March for Life

On Thursday May 12, 2022, 6am -6pm Canadians will gather peacefully on Parliament Hill in defence of life at all stages. The 2022 theme ” I AM” is a shout into the abyss that “I exist,” because existence is always enough! No human being should ever have to argue their worth or their very right to life.

The March for Life unites thousands of Canadians in Ottawa and across the nation who stand for life…from conception to natural death.

Are you aware that for the past seven years, Trudeau and the Liberal party have focused on incrementally creating a Culture of Death? This is in line with the globalist agenda to decrease the world population.

For instance, euthanasia, assisted suicide, was conveniently implemented prior to Covid-19 and the terms broadened as to who could qualify. Are you aware that due to the extreme lockdowns and cruel treatment of our elderly, who were isolated and prohibited from having any meaningful human contact, many were requesting to be euthanized? Trudeau also expanded euthanasia to give access to individuals suffering with mental illness and is also offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.” 

Are you aware that Canada is the only ‘developed’ nation that does not have any abortion legislation? Abortion is available in Canada throughout the third trimester. Further, Sex Selective Abortion, aborting female fetuses, has become increasingly common in Canada due to the mindset of people immigrating here who put less value on girl’s lives.

Something is very wrong with this picture and it is time for a change.

The debate over the sanctity of life is at the centre of growing controversy as the UN and WEF advance their aggressive abortion agenda. The Order of Rights” is a movie that raises the issue of whether a child in the womb is a person or not.

Riveting Movie Exposing the Abortion Industry

If you have never seen the movie Unplanned we recommend you watch it as the other side of the story needs to be heard. Citizens have been inundated with the government messaging of ‘pro-choice’ and ‘a woman’s right to choose.’ But as we have experienced during Covid-19, bodily autonomy and the right to choose is limited in their meaning and only apply when in line with the government PYSOP.

Regarding the upcoming decision on Roe vs Wade, every freedom fighter should consider it a massive win if it is overturned as it is a major step in pushing back against the globalist agenda. 

Moving forward we must continue to engage legislatures to enact legal protection for Canada’s most vulnerable. And, it is vital that you know who you vote for and where they stand on these critical issues!

If you are going to Ottawa for the National March for Life and need any help or more information, contact Campaign Life Coalition by email: [email protected] or at their Ottawa office: 613-729-0379.

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor and help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @