of the Senate, has spent the past seven years destroying Canada’s economy, targeting small business and individual’s livelihoods so that they are reliant on the government for their basic needs. We were once a nation thriving financially, and now we are at the bottom of the G7.
Socialism has always failed. In fact, it makes the rich richer and more powerful and they know it, and that’s the goal.
Retired Congressman, Ron Paul, said it best, “Instead of a Great Reset of authoritarianism, we need a great rebirth of liberty!”
Let’s work together to make this happen. Contact the Senate now and request they vote NO to the Socialist agenda behind Bill S-233.
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.
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