Wednesday September, 4 2024 – Zoom Doors open at 4:25pm PST/7:25pm EST.
A4C Empower Hour guest segment 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST followed by Tanya’s Weekly News Update. Be sure to invite others and Register in Advance. Reminder: It is important that you update your Zoom App/Software from time to time to ensure your audio and video work properly.

On this week’s Empower Hour Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada, provides an encouraging and uplifting report on the incredible campaigns that the team at Action4Canada has launched, to help train up and equip our youth for leadership, encourage parents, strengthen marriages, and our consistent actions to defend Faith, Family and Freedom! See our newest campaigns for the fall highlighted below and be sure to register for the ones that apply to you.

Just a reminder that during the summer we also launched a really important Back to School campaign calling on men (fathers/grandfathers/step-dads/uncles) to accompany their children on the first day of school, to remind teachers and principals just whose children they are! We also launched the See You at the Pole event which is an annual time of prayer where students meet at their school flagpole, before school, to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God. It is student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led!

The Action4Canada National team and Chapter Leaders nationwide had very little time to rest as we worked throughout the summer strategizing and actively implementing additional campaigns to oppose the 15 Minute Cities and mass immigration, bring public awareness to the sexualization of our children, legal actions and so much more.

You can help by sharing all of our campaigns and information and encouraging others to JOIN A4C. There is strength in numbers!

Action4Canada cannot accomplish this work without your financial support so please consider a one time gift or becoming a monthly donor.

The key to the successful future of Canada is our youth and therefore we must make it a top priority to invest in them. Since 2022 Action4Canada has been focused on educating our youth, giving them a voice and teaching them how to advocate for themselves and effectively engage their peers and authorities in their lives with respect and confidence. In addition, they also learn about the Constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Social Issues.

It’s time to REGISTER for Part two of the next five week Youth Leadership & Speaker Program, which takes place each Friday beginning October 4, 2024. Learn more and register HERE.

Business Owners: Please consider sponsoring a youth and help Action4Canada continue to be able to provide these essential programs.

As a parent, could you use some encouragement on how to address some of today’s most challenging topics?

If so, Action4Canada is here to help. We are inviting you to a 5 week Parenting Webinar Series that will take place every Tuesday beginning on October 1, 2024. The series was developed by Family Life Canada (FLC) who have been bringing help and hope to marriages and families for over 30 years. These sessions will help parents who are struggling, have deep frustrations, and some big, unanswered questions. We want to help you find not just any answers, but those that are grounded in biblical wisdom. Action4Canada feels honoured to come alongside you and help in this wonderful journey called “parenting”, so be sure to Register today and please share this information with other parents.

Action4Canada is also hosting an online Marriage Workshop Series for married and engaged couples, every Tuesday for five weeks, beginning November 5, 2024. Our hosts will be Neil and Sharol Josephson, directors of Family Life Canada.

This workshop will give couples the tools needed to grow a healthier, more joy-filled and resilient marriage. Each session will include exercises and guided conversations to help couples move past differences and drift to a place of greater closeness and trust. Couples learn how to strengthen the foundation of their relationship in the important areas of communication, conflict, sex and spirituality.

It is a proven fact that healthy marriages are the cornerstone, not only of a strong family unit but also a thriving society. Let’s work together toward the great goal of building marriages that last a lifetime. This workshop is an excellent tool to help couples discover how incredibly good marriage can be — for their own relationships, their families, their church and our country. Learn more and register HERE.

Talk Truth Interview

In this episode of Talk Truth, Corri and Allan Hunsperger, sit down with Tanya Gaw to discuss the impactful work of Action4Canada, a nationwide organization dedicated to equipping citizens with resources and mobilizing them to address social issues. From combating harmful educational agendas to promoting homeschooling and community engagement, Tanya speaks passionately about the battle for the future of Canada’s children and families! Please watch and share this important interview with others.

Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving and protecting our children, the natural family, Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation! 

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @