by A4C | Oct 8, 2023 | Immigration, Political Islam, Weekly Emails
Canadians have been strategically and psychologically conditioned to accept the slow takeover of our nation. The plan has been in the works for nearly 80 years and is directly tied to the UN/WEF Global 2030/2050 Agenda. Canadians need to understand that they have not...
by Jenny Edwards | Oct 8, 2023 | Immigration, Petition, Urgent Actions, Weekly Emails
Sign and Share this petition There are rising concerns that what we are experiencing is not merely mass immigration for the purposes of increasing Canada’s population but rather a cynical attempt by the government to destroy Canada’s sovereignty, founded on...
by A4C | Oct 1, 2023 | Citizen resources, Immigration, Legal, Political Islam, Weekly Emails
The Coronation Oath: Immigration and Multiculturalism Wednesday, October 4, 2023 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance.4:30pm PST – A4C Orientation; 4:45pm PST – Tanya’s update; 5pm PST/8pm EST – Empower Hour guest segment David Lindsay, Co-founder of Common Law...