Wednesday June 12, 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST.
A4C Empower Hour guest segment 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST followed by Tanya’s Weekly News Update. Be sure to invite others and Register in Advance.

Angelina Ireland, Executive Director of the Delta Hospice Society, joined Tanya Gaw to expose the ongoing threat of the liberal government’s ever expanding euthanasia program, which should really be referred to as a killing protocol for the diseased, disabled, and depressed. Concealed under a deceptively crafted marketing scheme Euthanasia is framed as “compassionate”, “dying with dignity” or a “right to die”. In reality, the government has created a “right to kill”, putting everyone at risk and corrupting our healthcare system in the process.

Angelina gave a presentation and provided facts and information, as well as suggestions on how to safeguard yourself and loved ones (such as carrying a Do Not Euthanize card) from this serious threat that could suddenly and unexpectedly strike any family at any time. Do you have a loved one in a care home or who is disabled, or a young person suffering with depression? Then they are at risk of being offered Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) and you will have no power or control to help them or overturn it.

In 2013, after a diagnosis of cancer, Angelina became a client of the Delta Hospice Society. When she recovered to good health she joined the Board of Directors. In 2019, she was elected the President of the Board. As of February 1, 2024, Angelina has moved into an operations position as the Executive Director of the Delta Hospice Society.

For many years Angelina was engaged in a massive battle against the BC government and MAiD activists who demanded that the Delta Hospice Society, who provided palliative care in their hospice, include MAiD services for their patients. Unfortunately, the BC government took control of their facility, but the activists were not able to take over the organization. DHS continues to advocate for authentic palliative care.

Angelina has been travelling across Canada to bring awareness and to also protect palliative care itself in Canada. Register in Advance to join us for this lifesaving Empower Hour.


Up until 2016, euthanasia was rightly considered an act of murder under Canadian Law. However, with the support of a radical Supreme Court ruling, the Trudeau government decreed doctors and nurses could murder their terminally ill patients, if their patients “consented”.

This initial class of “candidates for killing” – the terminally ill – was soon expanded to include those who are not even dying. Disabled Canadians were added to the “eligibility list” in 2021. Those experiencing depression or other forms of mental illness were scheduled to be added, beginning March 2023 but has been ‘delayed’ till 2027 due to public backlash. They even plan on expanding MAiD to include minors.

Euthanasia is being provided in various locations including in health facilities, funeral homes, family homes, and national Parks! Funeral homes in Quebec, are offering clients a convenient package deal for approximately $700! What is a person’s life worth in BC? According to the Ministry of Health’s payment schedule, a mere $309.33.

Canadians need to know the truth about “legal” euthanasia – who it is killing and how it is corrupting our healthcare system. We need to recognize the evil our government has unleashed.

The Truth About MAiD: It is A Horrifying Way to Die

Watch this short video. You will be shocked to learn that one of the drugs being prescribed to euthanize people is causing a reaction ‘akin to dying by waterboarding or drowning” according to testimony from Dr. Joel Zivot, an anesthesiologist and critical care doctor. 

The reason people seem peaceful is because they are first given a paralytic so they are completely paralyzed and unable to scream for help or make it stop. If you take MAiD orally the death takes between 30 minutes to 24 hours. Potentially 24 hours of active drowning while under a paralytic. Does this sound compassionate, or like dying with dignity? The government is refusing to provide autopsies and are trying to cover it up so that they can continue to kill people to avoid paying medical costs and pensions.

Killing Freedom and Democracy One Bill at a Time!

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, BC physician, joined Tanya Gaw on the last week’s Empower Hour to discuss multiple unlawful Bills that have been fast-tracked through the BC legislature by the NDP government, without public debate or input from experts. Bill 36 hits close to home for Dr. Malthouse and many other doctors, as it threatens to destroy their practice and livelihood if they do not comply with Orwellian policies. In response, Dr. Malthouse is giving presentations online and at town hall meetings throughout BC to help educate as many people as possible, not only on Bill 36 but a list of others that pose a significant threat to our quality of life and how we function on a daily basis. 

These Bills apply to British Columbia but you can rest assure that this agenda is happening in municipalities nationwide. Read Action4Canada’s Weekly Action page on this topic to learn more.

Watch A4C’s Weekly News Updates

In response to the mainstream media’s campaign to cover up the truth and the real news, Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, provides a Weekly News Update on current issues that are important to Canadians, as well as providing effective resources and actions to equip and empower citizens in protecting their rights and freedoms and defend this great nation! Tanya also gives updates on great WINS that are happening in Canada and around the world!  Subscribe to our Rumble Channel Today!

Weekly News Special Investigative Report

This special report exposes government corruption, foreign interference, transnational crimes and indictable offences that includes being complicit with human smuggling and bribery. The government’s action are exponentially putting the safety and security of Canadians at risk. 

In 2019 David McGuinty, Chair of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, provided a report warning that Canada “is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference activities” to the degree that our sovereignty is at risk, including our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. According to the 2024 national security report the matter has gotten increasingly worse.

Please watch and share the report, give us a thumbs up and provide feedback. Thank you.

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadian’s rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor.  Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @