PayPal and Global News Teaming up to Censor Canadians

PayPal and Global News Team up in an Effort to Censor Action4Canada

Send Global News a Message (see below) and defend the Right to Free Speech

February 28, 2021

Stewart Bell claims to be an investigative reporter working for Global News but he is failing miserably. Bell reached out to Action4Canada this week making baseless accusations and libelous tweets.

Tanya Gaw, a founder of Action4Canada, responded to Mr. Bell and discovered that he was working on a report intending to expose organizations who were spreading so called Covid-19 misinformation. Mr. Bell further admits that he is the one behind calling PayPal and having the account cancelled. That’s right, PayPal cancelled Action4Canada’s account without any notice based on a two bit reporters unfounded claims.

Global News Report:

“Action4Canada, whose website claims COVID-19 is part of an “agenda” “to usher in the Great Reset,” and describes the vaccine as “harmful and deadly,” was using PayPal to raise money for a law suit against the B.C. and federal governments.”
Stewart Bell: 
“But after Global News asked PayPal to comment, its account was taken down.”

**we will have an alternative payment service available soon. 

It appears Mr.Bell intended to cause harm to Action4Canada because our messaging is having an impact in countering the governments COVID-19 agenda. Unlike Mr. Bell, Action4Canada’s reporting relies on experts, scientific evidence and facts. Something that Mr. Bell and the government have yet to provide to Canadians.

Mr. Bell’s efforts have failed and instead provided A4C with great free advertising allowing more Canadians to become informed.

Action4Canada is an organization working hard to defend Canadians civil liberties. Will you join us in sending Global News a message stating,  “Stewart Bell’s libelous tweet against Action4Canada, and failure to investigate and report the truth, has lost them my viewership.”

Email: [email protected]


Thank you and God Bless Canada

From the Team @