Register in Advance
 and invite others, for the Empower Hour , every Wednesday at 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST 

Feb. 26, 2025: Alex Newman, founder of Liberty Sentinel and award winning journalist, once again joins Tanya Gaw on this Empower Hour. Alex provides an overview of the monumental and unprecedented outcomes resulting from the Executive Orders being passed by the Trump administration. This includes declaring the obvious that there are only two sexes, to protecting their borders and deporting millions of illegal immigrants, as well as cutting hundreds of billions of dollars in nefarious national and international funding.

In October 2020, Alex launched a book called Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. Alex was ahead of the curve in exposing the operation of “a State within a State – a shadow government that manipulates and shapes the policies of the visible government, without regard to the best interests of the country, the U.S. Constitution, the laws enacted by congress, or the public policies of the President…to submerge the United States into a World Government…” Alex further exposes the “shadowy swamp creatures inhabiting the underbelly of the entrenched unelected bureaurcacy within the U.S. government in general, and within the so-called intelligence community in particular.”

At the end of the book Alex provides solutions and it will be interesting to hear how they came to fruition in 2024 as a nation rose up to defend their Christian roots and the biblical values that made America great to begin with. This interview will encourage you to believe that there is also hope for Canada if we too embrace our Christian roots and get right with God. You will not want to miss this interview so be sure to register in advance and invite others.

Talk Truth Interview

Tanya was delighted to once again join Allan and Corrie Hunsperger on Talk Truth to provide a detailed and compelling update on Action4Canada’s campaigns, legal actions and much more.

The conversation included exposing the challenges within education and government in regards to the broader implications of the ideological influences in public spaces, such as LGBTQ flags and symbols. Tanya points out that the LGBTQ is a self-professed political movement and therefore it must be removed from the education system. To put it into further perspective, we are not accepting of the current infiltration of communist/Marxist political ideologies infiltrating our schools with anti-Canadian rhetoric that is attacking our foundational values and principals of freedom and democracy, so why are we accommodating the demands of the LGBTQ mafia?

Through it all, Tanya emphasizes the power of faith, prayer, and the urgent need to stand firm in restoring Canada’s foundational values. Tanya is a regular guest on Talk Truth and you can view more interviews HERE.

Action4Canada News Report

Tanya begins the News Report by reviewing a couple of important actions, good news reports and an update on how to secure your assets.

Tanya then provides an in-depth special report (timestamp 35:50) reviewing A4C’s immediate response to so-called Covid-19 in 2020 and highlighting the failure, with devastating consequences, of RCMP top brass to uphold their oath to serve and protect citizens.

In June of 2020 Tanya, met with the RCMP Asst. Commissioner McDonald at BC Headquarters and requested he commence an investigation against the BC and federal government. Tanya provided copious amounts of compelling evidence to the RCMP, including an affidavit and death certificates, and offered to arrange for doctors and nurses to give first hand testimonies. Yet she was repeatedly told they could not present it to the Crown because BC had a higher charge approval threshold to meet than other provinces, and they felt it would not be accepted. However, they wouldn’t even put lead investigators on it to commence an investigation to get the evidence they felt would qualify it. In supporting the government’s unlawful actions it would be reasonable to determine that the RCMP are co-conspirators to the crimes committed?

The web of government corruption, lies and interference is a complex network that reportedly includes officials at the RCMP. They may currently be in the hot seat for their failure to shut down fentanyl drug cartels but it goes much deeper than that. When justice prevails, will the evidence provided in A4C’s report help hold the RCMP to account? Time will tell. Review the report HERE.

Urgent Reminder: Please Take Action!

URGENT: Even if you do not live in the Greater Essex community please take 5 minutes to educate yourself (as this is happening nationwide) and complete and share this action.

The Greater Essex County District School Board has made amendments to their Regulation #R-AD-065, adding special accommodations for gender identity and expression. The following will now be permitted, supported, and enforced by school principals, teachers, and school staff for all ages, from K–12:

  • Student changes to name, gender and pronouns; gender cross-dressing at school; males in female washrooms and change rooms; males in female sports; and principals and teachers keeping secrets from parents.

**This will be done “with or without parents’/guardians’ knowledge. This is true regardless of the age of the student**

It’s time to remind the school board trustees that they are accountable to parents, grandparents, and the tax-paying citizens of Greater Essex County. Parents hold absolute authority over their children, 24/7! The school is not a place for social experimentation that is undermining education and the tried and true family values that are key to raising healthy, strong, and successful children.

Please Take Action and Read More HERE

Thank you! Together we WILL win this battle to protect the hearts and minds of our children!

Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @