Wednesday December 4, 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST. A4C Empower Hour guest segment 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST followed by Tanya’s Weekly News Update. Be sure to Register in Advance and invite others.
The Hon. Brian Peckford, former Premier and the last surviving architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, joins Tanya Gaw on this Empower Hour to absolutely confirm the fact that Canada IS a Christian nation: a country founded on Judeo-Christian biblical principles that are embedded in our Magna Carta and Constitution and form our laws and our values. It is plainly carved on the walls of our Parliamentary buildings and included in our National Anthem.
The opening words to the Charter, “Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law” are the framework principles (Christian biblical principles based on God, the Creator) through which the Charter is to be interpreted and supersedes any other sections (ie. items listed under “General”) that suggest otherwise.
For example, Section 27 states, “This Charter shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians”, however this does nothing more than acknowledge that there are people from many societies who are a part of the country. Despite this, the government, courts and Human Rights Tribunals are using it out of context to give foreigners the latitude to prioritize their foreign belief systems/religions, which violates the government’s commitment to a Christian standard of living. Hon. Peckford has previously confirmed that Section 2(a), Freedom of Religion, was added to prohibit the government from interfering with religion based on the Christian God and not for other religions to set up camp and/or take precedence.
Former PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau had a plan to divide Canada and undermine our democracy by declaring that we are a multicultural nation. This is in violation of the Coronation Oath (see below) and therefore must be revoked.
Whether you are a Christian, agnostic, atheist, lgbtq or from a different religion, you should be aware that the freedom and democracy that we enjoy does not exist in any country other than those founded on Christianity. The biblical principles that form our laws and values are the basis of a system of governance that sets us apart from totalitarian, extremist and communist regimes, giving Canadians the freedom to believe, or not believe, without fear of persecution, oppression or even death.
If you are at odds with this statement then we challenge you to look at the 56 Islamic majority countries or Pakistan, North Korea, China, India, etc. There are good people living in those nations but they are ruled by oppressive regimes, such as communism or Sharia law.
It is therefore in the best interest of all Canadians to understand how critical it is to put all our differences aside, and fight to preserve the foundation of this nation!
Proof: 25 Scripture Verses on Parliament Buildings!

Did you know that there are 25 Scripture Verses etched in and on the Peace Tower at the Parliament buildings? You can find these Scriptures in the external concrete arches of the Peace Tower, in the brass on the Altar of Remembrance in the Memorial Chamber and etched in the beautiful Stained Glass Windows on the East, South and West of the Memorial Chamber.
Why is this important? Because it provides indisputable evidence of our history. We cannot sit back and allow the Liberal globalist traitors to re-write it!
The Coronation Oath: Key to Canada’s Freedom
What does the Coronation Oath have to do with immigration, multiculturalism, property rights, protecting our borders, and your God-given inalienable rights and freedoms? Everything! It is part of our Constitution, and the courts do not have the power to alter it. Therefore, if any statute or law or amendment has been passed that is in violation of it, it must be revoked.
A little history. The first Coronation Oath was established by the British Monarchy in 973 AD and it committed to uphold the Christian religion. The first protestant Coronation Oath was sworn in 1547 and is the foundation of the governance of the British Commonwealth of which Canada is a part. The Oath maintains that the Commonwealth must be ruled by the laws of God, the true Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law. After Queen Elizabeth’s death in 2022, Charles III became the King and on May 6, 2023 was formally sworn in. As part of the ceremony, King Charles swore the Coronation Oath which means he must also govern the Commonwealth accordingly.
This information is critical to know and understand because it is also incumbent on the Canadian government to adhere to governing Canada based on the laws of God, which are founded on biblical Christian principles.
David Lindsay is an expert on the Coronation Oath. He has joined Tanya on the Empower Hour numerous times and also hosted workshops to educate Canadians on how critical the Coronation Oath is in preserving our heritage. To view previous Empower Hours and access further information VIEW HERE.
Native Activists: Seeking to Destroy Canadian Sovereignty
Michelle Stirling, author, researcher, columnist and blogger, joined Tanya Gaw to expose Native activists who are increasing their false narrative propaganda. Michelle discussed a new documentary, Sugarcane, that omits vital facts to turn two true stories into one big lie. It is a fake crime story that blood libels Canada, Canadians and Roman Catholics.
In addition, Michelle responded to Kimberly Murray, the special interlocutor who headed the federal probe on missing children and unmarked graves. Murray wants to bring in Indigenous law, ‘decolonize’ empathy and imprison ‘denialists’ despite the fact that the 1300 page report does not support her accusations.
Native activists are inciting hatred, endangering lives, and working to destroy Canadian Sovereignty. Further, Canada is being labelled as a genocidal nation on the world stage which is an important part of the globalist’s agenda to break Western nations in order to form a One World Government. It is imperative that we call out the lies and deceit. A federal investigation should commence against anyone involved in misleading the public and inciting hate in this way. Learn more HERE.
Watch A4C’s Weekly News Update
This week Tanya reports on a number of encouraging wins and alerts Canadians about a serious attack on our sovereignty. Tanya covers other interesting headline news items and, unlike other news sources, provides solutions to the most pressing issues of the day. Please share this information, Subscribe to our Rumble channel, and remember to give Action4Canada a thumbs up! Thank you!
Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!
If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected]
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.
God bless you and God bless Canada!
The Team @