Will there be a Leader representing your core values at the Leadership Debate?

A snap election can be called at any time once the new leader of the Liberal party is appointed on March 9, 2025.

It is important that you are prepared and have taken the time to review each Party’s platforms (scroll down) and then choose the Party and candidate that best aligns with your core values.

It is also important to tune into the debates to hear the position of each leader on critical issues such as the economy, housing, immigration, euthanasia, abortion, foreign interference and protecting our freedoms and democracy.

Speaking of debates, on January 14, 2025 the Leaders’ Debates Commission once again moved the goal posts, as it did in 2021, and changed its criteria, based on dubious polls, so as to exclude Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People’s Party. Maxime responded saying:

“This change only has one obvious purpose, one that unites the whole political establishment in Ottawa: Making it easier to exclude the PPC. These new rules only affect me, the leader of the only new party to emerge forcefully on the federal political scene in decades, and none of the other leaders expected to participate. They want to deny a voice to 840,000 Canadian voters who supported the PPC in 2021.” Learn more HERE (List of Vacant Ridings).

It is still possible for the PPC to qualify but the establishment are not making it easy. In 2021 Maxime had 4.9% of the vote and he only needed 4% to qualify, but the previous dubious polling results put the party at 3.27%. The other option is for the PPC to run candidates in 90% of the 343 ridings. As you can imagine this is a huge undertaking, but it is doable. They have nearly 300 candidates approved so far and are working to have a full slate and with a little help from citizens they could reach their goal before March 9.

Call to Action: There are two options available to represent the party, either as a Full-Candidate or to lend your name as a Ballot-Only candidate to ensure voters in your riding have the PPC option on the ballot. The benefit of running as a Ballot-Only candidate is that EVERY name counts toward meeting the criteria. The process is very simple. Either sign up today or encourage someone else to step up. Apply HERE.

Action4Canada is not endorsing one party over another. We are addressing this issue because we believe it crosses party lines. This is a matter of upholding and protecting the Constitution and Section 3 of the Charter, which guarantees Canadians a fair election, and to also hold Elections Canada to account as every Canadian has a right to have a representative at the debates who support their core values.

All Party Platforms

Christian Heritage Party – Platform

Conservative Party – Platform Policy Declaration

Bloc Québécois – 2021 Platform (2025 platform not listed)

Green Party of Canada – Platform 

People’s Party of Canada – Platform

Liberal Party – 2021 Platform (2025 platform not listed)

New Democrat Party – Platform aka “Commitments”

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Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @