UN Global Compact on Migration is destroying Western Nations
November 12, 2018
Sign the Petition: Hold a Referendum on the Global Compact on Migration
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
Many countries are refusing to sign onto the Global Compact agreement as they recognize it will lead to the destabilization of their nations and impoverish their citizens. It will not, and cannot, accomplish the impossible goal of eliminating world poverty.
World Poverty, Immigration and Gumballs
As long as Middle Eastern leaders (whom are among the wealthiest in the world), elite globalists and totalitarian rulers are permitted to maintain their enormous wealth, the UN should not be given the power to make such outrageous demands of Western Nations.
If world leaders are genuinely concerned about world poverty and think they can rid the world of it then they should lead by example. They, and their multi-billionaire (trillionaire) friends, should be the first to forfeit and distribute ‘their’ wealth?
The UN leaders pushing this agenda, as well Soros, Globalist elites and the like, are advancing it with the sole purpose to gain global power, global control and global wealth… at the cost of every day, hard working people.
The Global Compact initiative to force migration and distribute wealth from western nations will not cure poverty. Rather it is rapidly impoverishing Western Nations. Due to mass immigration and the Liberal government recklessly giving away excessive foreign aid, as if it is monopoly money, Canada is experiencing an unprecedented housing crisis and increase in our deficit. What does the future look like for our children?
Socialism, Marxism, Globalism and totalitarian dictatorships lead to the destruction of nations. China, North Korea, Cuba and the Middle East are all prime examples of these failed systems of governance that robs citizens of their wealth and God-given inalienable rights and freedoms.
Therefore, Canadians demand that the government pull out of the numerous Global Compact agreements.
Yours Truly,
Concerned Canadian
UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 – A must see for every Canadian (start 3:46). View Here
Global Compact Refugees and Migrants Read Here
Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration Read Here
Sustainable Development Goals Read Here
Global Compact – Extended Version
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are heavily involved in advancing radical LGBTQ ideology.
Queering the Sustainable Development Goals in Canada SDG 1-6 – Egale Canada Read Here
Canada Global Development Goals. Read Here
UN Global Compact 2016 Read Here
About the Sustainable Development Goals