News Release – Urgent Message to Canadians
We, the undersigned, wish to make the following statement based on the fluid, unfolding events in Ottawa in relation to the Freedom Convoy.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees every Canadian’s right to peacefully assemble and the right to protest.
For nearly two weeks, Canadians with their families and children from all over the country from different ages, races, ethnicities, religions and beliefs have gathered in our Nation’s capital to exercise this right in unity, peace and love.
Many of the undersigned have attended and are still present in Ottawa. We have witnessed peaceful demonstration and have observed multiple acts of humanity which define what it means to be Canadian. These acts include providing meals to the homeless population, tidying the streets of trash and snow, keeping watch of the tomb of the unknown soldier and other monuments and assisting business owners with tidiness while providing patronage to their establishment. There is overwhelming evidence to substantiate what we have witnessed first-hand.
The corporate media’s coverage of these events does not accurately depict what is transpiring.
The government’s decision to block refueling of the trucks puts fellow Canadians and their families including their young children in danger due to the extreme cold temperatures currently occurring in Ottawa. Regardless where one stands on this topic, these actions are inhumane and do not align with Canadian principles.
The spirit of the protest in Ottawa is that of peace and coming together as a nation. We will continue encouraging the non-violent nature of the protest and non-interference with emergency vehicles and businesses established in the area.
If Canada truly is a democratic nation, then we call on our duly elected members of government to engage in meaningful dialogue consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Unjustly labelling those protesting the unconstitutional public health orders as terrorists, racists and misogynists is unacceptable and creates further divide.
“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” – John Diefenbaker, July 1, 1960 from the Canadian Bill of Rights.
Police on Guard
Mounties 4 Freedom
ACT! For Canada
Stand up Canada
Take Action Canada
Mama Bears
Police for Freedom
Vaccine Choice Canada
Canadian Frontline Nurses
Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms
Rick Nicholls – Deputy Leader Ontario Party, MPP Chatham-Kent-Leamington
Harold Albrecht – Retired MP – Kitchener Conestoga
Derek Sloan – Leader Ontario Party
Dean Allison – MP for Niagara West
Randy Hillier – MPP Lenark-Frontenac-Kingston/No More Lockdowns
Larry Sault – Former Chief and Grand Chief in Ontario/ Indigenous Consultant (Present)