Provincial Ministers of Education

Provincial Ministers of Education

British Columbia

The Honourable Jennifer Whiteside

Minister of Education
Room 306, Parliament Buildings
Victoria BC  V8V 1X4

Email: [email protected]
Telephone:(250) 356-8247 



The Honourable Adriana LaGrange

Minister of Education
228 Legislature Building
10800-97 Avenue
Edmonton AB  T5K 2B6

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 780-427-5010



The Honourable Dustin Duncan

Minister of Education
Room 361, Legislative Building
2405 Legislative Drive
Regina SK  S4S 0B3

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 306-787-7360



The Honourable Cliff Cullen

Minister of Education
Room 168, Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg MB  R3C 0V8

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 204-945-3720



The Honourable Stephen Lecce

Minister of Education
5th Floor, 438 University Avenue
Toronto ON  M5G 2K8

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 416-325-2600



The Honourable Jean-Francois Roberge

Ministère de l’Éducation
Édifice Marie-Guyart
1035, rue De La Chevrotière 16e étage
Québec (Quebec)  G1R 5A5

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 418-644-0664


Nova Scotia

The Honourable Becky Druhan

Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development
4th Floor, Brunswick Place
Halifax NS  B3J 2S9

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 902-424-4236


Prince Edward Island (PEI)

The Honourable Natalie Jameson
Minister of Education and Lifelong Learning
Holman Centre
4th Floor, 250 Water Street
Summerside PE C1N 1B6

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 902-368-4610


Newfoundland and Labrador

The Honourable Tom Osborne

Minister of Education
3rd Floor, West Block
Confederation Building
100 Prince Philip Drive
St. Johns NL  A1B 4J6

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 709-729-5097


New Brunswick

The Honourable Dominic Cardy

Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development
Place 2000
4th Floor, 250 King Street
Frederickton NB  E3E 9M9

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 506-453-2523


Northwest Territories

The Honourable R.J. Simpson
Minister of Education, Culture and Employment
Main Floor, Wright Centre
104-62 Woodland Drive
Hay River NT  X0E 1G1

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 867-767-9141 ext. 11120



The Honourable David Joanasie

Minister of Education
Building 1107, 2nd Floor
Iqaluit Nunavut  X0A 0H0

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 867-975-5600



The Honourable Jeanie McLean

Minister of Education
2071 Second Avenue
Whitehorse Yukon  Y1A 1B2

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 867-393-7494