Protect Our Kids, Remove the Masks

Protect Our Kids, Remove the Masks

Sign and Share the Petitions Below!

Why are Teacher Federations Pushing for a “Mask Culture”?

Students are at nearly zero percent risk of contracting or transmitting the respiratory virus referred to as Covid-19 and have a 99.997% survival rate. There is a 31% increase in youth requiring mental health related hospitalizations directly related to the nonsensical emergency measures.

Parents must take a stand and put a stop to this.

Please sign “all” the provincial petitions and remove the masks from your kids. We have also provided the emails for each Union president for parents to follow up in their province … to press them to comply. 


British Columbia –

Teri Mooring, President
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
100 – 550 West 6th Ave
Vancouver BC  V5Z 4P2

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  604-871-2283
Toll free:  1-800-663-9163


Alberta –

Jason Schilling, President
Alberta Teachers’ Association
350, 6815 8 Street NE
Calgary AB  T2E 7H7

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  403-265-2672
Toll Free:  1-800-332-1280


Saskatchewan –

Patrick Maze, President
Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation
2317 Arlington Ave
Saskatoon SK S7J  2H8

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  306-373-1660
Toll Free:  1-800-667-7762


Manitoba –

James Bedford, President
Manitoba Teachers’ Society
McMaster House, 191 Harcourt St
Winnipeg MB  R3J 3H2

Email:  http://[email protected]
Telephone:  204-888-7961
Toll Free:  1-800-262-8803


Ontario –

Parker Robinson, President
Ontario Teachers’ Federation
Suite 100, 10 Alcorn Ave
Toronto ON  M4V 3A9

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  416.966.3424
Toll Free:  1.800.268.7061


Quebec –

Heidi Yetman, President
Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers
Suite 1 , 17035 Brunswick Blvd
Kirkland QC  H9H 5G6

Email:  [email protected]
Phone:  514-694-9777
Toll-Free:  800-361-9870


Nova Scotia –

Paul Wozney, President
Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union
3106 Joseph Howe Dr
Halifax NS  B3L 4L7

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  902-477-5621
Toll Free:  1-800-565-6788


Prince Edward Island (PEI) –

Aldene Smallman, President
Prince Edward Islands Teachers’ Federation
24 Glen Stewart Dr.
Stratford, PEI  C1A 8L4

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  (902) 569-4157
Toll Free:  1-800-903-4157


Newfoundland and Labrador –

Dean Ingram, President
Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association
3 Kenmount Rd
St. John’s NL  A1B 1W1

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  (709) 726-3223
Toll Free:  1 800 563-3599


New Brunswick –

Rick Cumming, President
New Brunswick Teachers’ Association
650 Montgomery St
Fredericton NB  E3B 2X7

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  506-452-1724
Toll Free:  1-800-565-5626


Northwest Territories –

Matthew Miller, President
Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
5018-48 Street
Yellowknife NT  X1A 2P7

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  867-873-8501


Nunavut –

John Fanjoy, President
Nunavut Teachers’ Association
38 Abe Okpik Cres
Iqaluit  X0A 0H0

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone: (867) 979-0750, Ext. 221


Yukon –

Ted Hupé, President
Yukon Teachers’ Association
2064 2nd Ave
Whitehorse Yukon  Y1A 1A9

Email:  [email protected]
Telephone:  (867) 668-6777, Ext 3
Toll Free:  1-866-668-2097