The (Unintentional) Great Awakening

The (Unintentional) Great Awakening

On Saturday, June 3rd the world premiere livestream event of Plandemic lll: The Great Awakening took place. Millions of people from around the world signed on to be part of this historic event. Mikki Willis and his team worked tirelessly throughout the plandemic to...
Natural Immunity vs Big Pharma

Natural Immunity vs Big Pharma

After three years of experiencing unprecedented government corruption, both nationally and globally, do you trust that the Government is really working to keep you safe? After learning that Big Pharma is immune from all liability resulting from vaccine injury...
Unite and Conquer Mass Psychosis

Unite and Conquer Mass Psychosis

We Need All Hands On Deck! To counter the military-style psychological warfare being waged against the citizens of the world, we need all hands on deck. Educating others, perseverance, civil disobedience and non-compliance are a few of the actions you can take....