University Freedom of Speech Policy/UBC Complaint/Charter Rights
January 2020
Dear Friends,
Communist and mass murderer, Joseph Stalin, said, “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
University students that dare to exercise freedom of speech on campuses are routinely being intimidated by far left groups. While professors push cultural Marxism and self-styled Antifa groups use violence to shut down free speech, university administratons capitulate.
However, in British Columbia some students are taking action to defend their constitutional rights, and we need to support them!
Please join us in sending Premier Horgan a letter (see below) urging that he follow the example of Ontario’s Premier Ford and Alberta’s Premier Kenney by introducing a “Free Speech Policy“.
A letter has been sent to President Santa Ono of UBC detailing the reasons for this request (see letter #2 below). We further ask that you write and/or call President Ono requesting he reverse his decision to cancel Andy Ngo’s speaking engagement which was to be held on the UBC Robson Square campus on Januray 29th.
Please take Action and either copy and paste the letters provided below or write your own.
Lastly, Janice Fiamengo will be speaking at UBC on Wednesday, Jan. 22th (6pm -8:30pm). This event was postponed in Nov. in an effort to shut her down. Please consider attending if you live in the area. Purchse ticket HERE
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you & God Bless Canada!
Letter #1
West Annex Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Phone: (250) 387-1715
Dear Premier Horgan,
I am writing to request the implementation of Free Speech Policy on all campuses throughout BC.
Across Canada Universities and Colleges are under threat of losing the freedom of speech, freedom of thought, belief and the freedom to assemble due to the threats and violence of Antifa and left-wing activists (self-described communist anarchists/Marxists groups). The following video (View Here) is an example of one such event which occurred on Oct. 9, 2019 at the UBC campus and one in which the University Administration has yet to respond to.
The UBC administration is refusing to take action and instead is choosing to cancel speaking engagements. Legal action is therefore commencing as this is a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Read Here
This is gaining international and global attention. Is this the image of Academia the province wishes to relay on the world stage?
The following letter to UBC President Santa Ono (Read Here) outlines several complaints and provides evidence as to why a “Free Speech Policy” must be introduced forthwith.
Ontario’s Premier Ford and Alberta’s Premier Kenney have already implemented Free Speech Policy.
I request the Premier of BC do likewise.
Thank you, I look forward to your immediate attention to this matter.
Yours Truly,
Letter #2
Office of the President, The University of British Columbia
1958 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z2
604 822-0663
Re: UBC’s Cancellation of Andy Ngo’s speaking engagement due to Antifa threats
Dear President Santa Ono, UBC,
This letter is in response to the Global news report announcing the cancellation of Andy Ngo from speaking on Jan. 29 due to threats and concerns over campus safety. It is reported that legal action may follow should UBC decide not to reverse their decision. Global News Report
With all due respect I believe that UBC’s ongoing capitulation to radical groups, who are falsely labelling speakers they oppose to as “far right” and “controversial,” is central to the elimination of freedom of speech at the UBC campus. Labelling individuals as “far right” is a tactical measure in achieving the so called “far left’s” goal. To witness UBC caving in to this strategy is evidence that those who have been entrusted to oversee the integrity and safety of the campus is lacking the skills necessary to protect and uphold UBC’s own policy on “Freedom of Expression”
It is understood that Mr. Holton, the Safety Officer, retired on January 6,2020 and was replaced by Ms. Rae Ann Aldridge.
Mr. Holton, based on his own admission, lacked the experience necessary to deal with the threats and take the appropriate measures to ensure not only the present, but long term, safety of the UBC campus. Rather than contact law enforcement Mr. Holton cancelled the event and made the following statement as reported by Global News, “We don’t know how to handle these protests, and our hope is that by cancelling these controversial events, with time things will settle down with these groups and they won’t do it anymore”.
This is a naive approach considering Students Against Bigotry, who are reportedly behind the threats and protests, have been active since 2016 and have posted a chart bragging about their endeavours. Does this appear to be a group who intend to “settle down” and stop their radical activity? This is not a new problem at UBC and has been permitted to go on for many years. Read Here
President Ono, the following video, taken at a UBC event on Oct. 9, 2019, is evidence of the chaos and violence taking place on your watch. Please view the Students Against Bigotry as they “protest” this event.
Showing up with masks is a criminal offence as is blocking people from attending an event and yelling profanities. What actions, if any, has UBC taken to address this incident? View Here
Multiple complaints have been filed with the RCMP and UBC and there will be many more to come if these matters are not dealt with immediately and appropriately.
I would be interested to know how the parents of the students attending UBC feel about this type of activity taking place on campus grounds without ‘any’ appropriate response from you sir. I would further be interested in what affect this video will have on the reputation of UBC as a world class institution for learning.
Janice Fiamengo will be speaking on Jan.15th and I request you personally see to the safety of the guests attending which in turn will be a step toward the reputation of UBC remaining in tact.
In closing I request that you reverse your decision to cancel Mr. Ngo’s speaking engagement.
I look forward to your reply.
Best Regards,