The World Economic Forum (WEF)

Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum and author of the book, COVID-19: The Great Reset. In September 2015 the 2030 Agenda was adopted by 193 United Nations Member States including Canada. Schwab’s book, which was released in July 2020, details how the pandemic is the perfect opportunity to hasten the implementation of the 2030 Agenda: You will own nothing and be happy…

The ultimate aims are to have: one world government; one world central banking system; one world religion; universal basic income and digital id…ie total control.

Review all the World Economic Forum created organizations/programmes/initiatives below to see just how far and how deeply, it has infiltrated all levels of our society.

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

WEF: Shaping Governments

WEF’s Forum of Global Future Councils convenes more than 1000 of the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders from academia, government, international organizations, business and civil society, grouped in expertise-based thematic councils.

Klaus Schwab has boasted that half of the current Canadian government has ties to the WEF. See the list of Liberal Cabinet Members, MPs, Premiers and House Senators who have know WEF ties here.

At a local level there is the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy.

Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR): helps leaders anticipate, understand and shape the trajectory of technological change for human-centered, society-serving outcomes. Composed of 15 centres with a combined staff of more than 200 technology and policy experts, the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network (C4IR Network) is unique in its ability to embrace shared principles in the use of emerging technology and apply them locally in an agile and interoperable manner. Most centres are (co-)hosted and (co-)funded by national public and/or private entities. 

WEF: Shaping Minds

There are many initiatives created by WEF, that aim to shape the minds of young people. These include the WEF Young Scientists; WEF Young Global Leaders; WEF Global Shapers; and WEF New Champions. They also host an annual event called Davos. An additional spin-off organization One Young World founded by David Jones, a huge WEF supporter, calls itself “the most impactful network for young leaders”. View the Canadians who are involved in these groups by clicking on the links below:


Strategic Intelligence: Strategic insights and contextual intelligence from the World Economic Forum. Explore and monitor the issues and forces driving transformational change across economies, industries, and global issues

WEF: Shaping Industry

The World Economic Forum is funded by it’s business members who are classed as its partners. These partners include financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and retail giants.

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship recognises that there are various vehicles for driving and championing social innovation: politics and government, markets, academia as well as social enterprises.

The Global Innovators Community is an invitation-only group of the world’s most promising start-ups and scale-ups that are at the forefront of technological and business model innovation.

UpLink is an open innovation platform that creates bridges for entrepreneurs to connect to the investors, corporate partners, experts and other organizations they need to scale.

Sustainable Development Goals are a UN/WEF initiative: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. However, in reality they are basically a bad social credit scoring system for businesses. 

WEF: Shaping Healthcare

Global Coalition for Health Systems is a public-private coalition launched at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2019 in Davos. This is a collaboration between the World Economic Forum, the international organization for public-private cooperation and leading healthcare stakeholders to promote and drive global health system transformation. We partner with governments, leading companies, academia, and experts from around the world to co-design and pilot innovative new approaches to person-centered healthcare. We are realigning public and private healthcare incentives around value by launching public private partnerships around the world. 

The Global Innovation Hub for Value in Healthcare community serves as a collaboration platform to accelerate the pace of value-based transformation in health systems around the world by identifying evidence-based matured pilots to serve as proof of concept of value-based healthcare models.

See an example of this in Alberta that was reported on in 2020:

Invitation to join World Economic Forum coalition gives Albertans access to cutting-edge research & resources | July 2, 2020

WEF Global Future Councils

Each of the topics below has a specific Council dedicated to it. These members and activities of these Councils can be found in the yearly Annual Reports found here. The list of Canadians actively involved with each Council can be found here.

WEF Global Future Council Websites

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)



CANADA: Sustainable Development Goals

SDGs (also known as ESGs, Environmental Sustainable Goals) are a social credit system for businesses that are being promoted by both WEF and the United Nations. See Jordan Peterson’s video “Message to CEOs” to understand more of their background how these “ideological goals” work in the real world.

Russel Brand also discusses how these SDGs actually push business to comply: “Klaus Schwab and the WEF tout their work in saving the world using environmental metrics called ESGs. But if companies that have good scores are actually the worst environmental violators, could it be that what the WEF are really working towards is a social credit scoring system?”

The One Young World organization has a program called Lead2030 is the “world’s biggest cash fund for young leaders working on the SDGs”.


Yuval Noah Harari – Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab